Sentences with phrase «important points of information»

Every job description should convey the most important points of information to pique interest, such as your role and accomplishments.

Not exact matches

Especially important, for the sanity of NCAA administrators, is the mass communication tool that collects contact information for every team's point of contact upon their signing up.
Clearly, this is a major point of interest for companies needing to secure and track their most important information.
Even if only 16 Fortune 500 companies share detailed demographic information about their employees, it's important to point out that the data that is available represents the race, gender and job category of more than 800,000 people — everyone from the CEO through service staff.
Information keywords (Review, How to, Best ways to, Ways to, I need to): These have a lower chance of converting than buy - now and product keywords; but they are still important, because at this point the user is still researching the niche.
-- Some entrepreneurs lack the financial training to set up the systems to gather financial information in an easy and painless way — Most important, as Steve point out, some of these figures are just misleading at this state of a company
I am merely pointing out that this «new» information has been around for 200 years and the claims that these people are making that martyrdom was somehow not important to the rise of Christianity is false.
Although menu labelling is not yet mandatory, two - thirds of Canadians like the idea, and value nutritional information as important.1 The data points to another business opportunity: 52 % say they would be more likely to choose a restaurant with detailed nutritional information.1 But only one in five can recall seeing this type of information on restaurant menus.1 Set yourself apart from the competition by running nutritional information on your healthy menu options.
In every room, an iPad Concierge acts as a guest directory, allowing guests to view recommended activities, information about the property, important points of interest and other interesting facts.
But I wanted to make this forum an open one, to all points of view, and I think this comment raises a really important larger question, of how to evaluate information on the internet.
PRIYA NEMBHARD: Your point of view is so important Rebecca and you know from a business stand point, from a company that shares information about the lactation rooms that are available, we were very conscious about the message when we started.
We're excited about tons of High Point Market events, lessons from Toys «R» Us's bankruptcy, Las Vegas Market's new expo center, research that shows brick - and - mortars are still thriving, and important information about Prop 65 an outdoor products.
Try to keep a bibliography file with a summary of the article, any important points, even a figure or two, along with citation information.
«The most important thing for us in this first stage has been to present the biological information in a simple but at the same time reliable manner from the point of view of data treatment, for example correcting systematic biases between experiments that can lead to erroneous conclusions,» adds Rossell, who is now at the University of Warwick, in the UK.
The genomic data is important, say researchers, because it serves as a key reference point for when and where the parasite existed in humans, and provides more information about the evolution of human disease.
«An important point is that it is not merely a different technology for computing in the same way our everyday computers work; it is at a very fundamental level a different way of processing information.
«For describing the quantum system, it is very important whether these higher correlations can be represented by correlations of lower order — in this case, they can be neglected at some point — or whether they contain new information
It points to a very important property of the human brain: We are not dispassionate information processors.
The pattern of RGC loss in patients as well as information obtained from laboratory research all point to the fact that an important site of pathology occurs at the optic nerve head, a region where the axonal cell processes of RGCs exit the eye on their way to the visual centers of the brain.
It is important to regard the LGM studies as just one set of points in the cloud yielded by other climate sensitivity estimates, but the LGM has been a frequent target because it was a period for which there is a lot of data from varied sources, climate was significantly different from today, and we have considerable information about the important drivers — like CO2, CH4, ice sheet extent, vegetation changes etc..
Although the authors caution that their results are approximations intended to guide future modeling efforts, this study provides fundamental information regarding the relative difficulty of achieving desired albedo modification effects and is an important starting point for understanding the limits of what is widely considered one of the most viable solar geoengineering techniques.
ANDREA: Food is important, and I'm not a nutritionist so I can't give too much specific information, but I was at one point, back in the early 2000s competitive weight training was my thing, so I was on a diet where I was eating very lean protein, complex carbohydrates, a certain amount of fats and I was very, very militant about my eating.
In addition, the smoke point and proneness of a culinary oil to rancidity adds additional information that is important for overall evaluation.
Current information points out that vegetarian diets play an important part in cancer prevention.Information found at Healthy Organic Vegetarian which also gives a page devoted to breast cancer, gives a clear picture into the importance of food.Exercise is important to promote health too, We can do lots to reduce our risk, maybe people are looking for a quick fix and not prepared to put the work in..
Woven into the new teachings of each module was a repetition of important points which truly impacted my ability to assimilate and remember the information.
Because I think it's important we all see one another's perspective and not fall into a trap of co-opting, commoditizing or branding this lifestyle to the point that sharing information on one perspective is seen to diminish the value of others.
Most of the information we have heard before, but one interesting point Gregory Waldorf said is, what their researchers found really important is starting with a pool of compatible matches.
While several of the important points stayed with them, we also ensured that they had long - term access to the information shared in the course, in case they needed it later.
In an age of information overload, content that is relevant to individuals and useful at the point of need is more important than ever.
This brings up an important, but easy to overlook, point: As with parallel parking, what is «one thing» to the trained mind can seem a wildly confusing sprawl of information to the novice.
So be concise, keep important information at the top of the page, and start subheadings, paragraphs, and bullet points with information - carrying words.
And you can sit back and relax even more if you have access to important and up - to - date information, for example on gas stations, services or a range of other «Points of Interest» along your route.
One gets to see to the point explanation of the functions and important information as they read or move along the device.
Guarantee your essay is unique having huge points of interest from the solid also important wellspring of information to create it most excellent.
Well, with the power of Unreal Engine 4 and this book... Now your dreams can now be reality!This book has been designed and crafted by independent developer Ryan Shah (of Kitatus Studios), who boasts over 10 years of experience working with video - game development tools as well as 2D / 3D art applications.Ryan Shah will guide you through your adventures with Unreal Engine 4, Teaching you all the important information in an enjoyable, relaxed and entertaining style, which will help make sure you have the greatest possible adventure learning to create the video - game of your dreams.If you enjoyed 3D point and click adventure titles (Such as Telltale's The Walking Dead, Back to the Future, Sam and Max.
Wow you convey this information really helps me, a lot of important points that I get after reading this article.
And the more important point is: whether Hugh Howey is right or not, he creates a mindset that fosters collaboration and the exchange of information I mentioned earlier.
If you have followed the prescribed steps up to this point, you'll have two important pieces of information.
The Stakd app captures the important points of the transaction and memorializes it into a legal loan agreement that spells out the amount borrowed, the repayment period, the interest rate, and other important information.
Don't make a point of arguing accurate information, but if you do happen to see any errors, it is important to bring attention to them right away.
Your article very nice and good information Compare Home loan interest rates of all major important points of different when it comes to home loans are as kind of principal (Interest rates)(Processing fee)(Loan to value Ratio) and true facts from different home loan interest rates Check Interest Rates 2017, Processing fee (Per lakh EMI)(ROI floating Rates).
If you receive this information before you sign an agreement of sale, here are some important points to consider.
We will even go further than other companies by pointing out other very important information to help prevent you from being sued or let you know if you may be a victim of Identity Theft.
At this point I find it important to mention that the AAFCO does not provide a lot of relevant information for consumers on its website.
Another important piece of information: when you redeem your points for airfare or hotels, it counts as a paid stay.
The visits to the large cities began with a coach tour accompanied by a local guide who gave valuable information about navigating the city and the most important points of interest.
At Cavallo Point Lodge («Resort»), the privacy and confidentiality of user information is important.
The information is broad enough not to intimidate those just learning about miles and points, but advanced enough so that even the most seasoned traveler will either learn something new or be reminded of something important.
Be organized and keep track of the date when the minimum spend requirement needs to be met, as well as any other important information about earning points with your new credit card.
Your points are worth 25 % less their value when you redeem them to pay off balance, and I wasn't able to find this piece of important information when I started earning points.
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