Sentences with phrase «important than theology»

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This is a prime example of the spiritualization of liberal theology, where «love» is more important than Christ.
Yet, Heidegger is even less congenial to Christian theology than Kant, for in an important sense Christianity is anthropocentric: «God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.»
The examples go on and on, but the principle is the same: when we see a need that we could meet, and we refuse to meet it, even on good theological grounds, we have lost sight of the heart of God, and have made theology more important than people.
Keep talking about how real love requires freedom while extending kindness and grace to those with whom we disagree... because living your theology is more important than arguing it.
«In short, we are realizing that there's more to being Christian than we first thought and that theology is important.
Dante's politics in Monarchia, it is important to note, are more based in theology than one might expect.
Theology, on the other hand, has truncated its capacity to deal with those important issues it does raise by giving the appearance of authoritarianism or special pleading rather than participating from its own resources in free and open discussion.
Indeed, in a complex society where no one can grasp more than a few of the details, some of the most important practical theology will have to be done by specialists in medicine, law or business, or by theologians and ethicists whose training equips them for specialized roles in those institutions.
These objectives are often very important, but few who measure practical theology in terms of pastoral skills recognize how much knowledge is required to do any of these things in ways that will yield more than short - term success.
With the changing demographics in America, including the racial and ethnic, socioeconomic, immigration, and biblical justice challenges of our day, it is more important than ever for people of color to have safe places to live authentically, serve humbly, and use their influence and experiences to shape our theology (what we know and believe about God) and our praxis (the ethics of our human behavior or what we actually do).
It is this single fundamental argument rather than the explanations of the five arguments in its terms that is important to us in understanding contemporary Thomist natural theology.
This overall agenda would not differ from those of most liberal Protestant or Jewish groups — except in the high level of consensus, and in the fact that the most important religious goal for UUs is «a community for shared values» (rather than theology or personal growth or social change or experiences of transcendence).
Yes, theology and doctrine is important, but in a different way than used by many churches to keep people out, and keep them «in line.»
It is not a good idea to pick babies up by the ears or to drop them, but the history and theology of infant baptism are far more important than the technique, though not unrelated to the method used.
Somehow, academic theology is thought to be more important and profound than the practical theology that grows out of the black church experience.
Rogers set out in 1963 to provide in his dissertation the historical basis for an attack on the United Presbyterians» proposed «Confession of 1967» only to discover, to his «shock and surprise,» that even the Westminster Confession conveyed a more subtly nuanced doctrine of Scripture than the Princeton theology and that the «Confession of 1967» restored important themes.
He concluded that since the overwhelming emphasis of these courses were upon skills acquisition and refinement, rather than any serious consideration of theories or theologies of communication, «the discipline is not considered important enough to warrant exclusive attention» in theological education.An overly pragmatic concept of speech instruction illustrates what Amos Wilder once warned against while developing his Theopoetic:
Luther's theology of the cross, sketched out in his Heidelberg Disputation of 1518 — and it was never really more than sketched anywhere in his work4 — sets the stage for its contribution to the dialogue in three important ways:
The secret call as always remains important, but in the conception of the ministry that is emerging out of the Biblical and systematic theology of the day and out of the personal reflections of young people and their pastors, the divine action whereby men are chosen for their station and calling is less spiritualistically understood than was the case for the past hundred years.
It is important to realize that, while process theology has recently received considerable attention in both religious and popular journals, this development, though lacking the organization of a movement, has been under way for more than forty years.
In other words, do you think we Christians ever make our theology of God more important than God Himself?
22 That this is so, and, especially, how this is so, may be clearer from the ecological perspective than from the sociological, but it remains a true and important point about human society, which sociological theology need not and should not continue to neglect.
For process theologians the ecological horizon is even more important than for Moltmann, and the question arises whether this excludes us from political theology.
Catholic theology of the church makes it impossible to imagine that a parent as a priest in «the Christian home» could be more important to the faith of children than the church.
Mark is interested in theology — a very elementary theology, but a real one — rather than in history; that is to say, a theological idea is more important to him than the actual course of events in the life of Jesus.
Important as it is, however, this change has been along lines familiar to me from my background in liberal theology, including the tradition of the social gospel, and thus is a matter of deepening and broadening my thinking more than of substantially revising it.
This interpretation is revisionist in making speculation more important to radical empiricism and empirical theology than it commonly was thought to be.
In an interview with Il Foglio Cardinal Scola, Patriarch of Venice and founder of the Oasis cultural centre for understanding between Catholics and Muslims, said that the Open Letter to the Pope and other Christian leaders by 138 scholars from various Islamic traditions was «not only a media event, because consensus is for Islam a source of theology and law... The fact that the text is rooted in Muslim tradition is very important and makes it more credible than other proclamations expressed in more western language... It is only a prelude to a theological dialogue... in an atmosphere of greater reciprocal esteem.
I've seen this sort of theology applied to global warming, («God is going to destroy the world anyway»), humanitarian aid, («It's more important to give people the gospel than to give them food») and to social justice, («Just let God straighten it out in eternity»).
As we have seen, Rollins» approach to theology emphasizes the priority of love, «not as something which stands opposed to knowledge of God, or even as simply more important than knowledge of God, but more radically still as knowledge of God.»
For Jews «theology» is a moving target where the connections / outcomes are more important than the definition.
For more than 15 years, Boff has been among the most important — and prolific — contributors to the developing theology of liberation in Latin America.
There isn't roomhere to do more than illustrate the case with a few examples, but an attempt will be made to show how rich Paul's view of ethics is, how his teaching on law is original and relevant, how his emphasis on love is important, and how he forces us to consider not only the human act that, as St Thomas says, is what moral theology is all about, but also the adjectival human agent transformed by the grace of the Holy Spirit into a friend, indeed a child of God.
One important advantage of defining theology as I have done, rather than as reasoning about God, is that it makes possible the recognition of the close parallel between the efforts to articulate Christian faith and similar efforts in such movements as Buddhism.
And while many of these might appear to be merely semantic on the surface, there might not be any field of study where the meaning and use of words is more important than with theology.
To me, the important issues of theology are the applied morality of behavior and guidance, rather than that this whole thing took place in seven days.
The combination of such overt religious references with references to body fluids, the latter admittedly an important motif in Christian theology, suggests that the artists have more profound aspirations than their cheeky titles suggest.
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