Sentences with phrase «important narrative details»

Han Solo and Chewbacca easily get the most screen - time of all the returning legendary, mythical beings, but it's also a decision deeply rooted to serve as an extension of important narrative details.

Not exact matches

In relation to narratives, one could say that each character and event is a detail that can reveal some important aspect of reality and touch deep feelings in the hearer or reader.
Certainly, if the idea of Jesus» risen life started with any factual element associated with an empty tomb, that element was never clearly visualized, even in the imagination of the first disciples, and is now confused for us in narratives that contradict each other on every important detail.
the context of the whole narrative suggests to me that Jesus is saying in effect...» get a sword, becuz without one, what is about to happen will not be fulfilled»... these details seem to be important to the gospel writers... as Matthew's version of the story where the response suggests more non-violence...»» Put your sword back into its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.
All the missing details concerning important backstories are skilfully woven into the main narrative and many of the supporting characters get an appropriate sense of closure along with the leads.
But the film was wonderful, lacking some of the specific narrative details of the book but so rich with what was really important: the feeling, the atmosphere, the intangibility.
Malcolm X (Spike Lee, 1992) and Lumumba (Raoul Peck, 2000) are discussed from the important perspective of whether they represent racial - colonialist «appropriationist» or «assimilationist» narratives, and Bingham uses specific textual details (including cinematic techniques), extensive background production research, and his own logical argumentation to substantiate his opinions on these significant issues.
One good thing about this easy - to - use technology is that students can still use important English language arts skills like writing a narrative, planning a sequential story, and including key details when getting ready to make a movie.
While I appreciate the careful detail and thought put into the narrative of Quantum Break, this is still a video game at its core, and how a game plays will always be the most important aspect when determining its overall fun factor.
The hard - hitting trailer for Tekken 7's all - important story mode gives a few scant details of what complex narrative journeys you'll be embarking...
The hard - hitting trailer for Tekken 7's all - important story mode gives a few scant details of what complex narrative journeys you'll be embarking on when it arrives early next year.
Through casual and direct discussions Broken Screen offers a detailed navigation through the ideas behind the important yet under - documented visual language of nonlinear narratives, split screens and fragmentary visual planes that define the most progressive moving images today.
I believe that details are important in supporting a client's claim and I have the patience and experience needed to pull the key pieces of information from a client's medical records to develop a narrative that summarizes the client's journey.
Don't get hung up on details such as dates, reporting structure, or any of the other factual minutiae that, while important on a resume, will bore a reader hungry for a quick, compelling narrative.
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