Sentences with phrase «important studies which»

«This is an important study which lends support to the hypothesis that the immune system plays a role in the development of dementias such as Alzheimer's disease.
People with HIV infection are at increased risk of psychological disturbance, but there have been few investigations of the efficacy of psychological and other treatments in these patients.1 Markowitz et al have done an important study which should help the development of more evidence - based interventions.

Not exact matches

A new study has found that, for many, being «liked» on social media is more important than being liked in reality, which can lead to odd behavior and an inability to enjoy life in the moment.
Recent studies have shown huge benefits of CRM software, which just shows how important customer communication is.
For example, a Nielsen study found 60 % of Americans say the absence of artificial flavours and colours is important when deciding which foods to buy.
«It may be that longhand note takers engage in more processing than laptop note takers, thus selecting more important information to include in their notes, which enables them to study this content more efficiently,» the researchers wrote.
Neither were important House GOP blocs like the Republican Study Committee, which called the plan «a Republican welfare entitlement» due to its tax credits.
A report released by the Global Public Policy Institute and the Mercator Institute for China Studies, both of which are based in Germany, said Europe's economic ties with China are more important than those it has with Russia, and the stakes associated with calling out Beijing are much higher.
In 6 months, he made an important impact on the company — from his focus on being driver obsessed to delivering our first brand reputation study, which will help set our course in the coming months and year.
Research firm, Hearts & Wallets, conducted its Wants & Pricing: What Investors Buy & Competitive Ratings study, which ranked 24 financial firms based on more than 10 different attributes that investors deemed most important, found that Edward Jones outperformed across nearly all attributes, including the top three: «fees clear and understandable»; «unbiased, puts my interests first»; and, «explains things in understandable terms.»
Similar essays include Ben Avery's study of the ramifications of the Fall as they play out in Jackie Brown and Russell Hemati's «Like A Man,» which illuminates the important role of group dynamics in the nature of sin.
One of the most important studies is Denis de Rougemont's Love in the Western World, which makes a brilliant attempt to prove that romantic love was born of a Christian heresy, the catharism of the Middle Ages.25 This quasi-secret religion used conventional religious language to mask its own inner intent which was the celebration and mystical idolatry of sexual union.
I had also studied with Charles Hartshorne, and it was clear that he was fully conversant with the modern atheistic world and had constructed an alternative in which God had an important role.
Here too the particular ways in which any given school is self - governing carry important implications for the actual content of its course of study.
In twenty years of university teaching, poring over footnotes in journals devoted to the study of footnotes, attending conferences in which small increments of knowledge are swamped by large swathes of ignorance, and reading unimportant books about the important books that I haven't had time to read, I retained a longing for the ideal of the collegiate life.
Because we can not directly observe the behavior of biblical people or interview them about their moral values and principles, it is all the more important to study the biblical forms of moral discourse — the many ways in which these values and judgments are expressed.
The sin of Jeroboam, which plays such an important part throughout this political history, will be studied in the next chapter, and we shall see that it will confirm the interpretation we shall now attempt.
Krister Stendahl gave voice to this in his important essay The Bible and the Role of Women: A Case Study in Hermeneutics written in 1958.6 Donald Dayton expressed a similar position in his article in the Post American: «the real question - at least for most Christians [is]: Which of these views (the hierarchical or the egalitarian — or perhaps a synthesis of the two) has the clearer grounding in scripture?
This public face of religion, to which social anthropologists who study religion give particular attention, is important, although committed believers may wish to distinguish themselves, perhaps as «born - again» Christians from so - called «nominal» Christians.
Psychology, anthropology and sociology will be of great assistance here, the more so because recent developments in these fields, tending toward integration of these intimately related pursuits, promise the creation of a study of man to which the investigation of his religious life has to add an important, nay a decisive dimension.
During his two - month, 5,000 - mile survey trip, Townsend met a number of key figures, of which the most important was Mexico's director of rural education, Rafael Ramírez, who opened the way for him to study the nation's educational system.
You may think it all useless but if you think about it the field is highly interactive with law enforcement agencies out there, so if we have no information to study the various behavior types out there and what motivates people to become violent, the world will become deprived of psychologists which are important to helping law enforcement and hospitals identify people with such psychotic behaviors as this killer.
In the heyday of the liberal social gospel which occurred at the same time that form criticism and other important New Testament studies were making a fresh impact on Christian thought, the kingdom was considerably explored.
«Science,» she writes, «is important for exactly the same reason that the study of history or of language is important — because we are beings that need in general to understand the world in which we live, and our culture has chosen a way of life to which that understanding is central.»
I believe this to be an important new field of study which, of course, would imply a thorough interaction with cultural sciences.20 The recognition of difference often claimed by Boff.
Conversion of this type is an important phase of religious experience, owing to the part which it has played in Protestant theology, and it behooves us to study it conscientiously on that account.
When we study the Islamic economy as a way which Islam prescribes for individual and social behavior in the economic field and examine Islam's rules in this area, we can conclude that its most important attribute is social justice.
However, it is also important to acknowledge the larger societal dimensions of our concern, for which we refer to the very different kind of work done by an anthropologist, C.D.F. Mosse in a study of a mixed Hindu - Christian village in Ramnad District of Tamilnadu.
All fields of knowledge, from archeology to zoology, can claim distinguished contributors from many lands, and all studies have important applications to world understanding, whether it be an inquiry into the archeology of the Middle East, once the cradle of civilization and now a focus of cultural and industrial renaissance, or an analysis of the zoology of malarial infection, which has sapped the energies and influenced the destinies of millions in tropical areas around the globe.
But anyway, as you well know from studying at Moody, context is important, and that quote from my class must be understood in context, which I try to explain further in the other posts in this series.
Comparison of these studies brings into relief subtle but historically influential shifts in the meaning of «professional» (as in «theological schools are professional schools»), in the sorts of research deemed important to «professional» ministry, and in the ways in which research functions in professional schooling.
The critical realism which this view of models and paradigms supports has important implications for the study of religion.
For every important doctrine and belief in Christianity there are many gifted minds who have labored on studying them and have all come to convincing but different conclusions (which is unfortunate for me because I have the hardest time deciding between competing views lol).
Daniel Hugill, Chair, National Association of Teachers of RE (NATRE) said: «It is clear that not all students receiving their results today were offered the chance to study this important subject, which is reflected in the decline in entries.
If this does turn out to be the case, we will want to examine the possibility that the more comprehensive scope of Whitehead's thought may serve an important interpretative and supporting role for Deutsch's investigations of political life, which, in turn, may supply Whiteheadian studies with a focus for distinctly political problems.
Not only do the individualities influence the change of the images; it would be an important problem of the philosophy of history in the study of the history of religions to search out the influences, the categories, through which a precise «relative a priori» — to use Simmel's expression — acts upon the shaping of the «images»: national, tribal, race, class, sexmembership.
As we continue our study of Ephesians 6 and spiritual warfare, and although we have already talked about the six pieces of the spiritual armor which Paul mentions, we still have one vitally important piece left.
This phenomenon, more important for historical study than the isolated data which reflect it, is the existence of the early Church.
These studies suggest that the modern individual has to an important degree been the creation of a more sharply defined public sphere from which the private realm can be more clearly differentiated.8 Questions of interior space then become more important, as do the relations between these inner realities and those that constitute the public or external realms.
Between the two extremes there is a wide variety of ways in which men conceive of it, and these differing views of the Bible have important consequences for religious faith, and certainly for the ways in which men approach and study the Bible.
The most important polyphenol in matcha is EGCG (epigallo - catechin gallate), which is the subject of many medical studies.
In a world where our attention is brought to the latest studies it is important to understand which oils are beneficial for the body and which ones to avoid.
Multiple studies have shown that corrugated makes the most efficient use of space in truckloads, which is an important determinant of shipping costs.
Dr Karen Brooks stated that access to food is more important than volume globally, which was really interesting for me to hear as my studies have always focused on increasing volume of food produced.
The most important limitation to understand is that PRP therapy has really only shown to be effective in research studies which look at the treatment of chronic tendon injuries (tendons connect muscles to bone) such as tennis elbow (irritation of tendons about the elbow).
One of the most important and influential studies of the long - term effects of childhood stress and trauma is the Adverse Childhood Experiences study, which was conducted in the 1990s by Robert Anda, a physician at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Vincent Felitti, the founder of the department of preventive medicine at Kaiser Permanente, the giant health - maintenance organization based in California.
It is important to note that these studies, which support breast milk's power to develop infants» cognitive ability are based mainly on observation and could contain confounding factors such as minor differences in mother - baby interaction.
The results of the study enabled her to identify four of the most important aspects of parenting, which are discipline, nurturing, communication, and expectations.
TLT: It's important to note that only 11 of the 50 chains studied by CSPI are participants in the Kids Live Well program (only 10 of which were studied because one didn't offer nutritional data).
• An important longitudinal study which controlled for socioeconomic factors found fathers» involvement in routine every day childcare, plus play / school liaison throughout a child's life to beyond adolescence, accounting for 21 % of the variance in fathers» marital happiness at midlife (Snarey, 1993).
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