Sentences with phrase «impose meaningful limits»

Subject to the limitations imposed by Congress, a President can take any approach desired to making and changing regulations, but the APA does impose meaningful limits, in particular, on how and how fast, existing regulations can be changed, which may make it hard to eliminate two regulations for each new one that the administration wants to pass or is mandated by Congress to adopt to implement statutes it has passed.

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In practice, Phillips said, police, judges and the public at large treat BAC 0.08 percent as «a sharp, definitive, meaningful boundary,» and do not impose severe penalties on those below the legal limit.
In these three films, the temporal limits constantly imposed on love make every moment urgent, from the courtship of dating to the maturity of a long and meaningful relationship.
And although they've successfully recycled more than 6,000 kg of garments since launching the program in 2005, one of their self - imposed issues is that they strive to make durable, long lasting clothing in the first instance, which ironically limits the volume of goods coming back for them to set up meaningful projects with recycled material suppliers.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control must impose meaningful phosphorous limits on all wastewater treatment plant permits to protect the health of the Saluda River and communities that depend on it.
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