Sentences with phrase «important cultural value»

Family is an important cultural value to many people because their purpose and identity is often linked to their family.
While maybe honor is not the most important cultural value of our times, that doesn't mean we couldn't make a game about it.
Hospitality of Abraham: In Genesis 18, there is a myth about the hospitality of Abraham, (he welcomes two strangers, who turn out to be angels), as that was an important cultural value, in a society where a wandering desert dweller could get lost, and die.
Sweden, where gender equality is a super important cultural value?

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It's important to develop cultural values and practices to make sure the entire company is on the same page.
This precious metal carries an important cultural norm over in India, as the value of each family is often determined by the amount of gold that they possess, in the region.
The unrest over that loss of cultural currency has spawned a great deal of important theological reflection — and it has led to movements, like the Vineyard, which value cultural relevancy.
At the same time, they are hesitant to adopt Western values to the extent that individualism becomes the most important cultural ideal, and consumerism becomes the defining modus operandi for all walks of life.
Kennedy's decision, now the law of the land, forces us to ask a series of critically important questions: Are citizens» whether Protestants, Catholics, Jews, or Mormons» who seek to apply transcendent moral values to public life welcome in political, legal, and cultural debates?
Under these circumstances, the logic of party coalitions will make cultural values increasingly important.
[4] In addition to strong family values, India has a very strong cultural and national identity that cuts across religious beliefs, which has played an important role in preventing radicalization.
«Conducting formal readability testing, as suggested by the study authors, along with use of patient reviewers from a variety of educational and cultural backgrounds may provide important feedback to enhance the value of materials across a larger spectrum of health literacy levels.»
And just as important, says, which promotes community based tourism in a partnership with Conservation International, the communities become «aware of the commercial and social value placed on their natural and cultural heritage through tourism,» thus fostering a commitment to resource conservation.
We know it's important to find a like - minded partner, very often with a shared background or cultural heritage, who is compatible with the values and personality traits that make you you.
This means that it is easier to meet someone who understands what it is like to combine a love for modern Canadian life with a respect for traditional values — especially those involving such important factors as faith, cultural identity and family.
Hidden inside the London East Asian Film Festival's programme was a rare treat: three animated features celebrating the centenary of the birth of Japanese animation, an art form that has since grown to become one of the country's most important, valued cultural exports.
Education with self awareness, cultural values, and morality is the single most important factor contributing to young people's chances of leading productive and responsible lives for the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical well being.
It is also important to consider how voucher programs contribute to or detract from other salient cultural values such as equity, community, and democracy.
While cultural events such as international food night are important in raising awareness of the global community, their isolation from the daily instructional time leads to missing opportunities to look deeper into other's values and beliefs, and how these shape each of our worlds.
We emphasize a socio - cultural approach to issues of language and learning, acknowledging the value of linguistic and cultural differences, and recognizing that academic settings represent important socializing forces in students» lives.
The calendar, architecture, stone carving, urban planning, as well as sacred rites relating to the ceremonial ball games, the jaguar cult and spiritual value of jade, were important cultural contributions that the Olmecs passed onto subsequent civilizations like the Mayan and Toltecs.
Duchamp's decision to show a urinal in a gallery would become known as one of the most important gestures in what's called «Conceptual Art,» or art that asks us to question our most fundamental understandings of cultural value and artistic production.
This also demonstrates the important value of the Museum to our cultural tourism infrastructure.»
As discussions at the intersections of gender, race, cultural background, ability, age, class, education, politics and values are expanded, the significance of community remains important.
The administration's expansionist strategy is what landed Cooper Union in a cultural and financial crisis to begin with, and their worldview in which standardized - test scores and socioeconomic status quotas are more important than the advancement of knowledge, community, and equality are what make them incapable of understanding the value of free education.
Which isn't to say that there isn't genuine, lasting, and very important historical cultural value in the printed page.
Shakespeare, Thucydides, Goethe or even Milton may not be directly relevant to our scientific research, but the cultural values such authors represent are universal and deeply important.
Overall, when appointing the next GC, it is important for organisations to look beyond legal expertise and consider broader business and industry knowledge, as well as ethical values and cultural fit.
Analyze your company and industry for their attitudes toward cultural aspects you find important, such as work ethic, values, mission statements, and types of hires.
In the course of the interviews, culturally meaningful and important categories are meant to emerge so that an appropriate idiom or dialogue is developed.49 This approach generally requires a social scientist on the team who has a first hand understanding of the qualitative research methodology involved, as well as staff with a first hand understanding of the communities to understand the group's recent history and cultural context, and be able to correctly evaluate what norms and values underlie a particular person's expressed opinion or action.50
Being accepted and valued helps children feel they are an important part of the school community, which builds their self - esteem, helps develop a positive cultural identity, and supports their mental health and wellbeing.
The Canadian and American cultural values of self - disclosure and talking with others are seen as important elements for resolving problems.
In addition, research - based methodologies need to be examined and selected in the context of cultural values and other social factors, such as class, race, ethnicity, and community To this end, several important questions must be addressed when considering culturally competent, evidence - based practices in early childhood mental health promotion, prevention, and intervention:
Since print media discourse can both reflect and shape societal values, cultural norms and ideals of workers in this country, it is important to understand this representation and its potential influence on the occupational engagement and life transitions of Canadian workers.
Consequently, an equally important variable that may influence relationship quality and mate preferences — albeit less studied than parental influence — is the cultural value of family allocentrism.
While it is not possible to homogenise all Indigenous cultural water values into one perspective, as Indigenous values are regionally diverse and complex, there are some commonalities and distinctions from non-Indigenous laws that are important to recognise and understand.
Although the findings are important in revealing cultural similarities and differences, they provide limited information about what specific cultural beliefs and values are associated with children's social behaviours and emotions and their development.
The Cultural Values Survey (CVS; Chia et al., 1994) is a 45 - items questionnaire assessing how important is each proposed issue regarding seven areas linked to family: Family Solidarity (eight items), Executive Male Attitude (eight), Conscience (eight items), Equality of Sexes (seven), Temporal Farsightedness (four items), Independence (six items), Spousal Employment (three items).
At the community level, the institutions of which the child is part during his development (school, friends, sports teams, and cultural, etc.) pass on their values, influencing choices and believes about priorities and important aspects of life.
Also for these reasons, family group is therefore an important element of mediation between the cultural values transmitted at the level of extended community, and what actually the child and then the adolescent assimilate within their own cultural knowledge.
[137] Other principles and values that were identified as important for Indigenous healing generally included: focus on Indigenous culture and tradition, family based, linking therapeutic approaches to spiritual and cultural approaches, community support for healing and recovery, connection with country, trust, courage, connection, culturally appropriate, diversity, flexibility, respect for Indigenous protocols, recognition of Indigenous community knowledge, cultural safety.
«It's important that we understand all that we can about our consumers to best serve them, and that includes understanding them not only from a cultural standpoint, but with regard for their individual values, aspirations and needs.»
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