Sentences with phrase «important endocrine functions»

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Regulators are concerned because growing evidence shows that some synthetic chemicals — including those found in in insecticides, herbicides, fumigants, fungicides, detergents, resins and plasticizers — may disrupt the body's endocrine system, which controls many important functions by emitting hormones, or natural chemical messengers.
In addition to their function in controlling energy homeostasis, adipocytes release endocrine and paracrine signaling molecules called adipokines that are important in many physiological and metabolic processes.
Armed with this info, we see how important it is to keep our endocrine system (adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, pineal) the glands that secrete our hormones that regulate all the functions of our bodies, as healthy as possible!
All have important roles in the body for establishing good immune function, endocrine function, brain and nerve function..
Often overlooked, this gland plays a crucial part in the endocrine system, delivering hormones to the blood circulatory system that contributes to some of the most important functions in...
By the way: Increased cholesterol levels can often be associated with thyroid or adrenal hypo function and decreased levels can be associated with endocrine hyper function, so checking both of these is important.
When a dysfunction occurs in one gland, another gland will respond to try and address the imbalance and this is why it is important to look at how the whole endocrine system of glands is functioning when looking at how to address the root cause of the problem.
This important component of the endocrine system is responsible for producing hormones that regulate blood sugar, energy level, the body's stress response, and many other functions.
Your thyroid is the brain of your endocrine system and regulates your hormones, energy levels, metabolism, and many of the body's important functions.
The adrenal glands are part of the important endocrine or hormonal system and therefore we will focus on what we can do to help this system function more efficiently.
The thyroid is also a crucial part of your endocrine system, which means that your thyroid's function has a complex and important relationship with your sex hormone function and hormonal balance.
Produced by our endocrine glands — adrenals, thyroid, pancreas and ovaries or testes — hormones perform essential functions, relay important warnings and communicate messages throughout the body.
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