Sentences with phrase «important than genes»

The more I look at how people's immune response happens based on this presence of this gene or that gene, the more complex it is and the more it's really apparent that what you do with your environment is so much more important than the genes you have, for most genes.
Lichtenstein found that the environment was more important than genes for almost all kinds of cancers.

Not exact matches

Getting a durable LIGHTWEIGHT stroller is more important than anything else if you think your genes will result in tall and / or sumo wrestler weight children.
«In 2010, we unsuccessfully tried testing genes involved in detoxification and concluded that variants in detoxification genes and pathways are less important than previously thought,» says the center's director, Sine Skovbjerg Jakobsen.
Their comparisons revealed a relationship between genetic traits that are most important in evolution during isolation and those that are most important during secondary contact, with greater - than - expected overlap between genes in these two scenarios.
We found that women have significantly fairer hair than men, which reflects how important cultural practices and sexual preferences are in shaping our genes and biology.»
Douglas Thomas, associate professor of medicinal chemistry and pharmacognosy at UIC, and co-workers discovered that nitric oxide plays an important role in epigenetics — heritable alterations in gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in DNA sequence.
«This is by far the largest twin study of gene expression ever published, enabling us to make a roadmap of genes versus environment,» Sullivan says, adding that the study measured relationships with disease more precisely than had been previously possible, and uncovered important connections to recent human evolution and genetic influence in disease.
Indeed, a close look at the chimp genome reveals an important lesson in how genes and evolution work, and it suggests that chimps and humans are a lot more similar than even a neurobiologist might think.
Given his training in developmental biology, Raman focused the team to seek a novel drug target on genes important to the development of model organisms — fruit flies (Drosophila) and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)-- rather than on oncogenes that transform a normal cell into a cancer cell.
The findings are especially important as they highlight the discovery of a regulatory sequence, termed the J element, that controls class I gene expression of many more genes than the counterparts that regulate class II gene expression.
It's entirely possible that there could be more than 32,000 genes, and SAGE is an important approach to finding them, she says.
Thirty years ago, geneticist Mary - Claire King and biochemist Allan Wilson proposed that changes in how genes are regulated, rather than in the proteins they code for, could explain important differences between chimps and humans (Science, 11 April 1975, p. 107).
If an effective artificial uterus were invented, it would be a massively more important story than Church's mammoth gene transfer project.
Mammalian Y chromosome genes with important functions are transferred to autosomal chromosomes more often than previously thought, a study shows.
«This is important biotechnologically, because if you look at if from the angle of genome editing, the delivery of small genes into cells is much easier than the delivery of large genes,» said Rotem Sorek of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel who was not involved in the work.
In fewer than five years, an important new gene - editing tool called CRISPR has radically changed the face and pace of biological research.
So in those people, genes may be more important than the environment in deciding whether they develop a disease.
But gene banks are more than just a global backup system for the next time the human race accidently deletes an important file.
However, recent research, mostly in insects and nematodes, has highlighted that bacterial to animal LGTs may in fact be a much more important source of novel gene evolution than was originally thought [2], [3].
«We were able to show that almost all of the genes other than PYHIN1 are trans - ethnic and important in all of the groups,» Ober said.
This approach may also be applicable to a number of rare genetic diseases caused by splicing defects, including ataxia telangiectasia, congenital disorder of glycosylation, and Niemann - Pick disease type C. Although the three DMD studies referenced here represent a great step forward for CRISPR gene therapy, it's important to realize that DMD is a simpler case than other genetic diseases we'd like to treat with CRISPR.
Here we are less interested in the contribution of individual genes (as important as these obviously are) but in the behavior of large genetic networks — hence the emphasis on genomics rather than genetics in our group name.
In addition, more than 600 genes are either receptors or associate closely with receptors, providing a thorough analysis of important signaling pathways.
First of all - its important to understand that when schizophrenia researchers talk about «environment» they have a very broad definition that basically includes everything other than «genes» or genetic factors.
It is important to note that yes, genetics play a role, but genes account for no more than 33 percent of whether one person will be more optimistic than another.
But recent research found an even more important reason: Sleeping less than six hours a night for one week can lead to more than 700 changes in the way our genes behave.
Methylation does more than just excrete the bad stuff, it is also a process that turns genes on and off, supplies active enzymes that manage important metabolic functions in the body and more.
It's also important for regulating gene expression, and this compound has been found to play a role in activating more than 200 different genes.
In identifying a dog's liability for carrying defective genes for a polygenic disorder, the breadth of the pedigree (that is, consideration of all siblings of individuals in the pedigree) is more important than the depth of the pedigree (consideration only of parent - offspring relationships.)
A collectivistic culture values harmony within the group, and the individual gain is considered to be less important than improvement of the social group.14 Embarrassment may be more common in collectivistic cultures because it is induced by external sanctions.15 «Taijin kyofusho» (the fear of offending or embarrassing the other person) is an example of a culturally specific expression of anxiety in Asian countries.16 Biological evidence also showed that people who live in collectivist cultures are more likely than those in individualistic cultures to have a form of the serotonin transporter gene that correlates with higher rates of anxiety and depression.17
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