Sentences with phrase «importance of the decision»

The role of A in B is partly determined by A and partly by B. Furthermore, the respective importance of the decisions of A and B for the outcome varies.
In late November 2016, the organization applauded the federal government for giving a green light to the project, given the national importance of the decision.
Due to the fundamental importance of the decision to renew Trident as well as the amount of money due to be spent MPs must have the opportunity to review the Trident replacement programme when it reaches Main Gate and vote on the programme's abandonment or continuation to construction.
«But with CEOs, it's easier to observe their behaviour, and the economic importance of the decisions they're making is high.»
The moment underscores an interesting aspect of the quarterback hunt: Despite the grave importance of the decision and the incredible resources poured into psychological profiles, private investigatory work and hours of film study, the ultimate decision can often boil down to conviction, something that arises from face - to - face sit - downs and private workouts.
The Court summarised Google's submissions on this issue, which highlight the larger importance of the decision under appeal:
The historic decision was written by all nine Supreme Court Justices signifying the institutional and national importance of the decision.
«I'm disappointed that the Assembly's legislative appointee does not sufficiently recognize the fundamental importance of this decision,» he said.
If the presence of this grace and the importance of our decisions are highlighted and emphasized, the chances of a positive response are heightened.
He spoke about the importance of the decision and the message it would send to black Christians.
When one couples this with what we have said earlier about man's freedom, the openness to the future which is before each of us and all of us, and the importance of decision as to choices made, the moral question is radically transformed from obedience to arbitrary command to willing acceptance of the invitation of love.
«I would make the appeal that everyone participating in this debate should be conscious that we want to have a debate which is worthy of the importance of the decisions which are being made,» Salmond told the Telegraph.
But the importance of the decision and Silver's backing can not be under - estimated.
To underscore the importance of decision science to AHRQ's agenda, he adds that AHRQ has a separate peer - review panel to review proposals on healthcare technologies and decision - making.
In this episode, Scientific American editor - in - chief John Rennie reflects on the Korean stem cell debacle; the National Inventors Hall of Fame announces this year's inductees; and evolution defender Eugenie Scott discusses the importance of the decision in the recent Dover evolution trial.
The plot is shocking and won't let us go till we finish it, and together with the evolution and the importance of the decisions of the characters make it a very recommendable title, whether you're a fan of the comics or not.
The program has proven to be an excellent one because it is all about relationships, mentoring, and teaching kids about internal motivation and the importance of decision making skills.
The chapter on Finland describes the importance of the decision «to devolve increasing levels of authority and responsibility for education from the Ministry of Education to municipalities and schools....
«There's no doubt about the importance of the decisions which need to be made this year around getting Australia's transport standard fuel quality up to match that of the European standards,» Weber says in a statement.
The importance of the decision would have a large influence on how much uncertainty we are willing to accept.
Because the game consistently reminds you of the importance of your decision - making, it forces players to either be genuine — thereby creating their own story — or consider each choice more carefully and craft a story of his or her liking.
The importance of decision making in this game is insane.
This would remove the necessity for the game developers to ballance the game easier and water the importance of decisions down until they are no longer important.
Funnily enough, that's making me appreciate its story all the more, what with how it deals with the importance of decisions made and writing wrongs...
How would you cast the importance of his decision on the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands National Monument?
In addition, the President will emphasize the importance of decisions on climate change regulation being openly debated and made by the elected representatives of the people rather than unelected regulators and judges.
Cooperation with national courts is a tangible way to implement this objective and highlights the importance of the decision of the ECJ, which in so doing plays a significant role on a global level by supporting the ICC «in advancing the rule of law, thereby reducing impunity» (Rome Statute, Preamble).
Given the importance of these decisions, a plaintiff and her family are best served when the personal injury attorney, the special needs planning attorney and the structured settlement professional work together to develop a tailored solution.
The importance of the decision for Mr. Escudero is that, if a link between the termination of his employment and the application of the obligations and rights mentioned above is established, then a reprisal will have occurred and the Board has held that it is able to provide him with a remedy.
The Court of Appeal recognised the importance of its decision in relation to QOCS: «Defendants» insurers can undermine the principle of qualified one way costs shifting (which will limit recovery of costs by insurers in failed personal injury actions) by pursuing the solicitors acting for the claimant who fails.»
Ontario Superior Court Justice Paul Perell reappears on the list once again due to the influence and importance of the decisions that he's penned.
The importance of the decision — and it's a really important decision — is that it recognizes as an important «organizing principle», the obligation to perform in good faith.
Given the importance of decisions taken by public servants in the lives of members of the public, their integrity is a legitimate concern....
The importance of this decision is that cell phones change from being an instrument used to make phone calls to a computers that can store immense amounts of information, some of which concerns the «biographical core of personal information».
Although Daneshvar v. National Dental Examining Board of Canada dealt with the lack of reasons in procedural fairness, the importance of decisions which affect one's career were highlighted,
«I am of the view that the nature of the decision being made, and the importance of the decision to the affected individuals clearly augur in favour of a high degree of procedural fairness being owed to the Applicants,» Justice Gagné wrote.
«The importance of the decision is that citizenship, once obtained, has been recognized as a right, and that right can not be taken away without fair process,» says Noa Mendelsohn, director of the Equality Program for the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.
Although you may not have previously realized that it was necessary to purchase Bend renters insurance, it is wise to learn of the importance of this decision to help you to better understand the urgency of the matter.
The importance of the decision is based on trading patterns observed in Wall Street in 2017.
They understand the importance of your decision and respect your adoption planning.
As a divorce mediator, I can appreciate the importance of the decisions made in the negotiation process of divorce mediation.
Pew's Libby Doggett, an expert on home visiting, highlights the importance of the decision.
External clarity is the buyer's knowledge of product features and specifications, but those are trumped by the buyer's knowledge of the value and importance of her decision to buy.
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