Sentences with phrase «importance of the individual»

These portfolios offered factor diversification, but didn't take into account the relative importance of individual factors.
All of us need constant reminding that status in the world does not determine the worth or importance of the individual in the divine commonwealth.
«Importance of Individual Account Retirement Plans and Home Equity in Family Total Wealth» [May 16, 2017, EBRI Notes, Vol.
Is the affirmation of the ultimate importance of individual suffering and death theologically inseparable from an affirmation of the primordial and transcendent nature of God?
By liberalism and our liberal society I mean three things...: 1) a commitment to skeptical reason, an affirmation of pragmatic intelligence, and an uneasiness about both abstract philosophical thinking and nonrational modes of knowledge; 2) enthusiasm in principle (and increasingly in practice) for tolerance not only in political terms but much more obviously in terms of lifestyle and social norms; 3) affirmation of the central importance of the individual and individual freedom.
Without a conviction about the universe s general capacity to sustain significance there is insufficient basis for our affirming the incomparable importance of the individual.
It is quite possible to see why the early followers of Jesus found in his life, words, actions and death a definitive and unsurpassable disclosure of a divine friendship that signifies the real importance of each individual.
With over 4,000 objects representing more than two dozen collectors, including contemporary artists making art conceived by collecting, Massimiliano Gioni, the museum's artistic director, and his team of curators have mounted a remarkable series of object lessons about what it means to «keep,» the relationship of possession to loss, the madness inherent in love, and the undeniable importance of the individual's voice in recording and interpreting history and its sweep.
Blair's installations, on the other hand, highlight the singularity and importance of individual objects — such as a paper lamp set in opposition to a freestanding light box, in a sort of standoff between two sources of illumination — in a way that can recall the Modernist sculpture of Isamu Noguchi.
The report, «Importance of Individual Account Retirement Plans and Home Equity in Family Total Wealth,» compared assets in households headed by those between the ages of 25 and 64, computing the share of assets comprised of home equity and retirement plans (e.g., 401 (k), IRA)-- the other key source of income in retirement.
I'm understanding the importance of individual members of our team.
The way that the company is run is by understanding the importance of the individual: You clearly can run a business just focusing on delivering a task or you can run a business while you focus on delivering a purpose, and the purpose being a little bit bigger than the task.
But the importance of individual attention extends beyond simple praise.
On March 27 Larry the Cable advised those calling for a repeal of the Second Amendment to consider «history» and Judge Alex Kozinski's succinct summary of the importance of the individual right to keep and bear arms.
It is difficult to assess the importance of the individual revenue components without their economic counterparts.
At Stanford, the pair built a search engine (formerly called Backrub) that used links to determine the importance of individual pages on the web.
The paradox of Christian faith is this: It affirms the importance of every individual, no matter how weak or disabled.
Moreover, by no manner of emphasis upon the importance of individuals could early Christians escape, any more than we can, the towering evils of society at large.
In the New Testament, beginning with Jesus himself, the projection of personal destinies into the future world plainly accentuated the importance of the individual and made souls the objects of solicitude and the subjects of salvation.
«Modern European philosophy, which had its origins in Plato and Aristotle, after sixteen hundred years of Christianity reformulated its problems with increased attention to the importance of the individual subject of experience, conceived as an abiding entity with a transition of experiences.»
Complicating even the academic terrain are a number of initiatives reasserting the importance of individual actions, even when undertaken by elite Caucasian males.
A sense of the importance of the individual has been instrumental in creating this new mood.
Unlike Prometheus, For Greater Glory is all about the importance of individuals in history.
The movie leaves that quest open for a franchise of never ending sequels as Dr. Shaw and David move on to find the deeper origins of the importance of an individual human life.
«These are the principles of the generality of harmony, and of the importance of the individual
Our discussion thus far has focused on the importance of individual happiness as a motivating force in human beings, as expressed in Mill's claim that each person desires his own happiness and his claim that virtue is desired because it makes the virtuous individual happy (U 48).
This tendency is a residue of the instinct for self - preservation which carries with it an overemphasis on the importance of the individual.
Dr. Bellah holds that a healthy pursuit of moral values involves the importance of the individual and this is key to the survival of any people.
Our culture needs to used evidenced - based research to improve our parenting but nothing replaces the importance of each individual on a case by case basis.
The classes focus on a wide range of possibilities rather than on a single approach to childbirth and stress the importance of individual freedom of choice.
The importance of individual and couples counseling helps explore feelings, morality and values that are important to each spouse which may or may not mean divorce or breakup.
AV: «I'm a supporter of AV and always have been partly because I believe passionately in the importance of individual constituency MPs, the relationship between an MP and their community, I think it's an absolutely crucial bit of our democratic system.
Yesterday Charles Kennedy - in what could be a gameplan for the next election - stressed the importance of individual liberty and used it as a weapon against «bossy Blair» at the same time as reformulating the core idea that liberty is indivisible from equality of opportunity.
The debate about electoral reform should include firstly attitudes to political parties (in general terms, not the particular parties) and secondly the importance of the individual candidates (again in general terms) and their significance in our democratic system.
The group's work is particularly significant because they showed for the first time how the importance of individual nodes within functional brain networks fluctuates on timescales spanning tens of seconds up to days.
«For each network, we assess various aspects of the importance of individual brain regions with different centrality indices that were developed earlier for the social sciences.
Although one of us, Marc Bekoff, has been writing about the importance of individual animals in conservation for more than two decades, it took an international meeting at the University of Oxford in September 2010 for compassionate conservation to get a big push.
However, we have also noted the importance of individual characteristics, such as attentional impulsiveness — i.e. the tendency to take sudden decisions — and of characteristics related to the disease, such as its duration and the reduction in the pharmacological load.»
Now, researchers from the University of Chicago have pioneered a new technique to simplify the study of protein networks and identify the importance of individual protein interactions.
The assumption that outcomes are more attributable to genes than is accurate underestimates the importance of individual behavior and contributes to a false sense of security.
It's impossible to quantify the importance of each individual factor in the conflict, lead author Dr Colin Kelley, a researcher at the University of California, tells Carbon Brief.
The above - mentioned study only confirms the importance of an individual approach to a diet plan, rather than following a program just because someone else does.
As a rule, corporate funding discourages critical thinking — or promotes uncritical thinking — about the importance of individual foods or nutrients in healthful diets.
Test of transfer (cross-sectional): unlike linear sprint running, the ability to change direction has rarely been assessed in relation to the strength of individual muscle groups, and all direct assessments have used multi-joint strength measurements (Young et al. 2002; Watts, 2015), which make identification of the importance of individual muscle groups impossible.
The campaign missions are well designed, though, and increasing the importance of the individual soldiers is a great addition to the game mechanics.
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