Sentences with phrase «important items»

Along with purposeful networking, most career professionals will tell you that a targeted, value proposition - driven resume is still one of the most important items in anyone's job search toolkit.
I don't roll my clothing to prevent wrinkles or have my most important items in my carry - on so I won't be at a loss if my luggage is.
There is a convenient storage area located under the sleeper portion of the bassinet for easy reach of important items during the night.
What is the single most important item on a resume?
Loans and credit allow us to buy our homes, our cars, our phones and most other important items for modern living.
There's one other important item of note for those individuals who have more than one vehicle with auto insurance.
Save your commands for important items like not hitting, not playing with the stove or knives, or not running into the street.
This is an often overlooked, but very important item in this list of top ten rules when creating an author website.
Although lost or delayed luggage may not be predictable or preventable, it is smart to keep important items in carry - on bags whenever possible.
We have listed some of the more important items for you to consider before making that all - important purchase.
It's also always a good idea to purchase one that has additional slots and pockets for other important items such as credit cards, foreign currency, and your boarding pass.
With the shock and trauma built in, you tend to miss on a few important items which leads to major loss.
This is great when you need to take a laptop, an MP3 player, or other important items with you.
This means safety and ease of use are the most important items from day one.
Those are all important items that I'm not going to spoil for anybody who plans to watch the video.
Most important items include a leash and collar with identification, food and water bowls, and chew toys.
To this post (the more important item at hand)?
I often have concerns about reaching rushed agreements in the midst of trial and leaving out important items.
By allowing you to drop items anywhere, you may end up leaving important items in areas hard to return to.
Make that «today» list for the week and tackle the most important items first (number 2!).
A dashboard glove box is available as well to store important items close by and easily within reach.
If the trip is a business related excursion, do not forget important items like a business suit and formal dining clothing.
The former lets you access files and retrieve important items off your phone with ease, while the latter stores all the passwords you need to gain access to critical apps and services.
When developing your resume consider how important each item is to the teaching position you are applying for before adding it.
Help him move crates, make repairs, collect important items and much more by guiding him with the arrow keys or mouse.
Except for one store — I remembered the list but had forgotten to put several important items on it.
Don't wait until the last minute to buy important items such as a crib and car seat until you are «close» to delivery.
They are the perfect size for carrying around your tablets, iPads, and any other important items while being stylish at the same time.
While one tray is perfect for your little ones snack and toys, you can have your own separate tray to hold important items like your phone and keys.
There is one really important item to have when you use a HELOC though - a method of paying it back!
The next important item that will be used every day are baby wipes.
If a less important item remains on your to - do list for more than three months, let it die.
Here you can add important items like Settings, Documents, Download folder, etc, to fill in the created gap.
Job seekers from the civil field often write general statements that lack the use of numbers to describe important items like the size and value of projects or number of staff supervised.
Four interior side pockets keeps important items handy and the large center section leaves plenty of room to hold everything you need with space to spare.
The other important item located in this reservoir is the pick - up tube for the oil pump.
Keeping important items packed in your SUV is important to many drivers — you never know when disaster could strike, after all.
The second important item concerning dissertation writing is that, you need to begin planning and research.
You will be required to craft important items that will help you on your quest.
It is particularly troubling, however, when it occurs in legal materials where researchers seek to find important items that are no longer at the cited URL.
Jewelry, cash, cameras and other expensive or important items easily show up on security scanners and should never be packed in your checked luggage.
But with sometimes important items listed like homework books, your child's organizational style might be better served with something else.
I have learned that the best time for me to schedule important items in my planner is when the children are sleeping.
The storing drawers and shelves appears to provide a lot of space to keep small important items.
If possible, get a copy of the agenda so you can identify important items and give some thought to what you would like to say.
I've had plenty of experiences where I either packed far too much or too little, or even forgotten important items completely.
The cargo area features in - floor storage that helps you keep important items safely out of sight.

Phrases with «important items»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z