Sentences with phrase «important point in this conversation»

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And that point — an important nuance lost in the clutter — alludes to what Mast told me at the beginning of our conversation when he explained why he got into the chocolate business.
Just as a point of clarification to Bill's post above, while I welcome what I thinkis a imporant point we should al keep in mind I would in no way ever see myself as an important part of the conversation more a present somewhat comenting bystander although my ego was very flattered when I read Bill's comment
I'm asking for prayer because this represents a critical turning point in the project in which I will be engaging in some important conversations with those who might not, at first glance, agree with me.
And the wedge of doubt is so important and that's where, I think, almost everyone's experience in this room probably for those that might have been believers at one point, it all started with that splinter of doubt, where you might have read something, heard something, seen something, heard a conversation, whatever it was.
«We think there are others to be considered, but the bill is an important starting point in the vital conversation about the future of transportation,» the statement continued.
We're in the middle of planning the most important day of our lives and it's hard to not make this the biggest point of conversation.
Taken in one way, the picture discourages contemplation and nuance, locating The Pagemaster as every bit the anti-intellectual kind of drivel that reading embarrasses; taken another, it is a nice starting point for an important conversation with your child about why so many cartoons think children are stupid.
However, as the coalition points out, saying nothing communicates a great deal to children — that you may be insensitive to their needs (not realizing that they are confused and struggling), uncaring about this important event in their lives, disapproving of conversations around death, and other negative messages.
«In spite of my confidence in the Common Core as a starting point for an important conversation for what we expect of our students, the implementation has created confusion in many classrooms and in homes across New York State,» said Nick Lawrence, an 8th Grade Social Studies teacher and member of the paneIn spite of my confidence in the Common Core as a starting point for an important conversation for what we expect of our students, the implementation has created confusion in many classrooms and in homes across New York State,» said Nick Lawrence, an 8th Grade Social Studies teacher and member of the panein the Common Core as a starting point for an important conversation for what we expect of our students, the implementation has created confusion in many classrooms and in homes across New York State,» said Nick Lawrence, an 8th Grade Social Studies teacher and member of the panein many classrooms and in homes across New York State,» said Nick Lawrence, an 8th Grade Social Studies teacher and member of the panein homes across New York State,» said Nick Lawrence, an 8th Grade Social Studies teacher and member of the panel.
But as Riley points out that in the next breath, she «shoots down suggestions for changes — vouchers, charter schools, differential teacher pay and so on — that have become important parts of the reform conversation
The film, four - lesson Teacher's Guide, and teacher workshops serve as an entry - point to important conversations with educators and students on how to use the teaching of genocide to cultivate forgiveness, compassion, and upstanding in our own lives.
I think it's also important to point out that in many of these conversations (not that it will necessarily happen in this one), people will often assume that no one reads books anymore, but in reality, that vast majority of American adults read at least one book a year -LSB-(75 % according to a Pew Study)-RSB-( and the median number of books read was 5 in 2013, so I don't think we can say that school is turning kids off reading, because most of them grow up to be adult readers.
The «just a game» point of view isn't articulated outright nearly as much as it's opposition, precisely because those who maintain it don't see in - depth conversation about the «nature of the medium» to be all that important or helpful.
The humor of this game really is one of the strongest points and was clearly something really important in this games conception, every second a new joke is spouted and almost every single conversation seems to have some bad joke chucked in which meant things never got dull.
As people become familiar with your brand and begin to express an interest in your offers, it is important to have those sales conversations with them — but only once they get to that point.
The Kitchen L.A.B. (its acronym stands for «language,» «art,» «bodies») invites artists to unpack such ambiguous vocabularies in contemporary art by responding to them both in conversation and artworks, creating hybrid events — and, over time, hybrid audiences — that underline not only points of commonality among disciplines but also, as important, real differences.
Aaron Street: Yeah, and so that then led to a conversation about kind of the bias, inherent in personas and I think one of the traps that it's important to not get too caught up in is in this context, bias absolutely can include things like race and gender and orientation and disability status, but the bigger point is that they can be biases having nothing to do with kind of demographic identity.
, but the important point is to be having the conversation in the first place.
Another key data point in the tablet and PC conversation is how the tablet continues to fall by the wayside when it comes to the most important device to consumers.
Next time the situation presents itself, calmly sit him down, look him in the eye, and sincerely say something to the effect of: «This (whatever this is) is REALLY important to me and it would mean a lot to me if you remember this conversation because it may come in handy at some point down the road.»
The film, four - lesson Teacher's Guide, and teacher workshops serve as an entry - point to important conversations with educators and students on how to use the teaching of genocide to cultivate forgiveness, compassion, and upstanding in our own lives.
A lot of couples start restricting themselves to only «important» conversations after crossing a certain point in the relationship.
Every important phone conversation will be complemented by a cover - email, just a couple of lines, so if there is any descrepancy in understanding something that was a point of reference, we each have a copy to refer to.
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