Sentences with phrase «important general fitness»

By following this basic model the athlete can maintain important general fitness capacities while also receiving the performance enhancing benefits of specialization.

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Bodybuilders in general tend to forget about hydration which is a really important part of health and fitness.
Whether it's an incoming freshman, post-injury athlete, and / or sports team entering back into off - season programming, muscle hypertrophy and general fitness is an important factor in base building.
We give our «gappies» 2 yoga sessions a week as part of the course as it is a fabulous way to wind down, but also build up core strength, one of the most important factors in helping your balance, fitness and general surfing ability.
As McCarthy Tetrault General Counsel Malcolm Mercer pointed out to me and members of the Canadian Association for Legal Ethics on our listerv,» the approval of nearly 50 ABSs [Alternative Business Structures]... in England and Wales in 2012 (with the counterpoints of [the ABA's Ethics 2020 Commission] electing to do nothing on the issue in the US and New South Wales in Australia having permitted non-lawyer ownership of ILPs [Incorporated Legal Practices] for the last decade without a «fitness to own» requirement) is important context and perhaps impetus for Canada».
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