Sentences with phrase «important than the rules»

The ethics of old world Jews and Catholics reflected a worldview that placed clients ahead of institutions, and treated relationships as more important than rules.
I don't have any photography training whatsoever, but your thoughts sound absolutely true to me - I think the overall impression is much more important than the rules.
When Leavitt disrupted another session by conversing while business was being transacted, the chairman said icily, «Alan, do you have something more important than this rules change?»
Remember, communication and pace is more important than rules.

Not exact matches

While telework and other arrangements focus on the work employees accomplish rather than the time they put in, the new overtime rules make time a lot more important in the eyes of the law.
«It's important to remember that U.S. accounting and auditing rules are much more conservative than those of almost all other countries.»
Nothing is more important to advancing freedom in the global economy and the liberties of the world's peoples than is breaking up the powerful cartel of businesses and governments in the U.S. and E.U. which have created and administer those rules for the world they have established to serve their own interests.
According to Mr. Prentice, it is because there are currently more sellers than buyers in the oil patch (and with the new Investment Canada restrictions, Canada has just ruled out an important set of prospective buyers); because Canada has an infrastructure deficit (not enough facilities to get the product to the right markets — Keystone XL etc); and due to the impact of foreign investment rules.
What is less clear to me is why complementarians like Keller insist that that 1 Timothy 2:12 is a part of biblical womanhood, but Acts 2 is not; why the presence of twelve male disciples implies restrictions on female leadership, but the presence of the apostle Junia is inconsequential; why the Greco - Roman household codes represent God's ideal familial structure for husbands and wives, but not for slaves and masters; why the apostle Paul's instructions to Timothy about Ephesian women teaching in the church are universally applicable, but his instructions to Corinthian women regarding head coverings are culturally conditioned (even though Paul uses the same line of argumentation — appealing the creation narrative — to support both); why the poetry of Proverbs 31 is often applied prescriptively and other poetry is not; why Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob represent the supremecy of male leadership while Deborah and Huldah and Miriam are mere exceptions to the rule; why «wives submit to your husbands» carries more weight than «submit one to another»; why the laws of the Old Testament are treated as irrelevant in one moment, but important enough to display in public courthouses and schools the next; why a feminist reading of the text represents a capitulation to culture but a reading that turns an ancient Near Eastern text into an apologetic for the post-Industrial Revolution nuclear family is not; why the curse of Genesis 3 has the final word on gender relationships rather than the new creation that began at the resurrection.
Why do so many Christian HYPOCRITES CHOOSE negative verses when dealing with gays rather than CHOOSE the MUCH MORE IMPORTANT Golden Rule?
Why is a religous belief (of which there are a multiude of religions and associated beliefs) more important than TAPP's rules.
It's the moment that we allow rules to become more important than people that we begin to gravitate toward legalism.
(When, as in Jesus» day, the rules became more important than the player, the Sabbath ceased to be play.
And as Feyerabend insists, we can not rule Out in advance the search for new unifying models (such as David Bohm's postulation of sub-atomic causal mechanisms), even though previous attempts have not yielded any new theories in better agreement with the data than quantum theory.11 Coherence remains an important ideal and criterion in all reflective enquiry.
If the Golden Rule actually was the cornerstone of the Christian religion, then so many Christian HYPOCRITES wouldn't be CHOOSING negative verses on gays rather than CHOOSING the MORE IMPORTANT Golden Rule.
«2 Discipleship is much easier than man - made rules and dogmas, but more important, what Jesus asks, he gives the grace to do.
Two limitations are particularly important: Davis rather woodenly translates regula consistently as rule rather than pattern or model, and he tends to render monere as admonish rather than counsel or advise.
There are rules which must not be seen less important than they are, because of more flexible islam for other believers or unbelievers..
Why is belief more important than love, than doing good, than following the rules, than anything else.
Please explain why you CHOOSE negative verses about gays rather than STRESS the MORE IMPORTANT Golden Rule?
We need to protect the innocents no matter what they believe or who they are, but to extend this protection requires the rule of secular law over religious law — and for mental health issues to be more important than religious issues.
The answer is always revelatory, which is one of the reasons Chesterton was right to say that «the simple need for some kind of ideal world in which fictitious persons play an unhampered part is infinitely deeper and older than the rules of good art, and much more important
Blake assures WKS stays in compliance with all labor and employment laws — especially important for a company based in California, which has complex state and local employment regulations which are often more stringent than the federal rules.
Enjoying the wine you choose is more important than pairing it by the rules.
Few players have encountered more untimely disaster, brutal luck, and rules drama than DJ has at some golf's most important moments and events.
Saco stated that he always wanted to rule every athlete eligible whenever he could, but knew that the section's constitution and by - laws were more important than the goodwill of schools and supporters involved in transfer requests and other rulings.
I'd say our team is at a point where we can weather those drawn out periods because we check all the important boxes as well or better than the evil four, and if they are taking the time, eventually those important boxes will rule the day.
That is why it is important to stick to rule not to allow more than 4 inches of opening because that suits the size of a 5 month old baby's torso.
Many people made fun of Pence, some noted how damaging such a policy is to women who may be excluded from important situations and others said, hey, it's no different than the strict rules of other religious groups, such as fundamentalist Muslims and Orthodox Jews.
Instead, the rule promotes the idea that losing is shameful, degrading, and has no significant value, and often restricts player development because coaches focus solely on the score, rather than the most important aspects of youth sports: competition, dedication, improvement and sportsmanship.
As a Responsible Sport Parent or Coach, what's more important than teaching your kids the rules of hockey and lessons for life?
The best cure for the acting out is to only enforce the rules that are actually important, try to facilitate communication as much as possible, and just hold on because in another 4 months you'll have a much more confident, steady, fluent child who is happier more often than frustrated.
Today's ruling by the Supreme Court striking down parts of this important law is more than a disappointment — it's an injustice.
The key to its success was that, rather than restricting its activities to law enforcement, Hong Kong's ICAC also worked on changing public attitudes that consider personal loyalties more important than formal rules and public duties.
However, he also stressed «the important thing» is that new rules brought in under this government mean MPs» claims are now assessed by an independent body, rather than a committee of fellow MPs.
Like abolishing quarterly reporting rules that lead listed firms constantly to think next month's returns are more important than planning for the next five or ten years.
While rules prohibit the newsletters, which update constituents about bills their legislators have passed and feature photos of the lawmakers at community events or important bill signings, from being distributed less than 30 days before an election, Lerner said the literature is more about self - aggrandizement and evoking «warm and fuzzy feelings» than providing constituent service.
But under Republican rules, this absence of party members actually makes voters in the city more important than their co-partisans from north of Van Cortlandt Park.
The Ulu Burun ship sailed at around the time that Tutankhamun ruled Egypt, and «it is far more important than Tutankhamun's tomb as a contribution to our understanding of the period», according to Wachsmann.
«First, privacy can not be dead because it deals with the rules governing personal information; in an age of personal information, rules about how that information can flow will be more important than ever.
«The Sagas say that Steinkjer, under the rule of Eirik Jarl, was briefly even more important than Nidaros, before Olav Haraldsson re-established Nidaros as the king's residence and trading city.»
Still, as the research evolves I'm convinced variety and paying attention to how your body feels on certain foods is more important than strict food rules.
When it comes to losing weight, the most important rule of thumb is to consume fewer calories than you're taking in each day.
But rules of logic are apparently less important to supermodels - in - training than good accessories, including her Cloney captain's hat and Linda Farrow shades.
Other than «keep it simple,» there are no hard or fast rules about rings, but there is one important thing to remember.
-- simple and easy to read is always better — use the rule of 3: no more than 3 colors, 3 fonts, or 3 sizes of type — utilize a consistent palette of colors that don't clash — make sure there is a strong contrast between the text and the background — keep it consistent (different pages shouldn't feel like a different site)-- keep in mind that most visitors scan websites from left to right (so consider placing important information on the left side)-- make your logo link back to the homepage — have links change color when you hover over them
Do you want to look longer waisted — the work with the proportional rules (and I often think that proportion can be more important than body shape).
The «rule of skin» is never more important than when dressing for work.
We all know that not each date will be successful, self - evident truth, but if this occurs not to that side the more important than sometimes that you follow the specific rules protect your reputation and your readiness to arise on the following date.
When dating asian women it is important for the American or European man to understand that the «rules» are a little different than from dating Western women.
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