Sentences with phrase «important than a toddler»

Neither, however, is more important than a toddler's safety.

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I would love to move to a state with enough land and a warmer climate for my sons to ride their race bikes, my daughter to have the horse she dreams of and me to finally be at peace, I also believe that there should be someone home with the kids no matter what their ages are and as a single Mom with no family support or father involvement being at home for me is even more important, especially now that they are teenagers, There are no more nap times or time outs and the things you worry about during this age are so much more dangerous than falling down and hitting their heads as toddlers.
Really important things are stacked taller than a toddler on a chair.
Babies and toddlers breastfeed for many different reasons and there is not one reason that is more important than another.
As your toddler's language skills and vocabulary get more sophisticated, it's more important than ever to surround her with age - appropriate books.
Songs are a lot more fun than flashcards and can teach toddlers important facts and skills.
As goes with any age, it is especially important to focus on the process of arts and crafts with toddlers rather than the end result.
Remember that play is crucial for brain growth & developmentand far more important than academics for a toddler / preschooler.
During the potty training process it's far more important to coerce and encourage your toddler to have a go than to get into a standoff situation.
Although we have always known that getting proper sleep is important to our ability to function, did you know that getting less than 6 hours sleep is equal to being drunk, and who can really deal with a crying baby, a needy toddler after such a small rest.
The AAP released a statement in 2015 that reminded parents and caregivers that calories are less important than ensuring that toddlers eat a balanced, wide range of nutritious foods.
The vision is important because babies and toddlers see the colors differently on a mental and spiritual level than the grown ups do.
Actually, Attachment Parenting — being an approach to childrearing — knows no age barriers, and while this approach has to look drastically different in older children than it does with babies and toddlers, it is still vitally important to a child's optimal development to continue to parent with attachment well beyond the early years.
So sometimes it's more important to read a book to your toddler while your baby naps in your arms than it is to do your hair.
Since babies and toddlers can drown in less than two inches of water, bath safety is incredibly important.
Understanding the causes of toddler temper tantrums is more important than you might think.
Now that your toddler is eating solids and you get to feed her more than just milk, it's important to establish healthy eating habits early.
Blind adherence to the principle of «breast is best» seems to have become more important than treating babies, toddlers and parents as whole human beings.
For example, if she is getting upset at my insisting that she cleans up, it sometimes will seem more important that I insist on her listening and following instruction, but if I am to step back and put the situation in perspective, it is more important to take care of my toddler's emotional needs and emotional intelligence than to insist on her cleaning up right that second.
It felt as though blind adherence to the principle of «breast is best» had become more important than treating babies, toddlers and parents as whole human beings, with a broad range of physical, emotional and practical needs.
On the other hand, spotting potential problems sooner rather than later is important if your toddler does have a genuine developmental delay.
It is also important for parents to know that babies and toddlers understand more language than they can communicate.
Your goal, as a parent, is to help a willful toddler understand that they should stop whatever important activity they are doing when they feel the urge to go and use the scary porcelain monster in the bathroom rather than conveniently just go in a diaper.
Bonding with your toddler is an incredibly important experience, and it's a lot different than bonding with a younger baby or infant may be.
Breastfeeding is more than the biologically normal way for me to feed and care for my babies and toddlers, it has actually become one of the most important tools in my parenting tool box.
Now that your toddler is eating solids and you get to feed her more than just milk, it's important to...
Ultimately, weight gain comes from your toddler consuming more calories than he burns, so high - calorie foods are important contributors to weight gain.
How we nurture our infants and toddlers is more important than ever; even after one has raised a family, even after one has quit the workplace, one can and should still be both teaching and learning.
Actually they are probably even more important than the traditional toddler learning games that you will get on this page.
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