Sentences with phrase «important battleground»

The phrase "important battleground" refers to a significant area or topic where a competition or conflict takes place, often holding a lot of significance or influence. Full definition
«Our findings show how local arenas can serve as important battlegrounds in national politics — penetrated by networks of outside donors and organizations who see local elections as critical contests over competing visions of education,» said Reckhow.
The Republican State Leadership Committee targeted the Senate in light of Virginia, as committee president Matt Walter stated,» [becoming] an increasingly important battleground state in presidential years.»
«The Empire State is one of our most important battlegrounds for Democrats to take back the House of Representatives for the American people.
Kerry's willingness to walk away from the partnership is unlikely to sway Russia's determination to wipe out any and all opposition to Syrian President Bashar Assad in the country's most important battleground — especially since Washington has no known plans of intervening in the conflict directly or significantly ramping up its support for moderate rebels.
I'd argue that the most important battleground is close to home.
CNN: Mormon influence in Nevada fading, but still a factor In 1986, with control of the United States Senate up for grabs, The Economist dispatched a reporter to Nevada, an important battleground that year, to survey the race between then - Rep.
We felt this issue to be an important battleground in the debate over the question of the role of the state in delivering public services.
Women, in particular, promise to be an important battleground for British parties.
Swindon is an important battleground for Labour and the Tories.
The American Federation of Teachers launched a multi-state bus tour this weekend, spending the first leg of their trip in the important battleground state of Ohio.
Loss and damage is an important battleground in the climate justice fight because countries in the Global South are among the least responsible for climate change, yet are suffering and will suffer the worst effects of climate change.
As always, Florida is an important battleground not only in the general election but in the primaries as well.
When and where these Regulations apply is, therefore, an important battleground.
Search will deliver responses to voice queries with either text or audible response and is an important battleground in voice assistant user experience today.
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