Sentences with phrase «important while testing»

Lighting is extremely important while testing out a foundation.

Not exact matches

While this is but one study of many, the isolation effect should be kept in mind when testing color palettes to create contrast in your web design and guide people to important action areas.
And most likely, you'll be pulling a few all - nighters before an important test, while finishing a term paper, or just hanging out with friends.
While it may be more complicated than the usual hiring routine of reviewing someone's resume and bringing them in for an interview, Lemonis emphasizes that it's important to create the opportunity to see someone carry out tasks associated with the job, either by interacting with them in the field, or by creating a test you incorporate into the interview process.
And spectacles like last night's three - hour test of human willpower only underscore a big problem: Traditional news outlets have made presidential debates — arguably our country's most important televised forum and exchange of ideas — into mind - numbingly boring talk - a-thons, where a bunch of rich, powerful people needle each other for hours about past career decisions while dodging any question of substance.
While the test being called out isn't directly relevant to washing cloth diapers, it is important to see that a formal textile industry is describing the issue of detergent residue in it's testing protocols.
While testing accommodations can seem like a good idea to support your child, it is important to be aware of the possible negative effects they may have for him and for his school.
Fact: While OB / GYN annual exams are extremely important for your health, they have very little to do with fertility testing.
While it is important to test for pregnancy in order to be sure about it, there are some tell - tale signs which can do the job for you till you go to hospital.
«While crash tests serve a very important role in child restraint design, they only tell part of the story,» Arboghast said.
While your child is still young, it's important to have them tested for any allergies so that you can know which types of food to avoid giving your little one if they're allergic to certain foods.
While safety is important, all car seats must pass the same safety test before they can be sold.
While safety is important, all car seats must pass the same safety tests before they can be sold.
I have worked for Britax in the UK for 16 years where i «crash test» approx 5 seats a day, so i know the important of a good seat & makes my job worth while after reading these.
While much of what the book asserts is reassuring — standardized test scores are not determinant; IQ isn't all - important; character can be taught — none of it is easy.
«While Fernando Cabrera's a hardworking elected official who has fought in the City Council for his constituents, he falls short on key litmus test issues supported by all the members of the I.D.C. and important to a coalition that accomplishes these goals.
While the layperson may now be most familiar with Turing's work on Enigma and the later test that bears his name, Turing's most important mathematical contribution is his 1936 paper «On Computable Numbers,» which introduced the famous Turing machine.
Overall, the panel said, «While there continue to be numerous practical and research questions, primary HPV testing has the potential to further reduce morbidity and mortality of cervical cancer in the U.S.. However, what is most important is that women need to be screened with any strategy, as many women in the U.S. with cervical cancer are either unscreened or underscreened.»
According to researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) and Boston Medical Center (BMC) while the merits of screening tests and screening intervals warrant further discussion, they firmly believe that increasing the number of women who participate in cancer screenings and ensuring that women are not lost to follow - up with lengthened screening intervals is more important than the choice of test to decrease rates of cervical cancer.
«While tumor profiling holds the promise of improved therapeutics through personalized medicine, it is important that both clinicians and patients discuss the possibilities of incidental findings prior to ordering the testing, as the findings can have serious implications for both the patient and their family members,» said Melinda Yushak, M.D., M.P.H., first author on the study and a medical oncology fellow in Yale School of Medicine.
«By drawing attention to this important topic, Dr. Arnaout and his colleagues are setting the stage for further work to help more patients benefit from proper test selection, while protecting patients from the potential harm and wasted resources induced by unnecessary tests
XL184 inhibits two important treatment escape pathways, VEGF and MET, but while it has FDA approval to treat thyroid cancer and is being tested against pancreatic cancer and several other tumors, it is quite toxic requiring dose restrictions or treatment interruption.
«However, while they aren't designed as medical devices — when smartphones and apps begin to be used clinically — it is important that they are evaluated in the same rigorous manner by which we assess all therapies and diagnostic tests,» says lead author Dr. Pietro Di Santo.
Each test item will be designed to reveal misconceptions students might have about energy while also requiring them to engage in important scientific practices such as making predictions, explaining energy phenomena, and interpreting tables, charts, and diagrams.
While all of these factors seemed to play some role in the rates of genetic testing among black and white patients, the most important factor, by far, turned out to be something more disturbing: the doctors» behavior.
Anderson considers it an important development that «should vastly reduce risk while increasing the total number of new therapies that can be tested and reducing overall costs.»
While more testing is needed to prove the cells could survive for 20 years, or more, in the field (the typical lifetime of solar panels) this study represents an important benchmark for determining that perovskite solar cells are more stable than previously thought.
While I agree that it is important to test for gestational diabetes, I had concerns with the glucola test itself, mainly that it contained ingredients I would not normally consume while pregnant (or eWhile I agree that it is important to test for gestational diabetes, I had concerns with the glucola test itself, mainly that it contained ingredients I would not normally consume while pregnant (or ewhile pregnant (or ever!)
While we will reviews what early tests have shown and what the science says so far, it is important to understand that HIIT has not been in the scientific eye all that long, so most tests are relatively new and there's a limited amount of total data available at this point.
While healthcare professionals regularly apply the art and science of manual muscle testing, biofeedback and other hands - on assessment and therapeutic activities, there are tens of thousands of other individuals who learn to use these important techniques everyday.
It's important to test for both homocysteine levels and the MTHFR gene variation because while you may not have the gene that affects the methylation pathways, you may still have elevated homocysteine levels, which tells us the level of inflammation in our bodies.
The most important thing to remember while buying the right foundation is to test it on yourself, instead of blindly buying something online.
In our case we've been there on both sides — while testing new products in - house and while trying to help the most important people in our lives — you, the customers.
With a ramshackle plot that appears to have been cooked up after drawing deep on the Dude's biggest bong, the film pinballs between awol movie stars, red - scare nightmares and Bikini Atoll bomb tests, while raising important questions of whether God is still angry («what, he got over it?»)
While at the site, they might study macroinvertebrates using two - way aquatic magnifiers and a digital - imaging tool nicknamed a «scope on a rope,» or they might test water quality — very important for the state's seafood economy — for problems such as fecal coliform bacteria.
While sixth graders concentrate on what they need to know for the Connecticut Mastery Tests, their teacher notes that she already has seen important gains.
Most important, while the standards describe teaching as a set of highly complex tasks, much of what currently passes for teacher testing follows a reductionist model — looking not so much at what's important but at what's easy to measure.
He argues, as I did a decade ago while working to launch the standards movement, that these tests help to perpetuate the «mile - wide, inch - deep» curriculum, rather than promoting teaching that pushes for solid knowledge of important topics.
While it's certainly true that test scores can tell us something important about a teacher, what is troubling for the test - score types is that it looks like (1) non-cognitive scores are better predictors of later life success (completing high school, taking the SAT, and going to college) and (2) that it is not the same set of teachers that is good at raising both cognitive and non-cognitive measures.
While there are many critics of the subjective approach, it has an important role in order to balancing out the «teach to the test» and other negative consequences of relying solely on test scores.
However, while both California [xviii] and national [xix] voters are very enthusiastic about annual testing (with two - thirds or more of both parties» voters supporting this position), they are more leery about the role of test scores in accountability, with just 36 percent indicating this is very important.
Of course we need to assess mastery of knowledge through tests and quizzes but if we only assess what students know — while extremely important — the stool will fall over.
The Many Forms of Success While sixth graders concentrate on what they need to know for the Connecticut Mastery Tests, their teacher notes that she already has seen important gains.
While many parents, educators, school leaders, and policymakers disagree about the kinds of tests administered, how the scores should be used, and how frequently students should be tested, it is important to be supportive of your child's efforts on standardized tests, and to help her do her best.
While observers will judge Bloomberg and Klein's tenure using standardized test scores — and even they agree those scores are important measures — Klein has made no secret of the fact that he wishes his team's work to be marked in the end by significant upticks in both the graduation rate and the numbers of students who pass basic tests in order to qualify for a Regents diploma.
But test scores, while important, do not necessarily provide an absolute appraisal of the strengths and weaknesses of voucher programs in a large education system.
While we have all seen how easy it is for false reports of so - called Common Core - aligned assignments on topics not covered by the math and English Language Arts standards and test questions to circulate on social media, it's important that news coverage of the standards, assessments and their implementation is accurate.
While it is an important website for Florida, it provides insight into the testing problems around the country.
It is nevertheless important to articulate our theories fully and clearly so that we can test them going forward, and while Overregulation Theory may be one piece of the puzzle, other pieces are still required.
While ESSA required states to add in a couple of additional outcome measures of students and schools, the overwhelming weight of accountability is still upon a single standardized test by which to make important and often high - stakes judgments about students, schools, and districts.
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