Sentences with phrase «important than all your points»

What the Gospels have in common is usually more important than the points on which they differ, but not always.
Reading the comments so far you are all right but perhaps even more important than all your points are the fans.
More important than the points from the result, however, could be the damage it does to Brendan Rodgers and his team.
Perhaps even more important than the points, however, is the morale boost that the winner will get, while the loser will have their current form and confidence damaged.

Not exact matches

The narrative reveals more about today's hyper - partisan discourse than about the reality of the new tax law, which is likely to affect jobs and the economy in important ways that don't fit either party's talking points.
Usually the change over time is more important than the raw number at any given point.
I simply pointed out that our kids learned a more important lesson than the downside consequence of their expecting to always sit in business class (which isn't going to happen!).
Like many, he points to the CSeries, which is expected to be ready for test flights in June, as far more important to the company's long - term success than a handful of big deals in the business line.
Which brings me to an important point: no one is claiming vast scientific rigor for this poll, so consider this list a jumping off point for discussion rather than the final statement on the topic.
«But those ends are much more important than the means: there is no point deploying blockchain or a product marketed as blockchain just for the sake of it.»
As I pointed to earlier, defining and managing culture is more important than ever.
Even if only 16 Fortune 500 companies share detailed demographic information about their employees, it's important to point out that the data that is available represents the race, gender and job category of more than 800,000 people — everyone from the CEO through service staff.
But there's an important detail to point out in the Coinbase and Charles Schwab comparison: The cryptocurrency trading accounts are worth much less than the $ 3.3 trillion total client assets in the more than 10 million open Schwab accounts.
So, for example, a strong showing in the Cost of Doing Business category — worth 450 out of a total of 2021 points — is much more important to a state's overall score than Access to Capital, which is worth 50points.
He raises an important point: If the ETF is a better structure than the traditional fund, then maybe there is no need to compare its fees to traditional fund fees, because traditional funds simply don't need to exist anymore.
Very important point that «time in the market is better than timing the market.»
But it is important to remember as Richard Russell points out, that oversold conditions can persist in bear markets much longer than they would during bull markets.
A comprehensive link building program always contains more than 1 strategy, so being able to leverage multiple tactics for link acquisition is an important point.
Information keywords (Review, How to, Best ways to, Ways to, I need to): These have a lower chance of converting than buy - now and product keywords; but they are still important, because at this point the user is still researching the niche.
The quality and appeal of your work is far more important than the length, but the data points toward longer posts as being more popular for link building and SEO — that is, at least several thousand words long.
These emerging trends and attitudes among Millennial entrepreneurs globally point to the dawning of a new age of entrepreneurship, where social networks are as important and potentially more important than self - reliance.
If you withdraw before you reach those points, you can actually end up with less money than you began, so it's important to leave your CD deposit alone until it matures.
You can't make the most important point about core product value in a simpler way than this slide:
The joke on me was that «I like the book for all the reasons the writer says its evil,» and that's probably true, but there's an important point I've taken away from the document: having paying customers speaks louder than critics.
This math is simplified but it's more than accurate enough to illustrate this important point.
So what was the point of the call? Political optics, obviously — which explains why the PMO's subsequent spin effort was more important than the phone call itself.
It is important to note that this point that the amount offered will be less than the market value of your home, as quick property buying forms look to make a profit when they sell the house on.
At this point, the most important question you must answer is, «What are we going to do to ensure that we start 2017 in a stronger position than we find ourselves in today?»
It's important to note that conventional solar panels will almost always come in at a lower total installed cost, a faster «breakeven point» and ultimately generate more value for the homeowner over their useful life than a home with a Tesla Solar Roof.
I don't believe the 50 - day is some magic line that is any more important than the 20 - day, I just use it here to make the point that at previous market tops, there was some deterioration before a vertical plunge lower.
I think the percentage of atheists versus believers is higher than the number you provide, and I also think the important point (perhaps implied by tallulah) is that per person, there is more anger on the side of the theists than the nonbelievers.
The point is that almost all of us, unless we are exceptionally gifted or precocious, require more than bureaucratic exhortation or the abstract knowledge that the study of the humanities is important.
Some of it is more valuable than others and the Bible even attempts to point out the most important parts which are sometimes broad concepts.
You have evolved... to the point where you now think you are special enough to have a another being make you more important than the other species.
It is important that at some point both parties move onto focusing more on their new lives than on their past life with their former spouse.
If somebody is being a bigot, it's far more important to point out that fact (for their sake and other's) than worry about somebody calling you a name caller, later.
I will further try to show that Whitehead the metaphysician displays interests in important respects not unlike those of Hegel, but that in his solutions to certain metaphysical problems, Whitehead not only evidences a conception of metaphysics quite different, and considerably more modest than that of Hegel, but also (and this will be my main point) develops his position in terms of a logic that is entirely non-dialectical.
They need to be read correctly, to be widely known and taken to heart as important and normative texts of the Magisterium, within the Church's Tradition... I feel more than ever in duty bound to point to the Council as the great grace bestowed on the Church in the 20th century.»»
Virility and potency are, from the Bible's point of view, much less important than decency, righteousness, and holiness.
Have you at any point even considered that anybody here might also consider it important to honestly study scripture and adjust their lives accordingly, but have still somehow reached very different conclusions than you?
I am not sure what to make of this argumentum ad arithmeticum, unless the point is that the earth is approximately 1.88 times more important to God than love and 2.04 times more important than heaven.
The point that I wish to emphasize is that what I have described as the inductive descent plays a much more important role in Whitehead's philosophy than the mere search for confirmation or falsification of some theory by the facts.
closer inspection of Merleau - Ponty's philosophizing reveals perhaps more parallels and possible points of contact with important doctrines of Anglo - American philosophy than the thought of any other phenomenologist.
The same can be said for other religious texts, but my point is that faith should never be more important than reason.
Using these sale figures as a starting point, one could easily argue that Anita Bryant has more followers than Germaine Greer, that Pat Boone speaks to more important needs than David Reuben, and that Marjorie Holmes will be savored long after Xaviera Hollander is remaindered.
In the transcript, he comes across more like a belligerent drunk than a potential president, but the mockery is missing some important points.
More important and more difficult to deal with than such differences in teaching on will and freedom, however, is a wall known only too well by those of us who have worked with Omega to help it make its Point: the wall of what Catholics are tempted pridefully to call pietistic faith and what Protestants are tempted cynically to call superstition.
It is one of theologian John Cobb's important contributions that he points so clearly to this kind of causation, which we know so well, as providing a much better way of conceiving of God's causality in the world than the concept of a God who intervenes through external causation.
We will not make this kind of move until we really decide that happiness is more important than the quantity or quality of the goods consumed, and that the latter is not, beyond a certain point, a significant contributor to happiness.
22 That this is so, and, especially, how this is so, may be clearer from the ecological perspective than from the sociological, but it remains a true and important point about human society, which sociological theology need not and should not continue to neglect.
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