Sentences with phrase «important class your child»

We truly believe that driver education is the most important class your child will ever take.
We truly believe that drivers education is the most important class your child will ever take.
We truly believe that driver education is the most important class your child will ever take.

Not exact matches

I know there are a lot of things I was taught in history class as a young child that the school «left out» very important facts.
For this reason it is important for a democracy to have a strong public school system, and parents who cherish democratic ideals do well to send their children to schools, either public or independent, in which traditional class distinctions are minimized.
In fact, exercise is even more important once you're a dad, because it teaches your children good habits and also because, let's be honest, your children want you around for many years to come (after all, who else is going to splash the cash at Christmas and chauffeur them between parties and sports classes on an almost daily basis).
I think it is important to point out that this isn't just an issue for middle class families who care deeply about their child's diet and are able to provide abundant healthy food choices but school menus have great impact on many, many poor children who, through no fault of their own and often with no agency to change the situation, end up being pawns in the lunch tray wars.
every class and book was geared toward breastfeeding and how it's so important if you want a healthy child.
He urges the creation of pediatric wellness centers and classes that help impoverished parents build the emotional bonds with their young children that are so important to the development of children's neurological and psychological defenses against poverty's ravages.
Frequency of reading to children is more important than social economic class in predicting children's literacy growth.
For example, the we chose to put our children in separate kindergarten classes (after being in preschool together) and it's proven to be a very important part of their emotional and psychological development.
It's important to note, however, that children can not accompany you to class.
Even if the class is not required, co-parenting classes are important so parents can learn how to concentrate on the needs of the children and not let parental needs become the center of the divorce.
Class - teachers feel SHARE FOR DADS raises the profile of fathers in the school, gives children positive male role models, and shows them fathers can be an important part of their school lives, and that fathers are connected to the school.
It's more important that kids simply have time and opportunity to move their bodies, so don't worry if these classes don't work for your child or you.
Whether you put your child in sports, dance class, swimming lessons, or just give them plenty of time for outdoor play, making sure they get at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day is really important.
Or so we thought...» she writes in her post, adding, «every class and book was geared toward breastfeeding and how it's so important if you want a healthy child.
It's important for you and your baby to have time at home just to get to know each other (and of course for you to get things done; you can't spend all day stimulating your child), but these outings will definitely help with the baby blues, and perhaps get you some exercise, teach your child something (music classes are also popular), and allow you to make some new friends.
Expectant parents can take classes on giving birth, but once the child is born many parents feel unsupported and unprepared for the important task of raising children.
If it's important to your children to have high school accreditation, and they don't want to work at local colleges or adult education classes, it may be worth following more formal courses such as those available at Northstar (UK) and / or registering at an umbrella school such as Clonlara (USA), although these are expensive options.
And CPR class is really important, because you never know when your child will stop breathing.
Equally important, a good class should give you the sense that your child won't be afraid to take swimming lessons on her own when she's older.
A relatively small class size, say no more than ten parent - and - child pairs, is important so you can hear the teacher and have plenty of room in the pool.
Try to change his tune; gym classes can be an important way for children to meet their daily needs for physical activity.
But when missing and incomplete homework becomes a regular occurrence, your child is missing out on the opportunity to get important feedback from his or her teacher before the class moves on to the next, more challenging learning activity.
One of the most important things you can do as an educator in supporting a child in your class who is dealing with SM is to familiarize yourself with this disorder and the treatment approaches.
If the child's parents prefer to switch classes, it will be important for them to put strategies and techniques to help her in place before she enters the new class.
However, a child's social background was also found to have a strong effect over and above that of ability, with the parents» education being more important than their social status and social class, though the latter also count.
The researchers found that in children younger than three years, the combined abundance of the class Bacilli (notably streptococci) and the phylum Bacteroidetes were higher in diabetic children, whereas the combined abundance of the important (usually beneficial) Clostridium clusters IV and XIVa was higher in the healthy controls.
The genes involved encode proteins that control the activity of a very important and ubiquitous class of molecules that are a major target of pharmacologic agents across medicine,» says Ethan Goldberg, MD, PhD, an attending physician and instructor of neurology at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and The Perelman School of Medicine at The University of Pennsylvania.
«This is an important step in understanding a medication class, that is used with increasing frequency, and its effect on children who are at a critical time for building their bones,» said senior study author Jessica Rivera, MD, an orthopaedic surgeon with the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research.
Researchers now believe that feeling secure and close to caregivers as a child may be more important in a person's development than factors like IQ, social class, and temperament.
Kids who get regular physical activity experience a slew of important health benefits, and strengthening exercises such as yoga could help: in a 2014 study, kids with stronger muscles were found to have a lower risk for developing conditions like heart disease and diabetes. If your children are interested in trying yoga,  ask your local studio if they offer any classes targeted at kids.
With school back in session, it is important that children get the proper amount of calories and nutrients in order to function at an optimum level during class.
As more and more physical education classes are cut from school schedules, it's important to ensure that children have some type of movement outside of school.
Watch the early morning news and drink coffee Check in with emails from overnight Schedule my Pure Barre class for the day Start waking kids up for school Make breakfast -LCB- I do make breakfast -RCB- the MOST important meal for the kids of the day Pack lunches -LCB- and any extra snacks for after school athletic practices -RCB- Drop child # 1 off at school Get back home and have my own quick breakfast / smoothie before class Drop child # 2 off at school Head to Pure Barre Run any errands needed Head home and work Chores around the house Dinner planning Fitnessmomwinecountry work Answer emails Have light lunch or snack Try to get at least 20 minutes in for a power nap or just quiet time A shower before getting kids -LCB- if I am lucky -RCB- Car pool from school to sports practice Get home and start prepping dinner Get kids from practices Dinner, homework and family time My shower finally!
Communication: Make sure that parents are aware of school (and relevant district) events, as well as specific important communications for the class and for a particular child.
Each child is responsible for a «most important thing» page, which becomes part of the class book.
The dwindling number of school places, the increasing size of classes and the continued budget cuts that are stretching resources to breaking point are all important factors which limit our teachers» ability to provide the proper safeguarding for vulnerable children.
It is important for children to feel responsible for their surroundings, so this is the monitor list we use in my class.
Parents can take classes (offered through adult education programs, community colleges, etc.) on their own to demonstrate to their children how important learning is.
As the research literature confirms, the peer composition of a classroom is very important: not surprisingly, children benefit from being in a class with well - behaved, high - achieving children, and are harmed by the presence of poorly behaved classmates.
Class size is more important than the length of the school day in the achievement of disadvantaged kindergarten children, concludes a study by the Chicago Board of Education.
With a class made up of budding writers and actors, as well as those less likely to want to steal show, it's important to give every child the tools they need to read, write and perform plays.
As educators of young children, it is important to understand those internal processes because they (a) affect your ability to connect with children and families; (b) affect your ability to work in a learning community that supports the emotional and physical development of the children in your class; and (c) affect your ability to identify challenging behaviors and work through them without losing site of the childs needs.
For example, if you want to see students engaged, motivated, and curious — these were among my most important criteria when I evaluated classes for my own children — holding people accountable for test scores won't get you this.
«Teachers could just as easily record and report on whether a child helped a friend in class or is working hard on a particular project — details that are often just as important to parents as assessment results.»
Children in your class need to know their voice is as important as the voice of world leaders.
I am sure that most colleagues reading this will agree that the class trip, journey, excursion or residential is more important now than it has ever been in broadening and deepening children's school and life experiences.
The stark contrast between those at the very bottom and everybody else is important because decades of academic research have shown that children from low - income families who attend pre-K benefit immensely, but those benefits decrease as you move up the income ladder and may even disappear beyond the middle class.
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