Sentences with phrase «important skill acquired»

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The CEOs also see acquiring foreign language skills to be beneficial, and most of them believe having Chinese language skills is more important than fluency in other languages, such as Spanish or Japanese.
You can use your Snapchat account to train people on how to perform various tasks, and acquire some important skills.
This being said, it's equally important to find the time to celebrate your own birth as a parent and all the amazing skills you'll acquire in such a short amount of time.
It's amazing and important to remember that while as parents we tend to notice the big baby milestones - rolling, crawling, sitting, standing, walking - our babies have been practicing and acquiring skills which form the building blocks of these skills for all the weeks and months leading up to them.
Giving children this solid sleep foundation is vitally important for them to acquire new skills and develop.
Promote the parent as the child's first most important teacher for helping children not only acquire necessary academic skills and knowledge as well as teaching and sharing values, encouraging and supporting creativity and fostering curiosity and a love for learning.
You do nt have to invest in expensive toys to enhance your babys learning abilities; there are several simple toys that can help her learn important skills and acquire knowledge as she grows.
You don't have to invest in expensive toys to enhance your baby's learning abilities; there are several simple toys that can help her learn important skills and acquire knowledge as she grows.
And most important, what kind of interventions in their lives or in their parents» lives could help them acquire those skills
I write here often about teaching children, but one of the most important things we do is to also teach their parents, which is done formally through our parent educators, and informally by our larger community of families who are, collectively, striving to offer children the opportunity to acquire the skills and attributes of success through play.
That is, learning is about fixing the problems that are important to you and acquiring the skills and resources you need to solve them.
Most important, she helps specialists and care providers acquire skills that enhance their ability to help their clients.
«I have no idea why this is, but I think it's important to look at why an atypical brain may acquire a skill way earlier,» she says.
But knowing that his superior memory is an acquired skill is in some ways more important to him.
From the outset, we wanted to cover all the important nonscience skills that young scientists need to acquire to be productive and successful.
I look forward to applying the skills that I acquired in my recent job back where my scientific background lies and in two fields that will play an important role in the post-genomics area.
It seems this last quality is the single most important «skill» you can acquire.
We offer legal counselling and opportunities for women to learn to read, write and acquire other important skills they can use to generate an income.
So, when it comes to applying and interviewing for these types of jobs, the important thing is to describe how the skills you acquired during your research experience translate specifically to research development, Rauser advises.
Learning to distinguish between practical and impractical purchases is an important (albeit difficult) skill to acquire when one is an avid consumer of fashion and style blogs.
The ability to ask one's own questions is, indeed, one of the most important lifelong learning skills a student can acquire in the course of their education and, yet, it is rarely deliberately taught to all students.
In my mind, one of the most important benefits of PBL (and which won me over, as it were) is that students are actually engaged in their own learning of significant content as they acquire the skills they need to be successful in life.
It explicitly teaches about 33 important academic words with multiple ways to practice them (most 6 - 8 times — enough for a student to acquire the words and fix them in long - term memory) as well as many roots and affixes and reading comprehension skills.
Assessments provide trainers and learners with important information about whether or not the learners have acquired the new skill.
With recent figures from The Prince's Trust showing that 31 % of teachers consider the development of soft skills more important than achieving good grades, teaching specialists analysed findings from global education technology company Promethean World, who surveyed over 1,600 educators from across the UK to see if teachers believe technology has hindered the ability for students to learn and acquire soft skills.
For instance, an emphasis on sequential mastery of skills that builds on previously acquired skills is a key component of the Singapore Math program and not important in the American approach, where activities don't require such skills.
So help your students acquire important life skills with this fun and essential basic skills book.
Like a cornerstone anchors a building, these tasks are meant to anchor the curriculum around the most important performances that we want learners to be able to do (on their own) with acquired content knowledge and skills.
The more open the economy, the more important it is that a country's students are acquiring high levels of cognitive skills.
Instead, they could forge a «learning contract» with both boys and girls: parents and teachers could allow children to play video games, in moderation, recognizing that those games can help children acquire important skills, but children would have to complete their homework too.
«In the end, this effort is important and we believe that the skills one acquires through a design - based entrepreneurship education program, such as opportunity recognition, problem solving, creativity, collaboration, [and] storytelling, are transferable and applicable to other areas of these young women's lives.
Sure, you can look up bits and pieces of information online, but effectively sourcing, analyzing, and validating that data — then using it to collaborate with others — is an extremely important soft skill that not all students are acquiring at the K - 12 level.
Creativity and critical thinking are rapidly becoming two of the most important skills a student can acquire in the digital age.
With this environment, it is increasingly important for social studies teachersto help students acquire the skills to deal independently and effectively withmassive amounts of information (Fitzpatrick, 2000; Rice & Wilson, 1999; Risinger, 1998; Saye, 1998; see also Doolittle & Hicks, 2003, for an overview).
Therefore, it is important to acquire vocabulary skills in order to build word knowledge.
In using this strategy, teachers organize the important concepts and skills they want students to acquire into learning units, each requiring about a week or two of instructional time.
Because bullying can often involve a power imbalance, it is important that a person in an authority role also be trained to recognize the signs of bullying and acquire the skills to effectively respond to it.
This can involve attention to some important period in the over two - thousand - year - long history of the subject or a study of more recent debates; and in tutorials and written work you acquire by practice the skill of advancing cogent and informed arguments of your own...
Argumentation Essay Tips In the opinion of our custom writing service, One of the most important skills you should acquire while studying at school is the art of argumentation.
In the opinion of our custom writing service, One of the most important skills you should acquire while studying at school is the art of argumentation.
This is an important skill to acquire for traders.
Finding and assessing common dental pathology is the single most important dental skill a practice can acquire.
This is when the puppies learn to socialize with other dogs, so it's important that the Westie pup not be separated from its mother or litter until these skills have been acquired.
This important puppy skill is called acquired bite inhibition.
On a side note, the beta boasted a leveling system that let gamers improve their stats, learn new attacks, and acquire important skills.
This is very important as they acquire the skills and knowledge that will help them to succeed as graphic designers.»
Internally, when partners don't model and coach effective business development and conflict management skills, developing lawyers pick up bad habits, repress their thoughts and feelings, and don't acquire important leadership skills that they need for real communication with clients.
Few traditional career tactics train us for an era where the most important skill is the ability to acquire new skills.
If, as many have argued, exposure to international principles and the law of other legal cultures provides an important perspective on the development and operation of domestic law, then training in basic skills needed to acquire further knowledge of foreign and international law surely facilitates development of that perspective.41 This normative interest attains particular force in institutions where other topics in the legal curriculum (especially those taught in the first year) now include a global legal component.
160 These critiques are essential to acquiring the important basic skills of legal thinking.161 In addition, clinicians and legal writing faculty «spend the most individualized time with students.»
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