Sentences with phrase «important than sharing»

But even more important than sharing your ideas is being a good listener, Brockelman says.
But what's more important than sharing information about devices, is sharing the achievements of your students.
Sticking to individual principle is more important than shared governance.
«The results suggest social closeness is more important than shared beliefs when evaluating others.

Not exact matches

With the millennial generation making up a larger and larger share of the workforce, teamwork and collaboration are more important than ever.
That's why it's important to diversify your portfolio rather than put all of your money into shares of a single company.
And much more important than the number of shares is how much of the company any given owner owns.
Tech - savvy speaker Killingsworth shares an important aspect of happiness many audience members might miss: Leaving the present often leaves us feeling emptier than we should.
«Nothing could be more important than precisely identifying DNA code alterations that drive the cancers» growth and use that information to decide on treatment plan,» Dr. Stephane Richard, CEO, shared with me in email.
The most important thing I've learned is that relationships and connectedness is more important than individual knowledge and skills, and sharing is more important than owning.»
It is more important than ever that investment managers vote their shares to ensure companies act in the interest of shareholders, Bogle told me.
Even if only 16 Fortune 500 companies share detailed demographic information about their employees, it's important to point out that the data that is available represents the race, gender and job category of more than 800,000 people — everyone from the CEO through service staff.
In this cycle, the pursuit of market share and volumes is less important than profitability and balance sheet resilience.»
Its staunch advocacy of free speech around the world - nothing other than direct personal threats are barred from Twitter - has helped it become an important avenue through which news and viewpoints are shared, from the first inklings of the U.S. military assault on Osama bin Laden's compound to Obama's tweeting «Four more years» when he won re-election.
- For Saudi Arabia, sharing the burden is more important than simply securing an agreement at any price
And yes, income inequality is extremely important in determining the share of earnings that go into consumption because the poor tend to consume a larger share of their wealth than the rich.
Outside of highlighting the casino - like atmosphere that has gripped parts of the stock market, the amount of trading in these shares is less important than the role this trading is playing in the overall volume figures.
I think the flavors of the month are less important than really understanding why, how and what kinds of information your target audience shares.
The main presuppositions about sentiment which behavioural finance are starting to confirm are mainly that 1) investors overemphasise the significance of fundamental data to the detriment of other equally important but more overlooked data that still can have an effect on a share's price 2) investors take losses a lot worse than the pleasure of making a winning trade and 3) investors continue in the mistakes they make with regard to bad methodology and repeating mistakes based upon emotion.
This metric, to me, is enormously more important than earnings per share — an often meaningless and easily manipulated number.
While Fishkin expected Twitter to be more powerful than Facebook, his results suggested that Facebook shares were the most important correlation between posts that had search engine rankings.
Social media has become increasingly important because businesses can share images and video on it along with text and it is much cheaper than, for example, producing and broadcasting TV ads.
We have been eternally scarred, and now we share a common voice... This nation should have realized that the right to live, the right to feel safe is more important than the right to bear arms 19 years ago.
Next time you do evangelism, try to recognize that sometimes, there are more important things than sharing the gospel with words.
This overall agenda would not differ from those of most liberal Protestant or Jewish groups — except in the high level of consensus, and in the fact that the most important religious goal for UUs is «a community for shared values» (rather than theology or personal growth or social change or experiences of transcendence).
Though I think the issues raised by biology and medicine are important; I fear that this area may receive more than its share of attention because of the resources it can command.
If we are unable to affirm important enough meanings in the stories of our civic communities to be shared and celebrated in our churches, we will always stand in a secondary rather than a primary relationship to the struggle for eco-justice.
The most important take - away from a show like «All - American Muslim» is that we Muslims should focus our efforts on showing average Americans that we share far more in common with them than some would like them to believe.
With both groups, of course, we share a great deal in common — perspectives and practices more important than the differences I have listed.
Now you may not be saying what I believe you are saying, and you can correct me, but I think that it is more / most important to have faith and hope and share it with people, than doing away with truth for the sake of love.
In the middle of that crowd — which likely would have included more than a fair share of holy or influential or important or preferred or religious people — Jesus heads right for that tree and calls out to that guy — the one who is a social and religious outcast, ridiculously perched up in the branches — to come on down because Jesus wants to go to that guy's house for supper.
As I noted here last week, a sense of nationhood depends upon a basic shared metanarrative that binds citizens together at a level deeper than their differences, however important the latter may be.
In this period migrations of professedly Christian peoples had a more important share than before in the spread of Christianity.
To argue that the corporation's defining objective is «enhancing corporate profit and shareholder gain» leads, in his opinion, to unacceptable conclusions: «To say that a corporation's only goal is to make money would be to define the business corporation — for the first time in American or English law as I understand it — as a kind of shark that lives off of the community rather than as an important agency in the construction, maintenance, and transformation of our shared lives.»
It suggests that the respects in which they differ, that is, whatever makes them «variations,» are relatively less important than the one thing they share (the «theme»)-- unless they so distort the theme as to make it unrecognizable, in which case the diversity is a decline and deformation.
Atheists have much more important things to share than... whatever that was.
Ahmadinejad's letter received rather little sensible comment in the American media, and almost none that paid attention to the fact that it is framed as an address by one believer in God to another, and that it appeals to Bush to treat the faith he shares with Abmadinejad as more important than what divides them.
Now that we've established than the city is important to all the people's of Abraham, can we remember that sharing is something we all should have learned before we turned 5 years old?
«Hard Rock has been curating its priceless music memorabilia collection and sharing with guests around the world for more than 43 years, and Elvis» piano is an important piece of music history that we can't wait to share with our guests.»
Kroenke has said that earning money is more important than winning trophies as a majority share holder in arsenal, and thus wenger or other managers in arsenal will not get the title - aiming spending pants from the board.
Just as sharing my story becomes more important than -LSB-...]
In my attempt to normalize breastfeeding and provide support up what breastfeeding looks like, I have held up at the breast breastfeeding as being more beautiful, more important, more viable, more worthy of sharing and discussing and promoting than any other infant feeding methodology.
The baby is just sort of an add on bonus if it lives, cause the experience of birth is so much more important than actually getting to do the parenting part (like dressing your baby in silly onesies, laughing about her having your great aunt's curly hair and taking embarrassing pics to share later).
Today I'm sharing a few of my favorite resources that help me find the mental energy (which is even more important than the physical sometimes, isn't it??)
It is also important to know that bed - sharing means not putting a newborn in a bed with an adult other than the mother, who is biologically hardwired for sharing sleep with an infant (research indicates that most dads will change their sleep patterns over the course of a few months to become more aware as well).
As he matures, he'll learn that sharing with friends — who are becoming increasingly important to him — is more fun than keeping things to himself.
This week on Mom Talk Radio, Entrepreneur, Gigi Stetler, shares why now, more than ever, it's important to recognize women in American business, politics and beyond.
Over the past few years, many mums (and a few dads) have taken to the internet to share an important, but barely spoken truth: that they love their husband or partner more than they love their kids.
It is important to see the change in the Conservative vote share in the context of the longer term trend: though the Tory figures have moved around more than those of other parties in the ANP, they have been around 30 %, within the margin of error, for eight weeks, while Labour remain firmly in the mid-30s.
@ruakh: That presumption was made by the question, and I did discuss that shared class membership can be less important than other issues, in the last paragraph
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