Sentences with phrase «important application factor»

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Your credit score is the most important factor in your credit card application approval.
Guaranteed approval often means that loan providers accept applications from individuals with different credit profiles, and your credit score is not the most important factor.
The phenomenal success of the electronic church is in part a result of intelligent application of revolutionary technology, but a more important factor is America's cultural drift toward conservatism.
The framework also outlines factors under two broad categories — malicious use and mitigation — that the committee identified as important to include when determining the level of concern associated with a particular synthetic biology technology or application.
Better understanding of the factors that modify the effect of genetic variants is important for characterizing the full spectrum of effects that variants may have, as well as in applications of genetics in precision medicine.
Two important factors to increase soft - tissue compliance are the duration and force of mechanical stress application.
Ensuring that learners are engaged and that the ideas in the course can be transferred from theory to practical application by the learner are important factors to keep in mind when designing the eLearning course.
CEA Executive Director John Yrchik told the committee that having all stakeholders sitting at the table to discuss education issues is not only important to the future of children and public education, but it is also «a fundamental factor» in the success of Connecticut's second RTTT application.
The SAT and ACT are important in determining your chances of admission to certain schools, but other factors such as GPA and personal statements come into play when the Admissions Committee determines whether or not to accept your application.
When it comes to selecting students for enrollment in their college, selectors consider the application essay to be one of the most important factors.
As such, the essay can truly be considered the most important factor of the application process.
My latest tablet is the BlackBerry PlayBook, and thought it has definitely served me very well, it has been a long time, and obviously important factors like its speed, have gotten worse; e.g. opening applications, sliding down to settings, and such.
Income is another important factor that is considered by lenders when processing unsecured personal loan applications.
A number of factors will determine whether your application is successful and the credit check is one of these which is why it's important that the information you supply is accurate.
As mentioned earlier, credit score is one of the deciding factors for mortgage applications and — although often not as important as the debt - to - income ratio — it still plays a vital role.
Income may be an important factor in loan application assessments, and bad credit may have been so in the past, but these days neither are the considered...
An important factor for any credit application to be approved is your credit score.
After your earnings - to - rent ratio, your credit score is the most important factor in deciding whether your rental application is accepted.
While your credit score is very important, just keep in mind that other factors will be considered such as information from your application as well as your credit history.
Affordability is the most important factor in any loan application, with lenders guaranteed to reject an application if the applicant is unable to afford the repayments.
It is an important risk factor lenders evaluate while considering applications for mortgage loans.
Before filling out a loan application you should get to know how to get a business loan and keep in mind that good credit score is important, but not the crucial factor.
Your credit score is perhaps the most important piece of the puzzle when lenders are judging your application, but it's not the only factor.
Pick out and rank important factors, like company ratings, average application time, policy types and riders, and a company's customer service and experience.
Besides temporarily lowering your score for each application you submit, opening a new card lowers the average length of your credit history — which is an important factor in your credit score.
The most important factor in managing a dog with fleas is the application of regular doses of flea treatment on a timely basis.
This is one of the most important factors in accepting foster applications.
There are several important contributing factors requiring that the Board increase application and renewal fees.
- despite the new business partnership with Cygames, Nintendo is very satisfied with its mobile business - they are also happy with the various projects created in partnership with DeNA, and their relationship will continue - Nintendo is trying to expand its lineup of mobile games - Cygames had a plan for a title that was very deep and Nintendo thought it was important to develop and operate it jointly - DeNA doesn't just support Nintendo's mobile applications, but also its Nintendo Account system with tech and dev support - those areas of Nintendo's partnership will also continue - Nintendo is open to partner with other companies as well in the future - by using Nintendo IP in mobile apps, the company wants to spread awareness about Nintendo's characters - ultimately they'd like it to become synergistic with the console business - Nintendo wants to make mobile games one of the pillars of revenue - it's not enough to just expand dedicated internal development resources for this goal - this is why Nintendo is looking for possibilities to do it externally as well - Nintendo thought that Cygames» plan with Dragalia Lost was common ground for the companies, so they decided to partner - one important factor to think about when managing a company like Nintendo is that its products aren't daily necessities - Nintendo creates entertainment and fun, and the essence of its business will remain unchanged - Nintendo says it's a high - risk business, and there are times in which performance could be good or bad - Nintendo will continue to create specialized gaming hardware and software for the world - the aim is to be successful every time, but sometimes it will work out, and sometimes it won't - instead of thinking «I can't do this» they'd rather think «what can we do to continuously tighten our relationship with the customers?»
Important feedback from the first winter season indicated that latency, the length of time between satellite observations and SFR availability, was a major factor limiting its application.
While I'm a fan of factor analysis generally speaking, it is important to recognize that it runs straight into dead ends in many applications in nature (including terrestrial climate) due to (context - specific) untenable assumptions.
A very important factor for large applications are our superior regulation and controls.
The Payne exercise (mother's motives for taking the child abroad, father's motives in opposing the application, impact of the move on father and child and impact on mother of refusal) were all part of the welfare analysis and none of the factors were deemed more important than the others.
«In weighing the decision to launch or participate in a blog, there are several important factors, including determining if the format offers the requisite criteria, then establishing a level of comfort with the features of the application you choose and, in following, making a commitment to consistently add reliable, well - sourced, new data and information.
Just last week, Google revealed that its AI application called Google RankBrain exists as the third most important factor in how it indexes search results.
This is one reason the Third Party's opposition to such an application is an important factor to weigh.
78 In particular, in a case such as that before the referring court, it is important that the competent authorities of the host Member State are able, when examining the application of a Union citizen who is not economically active and is in Mr Brey's position, to take into account, inter alia, the following: the amount and the regularity of the income which he receives; the fact that those factors have led those authorities to issue him with a certificate of residence; and the period during which the benefit applied for is likely to be granted to him.
As important as the meaning of «serious harm» are the factors relevant to its application.
There are a number of important factors life insurance companies have to take into consideration when processing your life insurance application.
The final rates you will receive are going to be determined by the medical underwriters that your medical history which is usually the most important factor in the application process.
One of the most important factors in the application process is your overall health.
One of the most important factors for your application for life insurance is whether you experienced a full stroke or a mini-stroke.
If you have OCD, there are two factors that are important in regard to your life insurance application: approval and premium rate.
The timing of your application might be the most important factor with your life insurance application.
3D sensing not only enables facial recognition in security applications and allows users to create fun expressions like Apple's Animoji, on a more important level, it is a key factor in the development of AR.
Also, the quality of the application is an important factor in the trading experience, if the app is keeping freezing at important trading moments, it can be very stressful on the long run.
The issue is that most ICOs, or blockchain applications, don't put enough thought into data collection from the outset, as there are tons of important factors that can influence the value of the data and if you fail to structure your data collection correctly from the outset you could be losing big down the track when it comes to valuing your most important asset.
Taking time and effort to write a cover letter is important, as it is defining factor that makes a huge difference between getting an interview or getting your application turned down by the hiring party.
Interview performance and presentation are important factors in successful applications.
Preliminary Qualification Process for Federal Resume Help: The most important and determining factor in partnering with you to develop your SES application is a preliminary review of your experience and SES vacancy announcement of interest by our in - house career coaches.
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