Sentences with phrase «importance of timing»

A person who is keen to achieve success in his life can not deny to this supreme importance of time management.
The supreme importance of time could be seen in the situations when a person fails to appear in exam due to late entry and a patient taking last breaths of his life.
The film introduces a societal change that has occurred, the added importance of time, and pretty much given nothing else about the movie any thought.
«Despite the clear importance of this time frame, we presently possess very little understanding of how functional macroscale neural networks build during this precious time in human life, or the relevance of this to future human health and development.»
It's a timely lesson in the crucial importance of timing: no new technology — not even the coolest development — will go big if users aren't out of the «this kind of creeps me out» zone.
But by Dead Rising 2 the nature and importance of time started to change.
Sectoral funds are hyper sensitive to events such as government actions or regulatory changes so importance of timing the market is high.
According to the Chick - fil - A website, after Cathy's experience working in restaurants that were open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, he understood the importance of time off.
The importance of timing in music has come to define the Google CEO's approach to his company's products.
ONE: The Winning Edge On Wall Street TWO: What To Look For In Emerging Growth Stocks THREE: The Importance Of Timing FOUR: Fortunately For Investors, The «Stars» Will Identify Themselves FIVE: Don't Buy New Issues, But If You Must SIX: How To Pick A $ 5 Stock SEVEN: The Six Myths Of Mutual - Fund Investing EIGHT: Conclusion
This example shows the importance of time.
The importance of time as a major structure in Christian worship must be rediscovered.
It is vital that we recognize the importance of our time and be intentional to balance it between others and ourselves.
Few philosophers have emphasized the importance of time and history as much as did Heidegger.
Another tactic bettors can use to always get the best price doesn't involve any additional work, but instead emphasizes the importance of timing.
The importance of time is appreciated when one realises that the purpose of life reaches beyond affluence, and that a finite number of days exist for us to achieve what is required in this life.
It seems obvious, but we all have to learn the importance of the timing, tone and content of our words — and that sometimes, silence is golden.
According to a new study, feminist mothers endorse the importance of the time - intensive, hands - on parenting practices associated with attachment parenting.
Help young person develop a sense of perspective on the impact of the traumatic event and a sense of the importance of time in recovering
We recognize the importance of this time and want to help make the experience as smooth as possible.
The importance of this time is multifold:
The Truth About TIME - OUT Sound advice from a professional therapist on the importance of time outs.
The campaigns of Meng and her competitor and fellow Assembly member, Rory Lancman, sparred over the importance of the Times nod.
Her team's research, reported this week, adds to a growing body of evidence for the importance of time perception in a wide range of psychological disorders.
This shows the importance of timing, with IL - 27 treatment being beneficial only during later stages of infection but harmful when given too early.
It turns out that birds are able to pick out separate sound sources faster than humans when they partially overlap, and the ability to segregate those sounds becomes easier the more they are offset, highlighting the importance of timing in sound segregation.
Here, Hilary Simmons explores the importance of timing and balance for health.
In his recent book, The Adrenal Reset Diet, my doctor talks about the importance of timing protein and carbohydrate consumption to support optimal cortisol, insulin and other hormone function.
There is INCONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE about the importance of the time of protein ingestion on muscle mass gain and strength in resistance - trained athletes: from no effect of the ingestion time [140] to greater effect if ingested immediately after exercise than when ingested at some later time [142,143].
The importance of time management.
While I was very happy and thankful to receive my Nicole Vienna Soir watch, it did make me very conscious and have reminded me of the importance of time... How and with whom I choose to spend my time with... Time is something so precious, something that flows and you have minimum control over.
I don't love Fall just because suddenly there are gorgeous pillows like this one that perfectly capture how you feel about the importance of this time of the year.
They realize the importance of your time and understand how to carry the relationship competently.
2) The importance of time.
Speaking about the importance of the Time's Up movement, Witherspoon told press earlier that she has «special friendships with everyone in this cast.
Tessa Thompson spoke of the importance of the Time's Up movement in fighting «not just gross abuses of power but imbalances of power».
Environments and curricula are intentionally structured to incorporate brain - based practices that recognize the importance of time for rest, food and drink, movement, and play.
The science coordinator and I learned four years ago the importance of timing and patience.
The importance of time management for any project needs no elaboration.
Primary among them is the importance of timing.
Teacher leaders themselves can work with principals to inform them of the importance of time and resources to carry out their work, advocating for having these conditions in place in schools.
From teacher feedback, the importance of time to work on collections with experts and their peers emerged as other important features (reported by a total of five teachers).
Online teachers also reported the importance of time management skills and the ability to multitask.
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