Sentences with phrase «important economic advantages»

The innovative use of an existing container also produced important economic advantages.

Not exact matches

Economic research showed years ago that targeting nominal G.D.P. has important advantages.
The other side of the picture, and at the moment the far more important side, is that, while there have been real wounds, there are today powerful men in our country who specialize in reopening those wounds, not to help them to heal more completely, but for quite other purposes — to gain a partisan political advantage or to secure personal publicity; but most often in order to discredit by insinuation, if not by direct charges, all who believe in some changes in the economic order.
Alison: Economic advantages were a huge incentive, but now it's important to us to have consumer confidence in what we produce.
«We have taken a first important step towards harnessing CO2 for the chemical industry, which would be a great economic and environmental advantage
Among the more salient conclusions are: 1) that what children bring to school is vastly more important than what happens thereafter, as the Coleman Report found; 2) in examining all of the variables that impinge on student academic performance (teacher effectiveness, socio - economic advantage, appropriate evaluation criteria, etc.), none is demonstrably more significant than time spent learning «one - on - one»; and 3) that only an individualized computer program can address all these issues effectively and simultaneously.
Despite being a relatively small part of the school sector (about 7 per cent of pupils), private schools have an important symbolic role in UK society, with the perception that there is much social and economic advantage to be had from a private education.
Elite Access Advisory is a variable annuity investment platform designed to help you seek opportunities and manage risk throughout the economic cycle by providing diverse investment options, alternative assets and strategies, expertly constructed portfolios, and important tax advantages.
It is important that these products provide not only convenience and comfort, but also economic advantages.
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