Sentences with phrase «important points of the story»

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Known as Snip, this innovative news site delivers short, to - the - point summaries < br / > of the day's most important stories and events.
«If the story of Jesus,» Kaufman remarks at one point, «provides significant insight into and orientation for today's human life and problems, christology can and should continue to have an important place in our theological reflection and our religious devotion; if not, it should be allowed to fall away.
Since a history of Faith Church had just been finished a few months before he arrived, Landry invited the committee to begin its work with a study of this history; the story of the church's founding, its significant experiences in the past, critical turning points, its line of important personages.
Father Gabriel's narrative may have been an important plot point to keep the story moving, but it's a far cry from what you will find inside the walls of the average church on a Sunday morning.
That is the point which is most important to me in the story of Balaam and his ass, and perhaps because I loved this story as a child, I responded to it with particular affection when I returned to it as an adult.
We can not even appropriate for ourselves the kind of piety which produced this weak effort at salvage: «The important point [in the Samson stories] is Samson's radiant certainty that his tremendous strength, and his successes, were due to Jehovah [Yahweh], who filled him with His (Jehovah's) divine energy.
Berry was voted into the Pro Bowl for the fourth time in his career last week, but for those out there that see the Pro Bowl as a popularity contest or a name - recognition game (which it is, sometimes), I know we both think it's pretty important to point out that Berry's performance this season definitely makes him deserving of the honor — it's no sympathy vote based on his story.
An equally important point, I could also contribute to the our book by offering a decade's worth of horrifying hospital - based birth stories, which Fransen can not.
By this point, the soothing, rhythmic sounds of a simple story should be quite audible, although the tones and cadences of the voice are more important than enunciation of the actual words.
I found after about three years old, the kids really love looking at photos of themselves and hearing stories — so this was a fun way to discuss various points such as why it's important to be gentle with a new baby, how we can help them, etc..
Video often evokes a stronger emotional reaction than text or still images alone, making it a powerful way to tell stories or make a political point, but online video isn't television — the kinds of content that succeeds can be quite different, with authenticity and topic typically more important than polished visuals.
«The important point here is, if you look at the trend of improvements in schools, the numbers now succeeding at GCSE and accessing A-levels has been a success story of our education system,» he said.
However, there are several valid points he makes, including that inflammation is a huge part of story as to what causes heart attacks, and that omega 3 to omega 6 ratio is important.
However a main point of my argument is that BG levels are only a small part of the story; What higher carb intake does to insulin and leptin is even more important; it raises them promoting insulin and leptin resistance.
The most overrated game I have seen In my life, tell me what is the most important thing in a videogame, yeah the story is very important and this game has a good one but the story is not the most important thing is the gameplay wich this game has not, the «gameplay» if i can call it that is a bunch of QTE and interactive cutscenes and point and click stuff and like I said the story is really good but the gameplay kills it you just move your cursor and watch things happen.
No matter your decisions up to this point in the story, the end of Episode Four does its most important job — puts our leads into dire personal conflict as we head into the last act, making it seem impossible that they can ever pull things together and win the day.
it just started to irritate me, i mean yes the story is good but i just do nt see the point in the religious freak who thinks its more important to speak and spread thje word of god rather than try and get this sale by talking about lubricant which is his job!
Yes there is a gimmick of being shrunk but wisely Payne chose not to focus solely on this but used it more as a jumping off point for the more important themes this story brings about.
When discussing the large cast assembled for X-Men, Singer stated that each character «has a very important function in the story,» driving home the point that he's not just gathering a bunch of actors together for cool cameos.
«It's hard to know if you are deleting something really important if you don't know for sure where the story is headed,» points out Greg Garrett, author of «One Fine Potion: The Literary Magic of Harry Potter.»
It was inevitable that at some point, the characters and stories of Marvel's movie universe would be more important than the comics which inspired their writers, stars, directors, and the audience too.
That helps drive home the point that the story is the most important part of The Banner Saga.
Some of the developments feel a bit predictable — shot in the dull hues of gray that match Maud's life, Suffragette occasionally turns hard truths into platitudes — but the story is inspiring, buoyed by a fine cast, a pointed, important examination of the price paid for a shot at equality.
Perspective is probably the most important aspect of storytelling; the story completely changes depending on whose point of view we are inclined to side with.
Sure, it's devoid of many important ingredients (such as character developing, story with some point, etc.), but that's most movies since 1990s...
There's a sweet story in here, one that teaches children the importance of being a good person over being a famous or important one, and reminds them to take in the surroundings rather than spending your life racing from point A to point B.
As my friend Dan Kadlec pointed out in a recent story with Time, Arne Duncan just said, «As important as reading and math and social studies and science are, I think today more than ever financial literacy has to be part of that.
This matter is particularly important, given that some point to charter management organizations Green Dot and Mastery as turnaround success stories even though each has a very short turnaround résumé, in both numbers of schools and years of experience.
While Hanushek's rebuttal is devastating, the more important point is that Baker simply pretends it does not exist — he paints a story of academic consensus that is entirely false.
At heart (and it has lots of heart), this story about young Lola learning the fandango when she finds a pair of dance shoes touches on two important points: the good part of sibling rivalry, which pushes a child to find her own talents, and the way the arts can create new worlds.
As a company of writers, editors, and marketers who've devoted our careers to helping authors and entrepreneurs publish their stories, Midnight Publishing respects and offers our services for anyone who feels they have an important point of view to share.
I agree that each one of the fights listed were important, and I think the reason it is difficult to distinguish one as the «most» important is due to the different points of view the story is told from.
Nothing you decide is more important to the force and effect of your fiction that the point of view you choose for each story, and how well you execute that point of view.
Once the betareader has read your work, they can provide helpful insight on how to improve your important elements of your story: characters, setting, and plot (point out plot holes and continuity issues).
If you overly show a less important scene and extend it to several pages, you might lose your readers» interest as they ask themselves what the point of the passage is and where the story went.
Told with Aboulela's inimitable elegance and narrated from the point of view of both Natasha and the historical characters she is researching, The Kindness of Enemies is both an engrossing story of a provocative period in history and an important examination of what it is to be a Muslim in a post 9/11 world.
Susanne went above and beyond, making important plot suggestions and pointing out holes in the story, along with providing an excellent job of line editing and proofreading.
Your (and DataGuy's) point about quantity of books and putting story first is really important.
While there are various schools of thought on where to start a story, they all revolve around a phrase called the inciting incident, so it's important to know where that point is in your story.
But while it is fair to say that some of that price decline is due to more competitive pricing of bestsellers by the big publishers — including some very aggressive pricing like Simon and Schuster's current $ 3.99 price point for Stephen King's 11/22/63, that's only part of the story, and it may be the less important part of the story.
It's important to point out here that we are looking for diversity in perspective, so we're not just interested in stories that reflect a Christian point of view or its diametrically opposite, atheism.
Checking for head hopping is especially important for children's writers since their stories should be told from the protagonist's point of view or perspective.
In the next lesson, I'm going to show you how to diagram all the important turning points in your story and structure your idea inside the 3 - Act Paradigm or what needs to be in the Beginning, what to do with the Middle (a lot of writers get bogged down here and I will show you how to stay out of the mud) and how to wrap it all up with a satisfying End.
Compression allows you to stress on the most important points and events of your story.
We talk a lot here at TKZ about how important pacing is, and transitions go along way to creating that seamless narrative flow you need as your story shifts in time, location, or point - of view.
These authors have labored countless hours over their characters, have lost precious sleep going over the finer points of their stories» plot development, have missed important family events in order to agonize over their stories...
These are the stories that point out why this stuff is so important to keep track of, and so much harder to track down if you forget about any of it.
Hackett adds that a good product categorizing tool which defines important similarities and points of differentiation will help a retailer in the following ways: • Determine which items fall into the good, better, and best within each category and sub - category • Develop guidelines for choosing new products to add to their assortment • Identifying brands that should be expanded or contracted based on growth and strength trends of each brand within their assigned category • Determine how much space should be allotted to each category based on space to sales movement • Determine merchandise locations and prioritize brand positioning • Develop advertising strategies based on these trends • Build a story line for the products in their store • Provide training materials for staff to communicate these categories to the consumer and the differences between them Here's a few more tips from Hackett: Categorize: A great buyer develops strong tools to categorize and sub-categorize their business.
Obviously we're big value fans here at, but there's a more serious point to be made, since many of the DLC packs genuinely add content and context to the all - important narrative and story.
I remember we talked about the event in the story where you go to meet the Motavian governor, and someone pointed out that since the governor is such an important person, you should probably bring him some kind of souvenir.
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