Sentences with phrase «importance of connection»

«It is interesting to consider the evolutionary importance of the connection between the auditory areas, cortical, and the more primitive system of emotional evaluation, subcortical,» says the researcher.
Brands that understand this and the importance of connection are paving the way in how they build relationships — rather than transactions — with their customers.
This is the importance of the connection between the early Luther and the Rhineland mystics like Johann Tauler, or between Luther, Calvin, and Bernard of Clairvaux.
Insisting, in our public - policy decisions, on the importance of the connection between homosexual promiscuity and the transmission of AIDS is not an instance of heterosexual homophobia.
Brown explains the importance of this connection: «Knights who claimed to be «searching for the chalice» were speaking in code as a way to protect themselves from a Church that had subjugated women, banished the Goddess, burned nonbelievers, and forbidden the pagan reverence for the sacred feminine.»
ACA recently spoke with Tough about why character strengths are critical to success, the importance of connection, and what camps offer kids in the way of role models, community, and unique learning environments.
It takes into account the importance of connection and comfort, as well as the structure and limits that are essential for children's psychological growth.
Various studies have indicated the importance of connections to others, including the health benefits.
We are talking about the importance of connection with our babies.
What really stood out in that interview, though, was Hayes's passion for his research — the fascination of it, the importance of the connection he has discovered, and the opportunity to use field and lab work as vehicles for teaching.
Functional medicine envisions the body as an interconnected whole that is in dynamic relationship to its environment and recognizes the importance of these connections in health and disease.
Yin Yoga reminds us of the importance of connection, just as autumn is the connection between heat and cold.
Holistic: Treats the body as an interconnected whole, and recognizes the importance of these connections in health and disease.
It is an evidence - based field of health care that views the body as an interconnected whole, and recognizes the importance of these connections in health and disease.
Then public opinion comes and makes us think about the importance of connection of our life with this particular person.
The importance of this connection between school and church is evident in the tuition policies of the schools, which offer substantial discounts for members of the LCMS church.
This time, «Renewal» schools are meeting to decide what performance benchmarks they want to hit in the coming years, others are planning field trips across the city, and — at Chancellor Carmen Fariña's urging — many others will check out a TED Talk about the importance of connections between teachers and students.
Summary: This is an interview with the author, Paul Tough, whose new book «Helping Children Succeed» explores the importance of connection and meaningful hard work that will help children persevere when the going gets tough.
Publishers want authors who know the importance of connections.
We understand the importance of connection and matching lifestyles.
The importance of the connection between shelter dogs and the individuals caring for them can not be overstated.
His method and style in Chatterton reveal the importance of his connection to the Pre-Raphaelite movement, seen in the vibrant colours and careful build - up of symbolic detail.
To support small businesses, Yell has launched Connect, a service recognising the importance of connections, word of mouth recommendations and referrals.
College connectionsWhile fall is often the time of year people place an extra emphasis on their college ties through homecoming events and reunions, do not lose sight of the importance of those connections year round.
I emphasize self - care, mindfulness and the importance of connection in all of my therapeutic relationships.»
I recognize the importance of the connection and integration of the mind, body and spirit in increasing ones quality of life.
My experience as a clinician has helped me appreciate the importance of connection and love as cornerstones of our personhood.
The themes that have been celebrated today on National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children's Day — including the importance of connection to culture for children's w...
I also recognize the importance of the connection between client and therapist, and my interpersonal style often leads those I work with to feel comfortable and connected.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle is a key policy measure that can shape culturally respectful and inclusive practice that is attuned to the importance of connections to family, community, culture and country for children.
The themes that have been celebrated today on National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children's Day — including the importance of connection to culture for children's wellbeing — must become part of the every - day of research, policymaking and service delivery.
A professor of Indigenous Health and Education at the University of Wollongong, Ngiare Brown, spoke recently of the importance of connections to culture and country as a social determinant of health.
Instead, posts focus on the importance of connection, and respect.
I've also completed specialized training in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), which emphasizes the importance of connection and communication in relationships.
Celebrates vulnerability and the importance of connection with community and Higher Power.
Really appreciated your article to «re-address» the sceptics and reinforce the importance of connections.
Apply the concept of addictions as an attachment disorder to the recovery and treatment process, understanding the importance of connection with others for healing, growth and transformation.
Explore the importance of the connection between therapist and client in contributing to positive clinical outcomes and articulate how mindfulness training can enhance the cultivation of the therapeutic relationship.
She recognizes the importance of the connection and integration of the mind, body and spirit in increasing ones quality of life.
Individual therapy runs the risk of minimizing the importance of the connection between partners and dyads.
Social and emotional wellbeing is the way Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders describe the «importance of connection to land, culture, spirituality, ancestry, family and community, and how these affect the individual».
Here, Romanenko discusses his firm, the real estate market in Russia, and the importance of connections around the globe.
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