Sentences with phrase «important debating society»

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«While his contributions to deep questions in physics were profound, he also contributed to a wide array of extremely important contemporary debates and issues — things such as artificial intelligence, the building of a fair society, pitfalls and problems thrown up by disruptive technologies of tomorrow.
In his chapter on democracy, Sen argues that a democratic polity is important first because freedom is an inherent good, second because it contributes to economic well «being, and third because societies need free political debate to choose what economic «needs» to value.
The search for a concrete form of society and the church which would be better for humans and for nature, being inspired by the triune God, is a legitimate and, indeed, an important contribution by Boff to the ecumenical debate.
American society may soon embark upon the most important constitutional debate since the early nineteenth century.
But keeping the whole matter «in - House» would be ironic in itself — and that's why it's important this debate has begun within civil society.
The Fabian Society would be delighted to offer Tim Worstall a platform to debate with the Robin Hood tax campaigners on this important public policy debate.
Science is not a debate society where sophistry is more important than facts and evidence.
focused public attention on important potential impacts of science and technology on society by their responsible participation in public policy debates; or
One was the substance of the debate, which is important for Western science - based societies and has long - range implications for the books our children read, the science they are taught, the logic by which national decisions ranging from social policy to military intervention will be reached.
She spent part of the speech highlighting important issues in British society, including a renewed debate over capitalism and socialism that the party thought it had won in the 1980s under Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Keith Ajegbo, Dina Kiwan and Seema Sharma emphasised in their diversity curriculum review of citizenship education that in order for young people to explore how they live together in the UK today and to debate the values they share with others, it is important they consider issues that have shaped the development of UK society.
Certain important steps like debate on the unwanted pressure of family and society could also be organized to discuss such crucial topics.
Focusing on the aftermath of the earthquake in Agadir in 1960, the commission is particularly relevant to the Barbican's history and foregrounds important contemporary debates around the rebuilding of society.
The MWP is important of course for what it tells us about societies failure to adapt to change, not so important to the AGW debate (radiative physics still has the dominant role to play there).
The Royal Society's «motto - morphosis» — where it has gone from saying «on the word of no one» to demanding that we «respect the facts» — points to an important shift in the way that scientific authority is used to close down debate these days.
They're also where the society's bylaws are amended, where important committees are struck and populated, and where policies that require member buy - in are discussed and debated.
He thinks the law practice program approved late last year, after fierce debate, by the Law Society of Upper Canada could be «monumentally important» and a model for the rest of the country.
Although Anti-SLAPP legislation is typically intended to foster greater legitimate expression and debate in society, there's a real concern that public interest NGOs, who often provide an important counter narrative in these societal debates, would be excluded from the discussion.
«This backlash; this debate over what the law society is requiring folks to do — let's be real — it's what the rest of the world is doing and I think it's important to keep up with the times,» said Shin Doi.
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