Sentences with phrase «important events happen»

Sadly, the lack of time limit also creates some pacing issues, as most of the important events all happen during the weekend, potentially making the rest of the week feel dull and empty.
When important events happen in the arena, the crazy announcer will let you know and give you a CC view of the action at the bottom left of your screen.
But because many important events happen suddenly, such as storms, red tides and earthquakes, permanent sensors must be ready to capture them.
But then again, when I recently told my students about an important event happened in Egypt last year, they were confused because the Passover and the sacrificing of the first born happened thousands of years ago.
A month after the move to Testaccio, another important event happened in the club's history - the first derby between Roma and Lazio.
In 1917, in a study in Texas, over half of the students could not say what important event happened in 1776.
They can recall birthdays, anniversary and every other date when an important event happened.
What important event happens to the character?
Or how they are able to have privileges that others did not have before until an important event happened.
An important event happened in 2003 — Columbian acquired UNIQ Benefit Solution.

Not exact matches

«I think this demonstrates how Instagram is quickly becoming a useful tool to see the world as it happens — especially for important world events like this,» Kevin Systrom, founder of Instagram, told The New York Times.
For your own employees, health and life insurance are important, but for customers, consider liability insurance so that they are covered in the event something happens to their property (requiring Property Liability Insurance).
For drug barons (the legal kind), what happens in the law courts can be as important as events in the lab.
It's especially important if you have kids or other dependents to outline your wishes in the event something happens to you.
This happens all the time, especially if you are facing an important event such as a financing, major strategic change, or sale of the company.
When you read our IoT Briefing, you know the most important news and events that happened in the IoT ecosystem in the last 24 hours.
It's not why you started the company, but it is an important enabling event that happens.
In fact, everything that happens inside the euro area is really important, even the social events like terrorist attacks.
Stay up - to - date with our activity and events by receiving our regular newsletter, announcing important dates of Calls for Startups, special events and discounts to partner events happening in the Swiss startup ecosystem:
But regardless of what happens next, it's important to put events in Greece in context: Despite all the recent drama and late - night summits between Greece and its creditors, the global economy and markets aren't too far off the trajectory they were on in early 2015.
He hosts a banquet here, and I want to clue you in right now, that most of the important events in this story happen at a banqueting table.
Whether hosting an event on campus to inform your community about a humanitarian issue happening on the other side of the world, going into your city to help at a local organization or picking up trash on the way to class, getting involved and engaged in any way possible is an important facet to add to your college life.
Death was the most important thing that happened to man and all of his life before death was to be seen as a preparation for that event.
I'm reminded how insane it is that so many important decisions and events happen before you're 25.
Experiencing a miscarriage is a life event that we wouldn't wish on anyone, but because it happens to so many women from so many different walks of life, it's important to talk about.
Of course, the events that happen off the tradeshow floor are super important part of the show too.
Turn your kids into mini reporters and have them create a newsletter for important events that are happening.
Daily routines, like naptime, bedtime, and mealtime, also help children develop sequencing skills — understanding the order in which events happen — an important literacy and math skill.
Politicians and commentators were quick to claim that social media played an important role in inciting and organising riots, calling for sites such as Twitter to be closed should events of this nature happen again.
The truth is that resolving the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs is important per se, but in terms of cause and effect, it can not be demonstrated under any logical intellectual exercise that any of the major events taking place in the region wouldn't have happened had the conflict been resolved.
This is why is it important to make sure that the weighted blanket of your choosing has a good enough guarantee in the event that something happens to it.
«This is extremely important in helping us to define in which order events are happening
Jurgens said that is all the more reason why documenting such mass mortality events is important to better understand — and prepare for — trends happening to ocean ecosystems.
«It's important to understand links between events that are human related and can potentially be managed, and those that just happen and that we may or may not be able to manage,» she says.
Steve Mirsky: There's this amazing thing that happens in I think it's 1573, that this nova is very clearly visible, even during the day, and that seems to be a pretty important event in this whole time to shake up the view of the heavens.
Steve: Talk for a minute about the year 1956 and how important it was because of this convergence of events that happened?
By examining fossils of early hominins, researchers have found that humans and chimpanzees may have split from their last common ancestor earlier than previously thought, and this important event may have happened in the ancient savannahs of Europe, not Africa.
So as we note each of those significant events along with our holiday happenings around here — I'm reminded of what's important & the more I try to take steps back from work & spend more time with my family.
I took a little breather from blog for a couple of days to, first of all spend a lovely Mother's Day last weekend with my family and to sort out some papers for one of the most important and life changing things / events that are about to happen to me, but I will let you know all about it when everything is settled down and confirmed.
London, England About Blog artemporary always strives to be at the forefront of the most interesting and important Art events happening in Switzerland and outside.
London, England About Blog artemporary always strives to be at the forefront of the most interesting and important Art events happening in Switzerland and outside.
The seemingly important questions — how or why these events happened — belong to the realm of the unknown — the uncertain.
Director Jaco Van Dormael has infused Mr. Nobody with an unapologetically arty and downright pretentious sensibility that's reflected in virtually every frame, as the far - from - linear storyline tracks the important events in Mr. Nobody's life - yet it's the emphasis on events that may never have even happened that's sure to infuriate certain viewers (ie if you're not willing to go with the premise almost immediately, Mr. Nobody will undoubtedly come off as a long slog indeed).
For putting a human face on the civil war in Rwanda, and for all future wars in remote regions filled with people who may not look or speak the same language as the rest of us, Hotel Rwanda more than succeeds in relating just why it is so important to not turn a blind eye to events happening in other countries.
On top of the time - sensitive story events (everything happens in quasi-realtime on an in - game clock), you'll also juggle «Scoop» scenarios (important events that can reveal more story bits and more survivor rescues, but can be ignored), as well as simple survivor requests.
It doesn't feel like an accident that a chunk of the movie's most important action happens in his hometown of Oakland, only blocks away from the real - life events of Fruitvale.
These «moments» are happening all over schools every day, and it's important to recognize growth and development, especially at this time of year when fatigue sets in and the pace of days quickens with end - of - year events.
My presentation comes complete with a story about why this festival is important (you can choose between a long or short version), a description of what happens and lots of colourful pictures of the event.
Up - to - date information on upcoming school events, important deadlines, and the latest Yu Ying happenings
Marlene wants her students to be able to read both primary and secondary sources about an important event in U.S. history — in this case, the «Trail of Tears,» — and use both kinds of sources to develop understanding of what happened and how historians construct understanding from different perspectives.
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