Sentences with phrase «important body processes»

A lack of thyroid hormone leads to low temperatures that not only make us uncomfortable in breezy situations but can also have an impact on hormone synthesis and other important body processes such as digestion, hair growth, skin turnover and regeneration, wound healing, etc..
As for the importance of sulfur - rich vegetables in our diet, sulfur is involved in hundreds of important body processes — and Dr. Terry Wahls recommends we eat 3 cups of sulfur - rich vegetables a day.
They control sleeping and eating patterns, the rise and fall of body temperature and blood pressure, hormone release and many other important body processes.
Acetylation — the addition of a small clump of atoms called an acetyl group — may be the most important body process you have never heard of: It activates and deactivates proteins, thereby regulating access to our DNA and helping control gene expression.

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She was honored for her discoveries about human DNA, and her work has provided important insights into the body's aging process.
Even in the Easter affirmation of the Resurrection of Jesus, so important for Christianity, we can now point to no firm historical evidence to show that there occurred there a miracle which involved suspension or reversal of natural laws — in this case, the normal processes of decay into which the physical body enters after the point of death.
Keep in mind that what's in your heart is most important - even if your brain and body get in the way of expressing it - and - having an extremely logical thought process does NOT make you less of a Christian.
It has a complete listing of all the fabulously healthy ingredients that Sunwarrior uses in this new «Classic Plus» line and shows you just how important the way they process their products can be to how beneficial they are to your body.
The detox will give your digestive system a bit of a break, which is important because your body will be processing and evacuating the toxins that have built up in your body.
I always use Real Salt that isn't processed and has important minerals that your body needs.
Protein plays many important roles, such as repairing the body's cells, building and repairing muscles, helping build and maintain bones, and helping control many metabolic processes.
Most important, choose real and whole ingredients with minimal processing and make a conscious effort to know what you put in your body.
Pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc, involved in more body processes than any other mineral and important for healthy immune functioning.
Eggs are a good example since they are high in sulphur, which is one of the 7 macrominerals the body requires, and it is most important for detoxification processes in the body.
This in turn means your body doesn't have to put as much energy into digestion and can turn its attention to other important processes such as detoxification and healing.
Still, it's important to feel good about ourselves in our bodies, and I think a lot of things are not discussed about the whole process that really should be: how hard breastfeeding is, perhaps leaving the workforce and the loss of identity that comes with it, going back to work and having to juggle quality time with baby and performing in your career, etc..
You should know that REM sleep is important for infants as their bodies are still in the process of development.
It was a «live and learn» process, and I know we made some mistakes, but I do know the most important thing is, like you kept pointing out in your video, «body awareness» and also making it a very positive, fun thing for them.
This is common, but that doesn't make it any less uncomfortable, and it's always important to understand just what's going on with your body at every stage of this process.
Remember that prolactin signals the body to produce more milk, so it's very important in the lactating process.
Reducing anxious feelings, preparing your body for the upcoming and rapid weight gain, and building endurance for the critically intense birthing process are among the most important benefits of exercising during pregnancy.
From the moment of birth, your body will begin the process of producing milk for both your babies and it's important to express the milk that is beginning to be produced to establish a good milk supply.
These new findings reveal that Huntington's disease affects important metabolic processes in the body prior to the appearance of physical symptoms.
They help our body by performing important tasks such as breaking down food components to make them digestible or processing nutrients so we can make use of them.
The scientists started with metabolically relevant cells — hepatocytes and adipocytes — representing major functions of the liver and adipose tissues, and thus important aspects of the body's energy processing and storing system.
It is important to ease back into mobilizing the area and remain patient throughout the recovery process until your body is ready to return to pre-injury activities.
It is important in processing pain and, more broadly, in representing the state of the body in the brain, and it is striking that gambling is a very visceral, exciting activity.
A by - product of this process are short - chained fatty acids which are important for the body, providing energy, stimulating intestinal movement and having an anti-inflammatory effect.
These details are important, Falk says, because the brain's parietal lobes process numbers; they also integrate sensory information from different parts of the body.
Although scientists suspect that the extended atmospheres of young giant planets can capture passing bodies, «the origin of these moons is still a mystery,» says Luu, who was not a member of the discovery team, «But [the large number of moons] is an important clue that tells us the process must have been very efficient,» says Luu.
These cells are known to dampen down inflammation, a process that may be important for allowing embryos to implant in the womb, rather than being rejected as a foreign body.
Dr. Bayir explained that while this process may happen in all cells with mitochondria, it is particularly important that it functions correctly in neuronal cells because these cells do not divide and regenerate as readily as cells in other parts of the body.
«This study contributes to a growing body of evidence indicating that an animal's energetic state is very important in the decision - making process; animals will make riskier choices when hunger beckons,» said Blecha.
Blood vessels are important for recovery because they give the body's repair processes access to the damaged regions.
«In addition to white adipose tissue, or white fat, people have brown fat, an important contributor to the body's energy balance via the generation of body heat and the participation in metabolic processes,» said senior author Dr. Miao - Hsueh Chen, assistant professor of pediatrics and nutrition at Baylor College of Medicine and the USDA / ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center at Baylor and Texas Children's Hospital.
Lipton went on to state, «It will be important to see if HIV / AIDS acts similarly on stem cells for other organs in the human body, as this may impact on the disease process as a whole.»
Stem cells are helping us to explore the intricate way in which our bodies process sugar and to answer some important questions about the root causes of diabetes:
Phosphorylating FUS in the body more generally could be harmful, given that it is presumed to have important roles in helping cells process RNA and may have a role in repairing DNA.
The last but not least cool fasting - enhanced process worth mentioning here is cellular autophagy — a physiological process in the body that deals with destruction of damaged cells and stimulating new cell formation, which is really important for flushing out damaged organelles, pathogens, non-functional proteins and toxins, supporting tissue regeneration and preserving lean mass.
Insulin production is an important process for storing nutrients and processing glucose in the bloodstream, but our bodies simply can't handle the insulin requirements we throw at them.
Sleeping is the time when many regenerating processes are occurring inside your body, mainly repairing damaged cells and tissue, as well as helping the brain sort out important information it has acquired throughout the day.
The most important element here is the efficient calorie burning process — put the amount of food you eat aside and ask yourself: does your body make the best use of its caloric value?
They contain non-caloric dietary fibers which help keep your hunger satiated longer and fight off cravings, as well as important vitamins and minerals that nourish your body and ensure optimal functioning of all vital metabolic processes.
Although you can't completely avoid toxins, supporting your body's detoxification process is an extremely important part of healing from the toxins you are exposed to.
Every one of these processes is important for normal body functioning and maintenance of energy levels.
Sleep is one of the most important processes for the human body.
Allowing the body to sweat is an important, natural, and healthy mechanism of the body and our natural form of detox, but antiperspirant blocks this process.
One of the most important mantras I learned to tell myself during this healing process was «trust your body to do exactly what it needs to.»
There are two important steps in the process when it comes to ridding the body of heavy metals:
Hormones are produced in a complex process, but depend on beneficial fats and cholesterol, so lack of these important dietary factors can cause hormone problems simply because the body doesn't have the building blocks to make them.
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