Sentences with phrase «important than method»

How you react to winning and losing trades is much more important than the method you employ.
Although different ways of rebalancing can produce somewhat variable results, committing to a regular rebalancing plan is more important than the method you use.
Small particles are more important than PPM, more important than color, and more important than the method of manufacture.
While researchers continue to debate the merits of various sleep training options, consistency appears to be more important than method.

Not exact matches

Neuromarketers claim that such methods are more cost effective, but even more important — much more efficient than traditional methods such as focus groups.
The statement that began with the word «Unless» in the first paragraph is enormously important — because that distinction captures the primary lesson of our own awkward transition from 2009 to mid-2014 in our methods of estimating market return / risk profiles (see A Most Important Distinction, and A Better Lesson than This Time is Diimportant — because that distinction captures the primary lesson of our own awkward transition from 2009 to mid-2014 in our methods of estimating market return / risk profiles (see A Most Important Distinction, and A Better Lesson than This Time is DiImportant Distinction, and A Better Lesson than This Time is Different).
In the life insurance world, the models can be faster, better and cheaper than traditional underwriting methods, but they «do not provide the type of transparency important to producers and clients when determining the risk class.»
I've already repeated a couple of times my own line of reasoning, you then decide to say I'm committing confirmation bias without (and here's the important part Ace) actually quoting or even showing me where I'm doing this, so yeah, I'm better than you (fact) and no pretty sure my method (the right method) is helping me just fine.
The recipient, then, became less important than the task of evangelism itself, thus producing «easy and effective» methods that were able to be applied to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Which shows that there are more important methods of judgement than just our beliefs.
The followers of Whitehead who take his imagery literally without pondering this important insight are inclined to be more rationalistic than Whitehead intended, and than the method of rational empiricism requires.
Based on my own research into this topic and following the same method, I am prepared to say that the earth is 7.04 times more important to God than donkeys (which are mentioned 142 times in the Bible).
It is not a good idea to pick babies up by the ears or to drop them, but the history and theology of infant baptism are far more important than the technique, though not unrelated to the method used.
The scientific method of study and inquiry, important and indeed essential as it is to us, does not lead us to absoluteness of truth any more than the supposed divine revelation did.
The flat shreds are important for creating perfect flakes of butter throughout the dough which needs even less handling than pea - sized bits of butter which are flattened in the rolling out process — you can use an extremely light hand in rolling out the dough with this method.
Shad Forsythe, the new physio and fitness coach told German newspapers (and I am just quoting) «I found in an important club, fitness methods and physiological concepts that were almost prehistorical... Personally, I will need more than a year working with the players without any interruptions in order to fix the situation.
Why, it's almost as if he thinks that the job of managing a football club is one that should be judged in the medium - and long - term rather than the short -; that the most important thing is where Manchester City find themselves at the end of this season and those to come; and that the best way to get performances from his players is to back them and his own methods, in which he has absolute and justified faith.
There are other components of the system — the funding method, the fact that mealtimes seem like more of an interruption and disruption of the school day than an important part of the day — that need attention as much as the food.
It's important to remember, though, naps are always shorter than night - time sleep, so after an allotted period of time — half hour, 45 minutes — take your child out of his room if he hasn't fallen asleep and try the method again at night.
Researchers from the Universidad de la República in Uruguay and the University of Aberdeen in Scotland have devised a new method to transform data from complex systems, reducing the amount of important information lost, while still using less computing power than existing methods.
Additionally, fewer than 5 % included important information on whether bias - reducing methods such as randomization of the experimental groups were used, they report today in PLOS Biology.
When applied to 100 of the most sought - after fine wines from the Liv - ex 100 wine index, the new approach predicted prices with greater accuracy than other more traditional methods by learning which information was important amongst the data.
«Using broadly tunable laser sources rather than the fixed wavelength source used in this paper can extend this method to detection of other hydrocarbons, threat materials such as chemical warfare agents and explosives, and other biologically important substances used in healthcare and diagnostics,» said Hempler.
Since the Pilates method of conditioning integrates the entire body during each session, your movement quality is more important than the quantity you perform — every movement has a purpose.
Taking the approach to burn off more calories than you actually consume can be one of the methods to weights loss, however, it is possible to change the constituent part of the weight you are trying to lose, in this case, fat, by giving focus to one important macronutrient — protein.
The important thing is that the company uses more than one method, she says, in an integrative approach.
However, some of these methods were easier to stick to than others, and that is what's most important, because it doesn't matter how many times you eat a day if you're going to revert back to your old bad eating habits in a month.
Perhaps more important than shivering, is another method of heat production called «non-shivering thermogenesis».
With most cooking methods, vitamin retention in cooked seafood is greater than 85 %, and retention of important minerals is 100 %.
Other actors have attempted their own version of this form of immersive acting (frequently identified as the Method, though it's not actually Method's defining characteristic), but their antics usually draw attention to themselves as being little more than self - important, cast - aggravating stunts (see: Jared Leto).
The method is more important than the solution in this activity.
Finally without minimizing the importance of using consequences for student misbehavior, I believe that, in most cases, the method of intervention is more important than the actual consequence.
Growing research shows that Montessori schools create lasting, positive social effects.82 Since the Montessori Method focuses on personal development, Montessori students improve in their social and emotional intelligence at a faster rate than students in traditional education.83 In light of this finding, Montessori schools can be an important vehicle for integrating students of diverse backgrounds and fostering critical life and social skills needed for the 21st century.
Validity and reliability are worthy priorities, but when we consider methods other than weighted averages, it quickly becomes clear that other criteria — simplicity, fairness, and cost — are also important.
Daniel Goleman, renowned psychologist and a pioneer in social emotional learning, described how emotional intelligence is more important to success than cognitive competency and how the leadership of school principals can strategically influence school culture to include methods and activities to enhance emotional intelligence.
It is more important that universities are satisfied that A-levels enable young people to start their undergraduate degrees having gained the right knowledge and skills, than that ministers are able to influence content or methods of assessment.
Writing is important to me as a method of sharing ideas at a different rate than «normal» conversation may allow for.
More important than the extra value to readers, however, is the method of selling the bundled editions.
I think for most authors (category authors or those writing under a publisher's series might be the exception), name recognition is more important than the publishing method (assuming equal availability).
Nial you are so so right about getting our trading strategy right is more important than worrying how much we can make... now i am trading on a smaller lot to improvise my trading method.
So long as you are actively working to pay down your debt — and are making at least your minimum payments to avoid credit damage — the specific method you choose is less important than the fact you are working toward debt freedom.
It's true that if you use this method, you'll pay more in the long - run than if you had the discipline to pay off your debts from highest interest rate to lowest interest rate, but what's important is to find a repayment plan that you'll stick to until the debt is gone.
Physical mastery of the dog is generally less important than sensitive, patient and positive training methods.
It is important to note, however, that this breed is more sensitive than other dogs so you need to be careful about what training method you choose — positive reinforcement training is recommended.
Mass vaccination programs for dogs in underdeveloped countries are much more affordable than human vaccination and have become an important method of controlling rabies.
The founders were convinced that small animal practice was important and that it was necessary to provide better facilities and methods than generally were available.
The executive committee for the Phuket and Southern Thailand branch of the SKAL travel professionals organisation has denounced the opening of the Nemo dolphinarium and its planned «dolphin show `, insisting that important educational messages about the conservation of dolphins will inevitably be a lower priority than entertainment, and that the cruel methods used to hunt dolphins in countries like Japan and Russia — from which wild dolphins would likely be sourced in order to stock the attraction — did not meet CITES standards.
The method of solving the puzzle is usually more important than the time it takes, so there is typically more emphasis on thinking than on quick reflexes.
«For me, if an exhibition, or the artworks it presents, question the fundamental issues related to our lives, or universal thinking, then this is more important than thinking about the method or type of exhibition.»
Appeals to unknown unknowns to create the spatio - temporal patterns of GHGs, and to cancel out the radiative effects of what we know to be important, seems like much more of a stretch than the robustness of current methods.
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