Sentences with phrase «important role in»

Do you think I could leave the chia seeds out, or do they have a really important role in this recipe?
«This is where the need for specialized distributors will always play an important role in the marketplace.»
According to Wahlberg, faith has played an important role in his transformation.
There was another group of writings which never did become canonical but played a very important role in late Judaism and early Christianity, for they were an integral part of the thought and outlook of the Jewish people which provided the background for the development of Christianity.
This, the Talmud, has played an enormously important role in Jewish life.
Humor has an important role in biblical and theological debate, but mockery must be left at the door.
Indeed, for some, whether the result is good, bad or mediocre is less important than that they had an important role in bringing it about.
This aspect of the abstract nature of mathematics, that not all of its results necessarily can be applied to reality, plays an important role in UA and PM.
It is especially these two last notions of form and of generality, and the underlying correlations between variables and mathematical formalisms, that play an important role in Whitehead's later philosophy.
Schools certainly play a very important role in education, and my focus will be on what goes on in them.
The Papacy had an important role in the perpetuation and ordering of the Roman Catholic Church, both in the West and in its later extensions.
It is this approach that now plays an important role in justifying the extraordinary concentration of endowment assets and cultural prestige in just a few schools at the top of our university system.
Television fulfills a more important role in the lives of older people than it does in the lives of younger people.
To me it seems important for the human future that they reassert an important role in education.
To correct a couple of Nii's definitions: cerebellum... Nii defined this as «our heart», the actual definition is «The cerebellum (Latin for little brain) is a region of the brain that plays an important role in motor control.»
The communities and traditions I listed are all religious, because these kinds of practices and experiences play an important role in them.
It will take more than public displays to strengthen the hobbled institution, but such gatherings do play an important role in bonding concerned individuals into a movement, especially when the powers that be seem to be loudly telling them to go away.
This is the controversy about vouchers that plays an important role in American politics.
Though the significance of work may need to be rethought, work will always occupy an important role in human existence.
Need chance have played such an important role in evolution if God is in any way the principle of cosmic order?
Women writers have played a particularly important role in evangelicalism.
While the IMP and the World Bank have played an important role in pushing the process of globalization, it is the WTO that is today playing the leading role in this process.
During the period of Reconstruction the Protestant ministry played an important role in developing Southern defenses — emotional and spiritual — against Yankee encroachment.
Thus, though independent firms currently play an important role in serious theological publishing, there is no assurance that they would fill the gap if denominational publishers were to abandon the field.
Race plays an important role in almost all the communities described in this book, but the problem of «white flight» was not, according to Ammerman, the immediate problem facing any of the congregations under study.
Polish Catholicism still has an important role in the Church and the world.
I think faith can play a very important role in peoples lives, but it should be tempered with reason, so that when science makes a discovery that challenges that faith you can adapt and accept that your prior held faith may have been flawed.
There is no question, however, that that conviction played an important role in Richard's vocation.
Thus an assertion of the right to be religiously human, which involves choosing, transforming and inhabiting the world of «my» or «our» religion in accordance with «my» or «our» changing experiences, plays an important role in forming local religious identity.
Roman Catholic bishops from the United States played an important role in the Council.
Both forms of image, the audible and the visible, played an important role in the religion of the peoples among whom ancient Israel lived.
That changed over the Summer, as more people began to hear about the issues involved, and the Church played an important role in this.
Phoebe was one of many women in the early church to play an important role in directing the churches that met in their homes.
Again, traveling played an important role in the life of each one of these three grandseigneurs, yielding lasting fruits in literary works and contributing to the knowledge and understanding of the similarities and differences in human nature.
The media play an ever more important role in such events as political campaigns, the overthrow and creation of governments, and in the way wars are planned, fought and interpreted.
If faith is closely related to the adverbial mode of perception, then faith may have an important role in keeping the higher symbolic processes in contact with reality, that is, the richer qualitative processes from which all experience arises.
Ms Mullally, who is the first woman to hold the third most important role in the Church of England, suggested that the institution should be at the heart of communities if it is to stay current.
Religious leaders from across the spectrum have criticized the city's decision not to include clergy or any formal prayer, saying faith played an important role in the recovery from the tragedy.
This body of literature never enjoyed so important a role in the early Church as the Apostolic Fathers; nonetheless, it shows the great variety of literature produced by the early Church.
His criticism of the United Nations is severe, but itâ $ ™ s because he believes it should play an important role in the world, not because he wants to see it annihilated.
(28) Spiritual ecumenism plays a very important role in the encyclical, which speaks at length of the «primacy of prayer» (29) and of «renewal and conversion.»
When the Wall was breached, Baum writes, the church ceased to play an important role in the common life.
I had the opportunity to talk with an Indian economist, Dr. Jagdish Bhagwati, who has played an important role in creating the WTO and in bringing India more fully into the globalized economy.
Sufism has always played an important role in Islam, especially among the Turks.
A detailed critique of the mainline U.S. media is available elsewhere and is beyond the scope of this book.15 However, I offer these observations about the mainline media, which plays such an important role in shaping our understanding of the world and the role of the United States within it.
For we must not ignore the fact that these very expressions had played an important role in the myths of the «dying - and - rising god» which were still very much alive in the wider cultural environment of Israel.
Fire plays an important role in the life of any people, and is coimmonly worshiped throughout the world.
Second, the fact that the Korean church has long been a church of the powerless people, gives it cause to play an important role in world mission.
In fact, these motor tracts play an important role in the selection of the movement received; that movement which is not ordinarily continued is absorbed or disregarded.
She is right about the value of specialization and its important role in any educational institution.
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