Sentences with phrase «imposing draconian»

The only thing that will force us to abandon Facebook if it will start imposing draconian measures especially political in nature to their users.
From 1 November 2005 a new regime came into place with the idea that unnecessary regulation would be taken away and courts should not be imposing draconian sanctions against solicitors where only a technical breach of the rules occurred.
While imposing draconian cuts on higher education, the climate - change denial dominated Australian government has given Lomborg $ 4 million (Australian $) to set up a -LSB-...]
Therefore, a misguided mankind is engaged in a futile effort to control Earth's temperature, imposing draconian policies that will limit our freedoms and radically transform our way of life.
«It is undeniably true that global temperature increases have been far, far less than doomsday computer models predicted — about three times smaller, and there are good reasons to suspect the increases from further human CO2 emissions would be smaller still, without imposing draconian regulations.
in the meantime, in the absence of reliable climate models or any certainty of «how much climate may change,» how many trillions should we spend and how far backward must modern industrial civilization be propelled by imposing draconian co2 emissions cuts?
It is the perfect storm that occurs when liberal and conservative dogma are combined: a government imposing draconian cuts with one hand and taking away mechanisms to help people stay afloat with the other.
RICO is the Racketeer - Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act, which was designed years ago to deal with Mafia types but has more recently been used to impose draconian penalties on abortion protestors.
The Bill is not designed to force unwilling retailers to take Scottish banknotes or to impose draconian sanctions on anyone who does not.
«Some hedge fund and other institutional investors» reaction to the crisis suggests they will seek to impose draconian terms and conditions on Puerto Rico's bond issuing entities,» Trustees said in the letter.
Since September 11th - but even before then - Britain, America and Australia imposed draconian curtailments of civil liberties under the guise of national security and counter-terrorism.
This is a study of schools that have judged it necessary to impose a draconian ban that phones can not be brought to school or must be handed in.
While almost Stat Alliance airlines impose draconian fuel surcharges to their award flight, there are some exceptions.
They impose draconian fuel surcharges.
I'm not sure if you are convinced than carbon - o - geddon is really looming or if you have other financial interests or whatever, but enough people know that we face no real threat and we're not going to let you bamboozle the public into disastrous changes to the world's energy infrastructure or let you impose draconian «carbon reduction» schemes that would cripple the world's industrial economies, reduce our standard of living and condemn the people in developing countries to perpetual low energy poverty.
The document, which proposes to impose draconian controls on all human activity and all energy production and consumption, has ballooned from the 38 - page document that was negotiated last November - December at the UN climate circus in Lima, Peru, to 98 pages.
Interestingly, some regular commenters here seem greatly concerned to prevent that message from getting out, to the point of calling anyone who dares to suggest such a thing a paid shill and part of a deliberate «Merchants Of Doubt» disinformation campaign — while they continue to repeat (with no supporting evidence whatsoever, and often contrary to observed facts) that rapid, major emissions reductions MUST impose draconian «deprivation and hardship» on the entire population.
Even though President Obama lifted the global gag rule more than four years ago, we are still fighting efforts from politicians who want to impose this draconian measure that harms women's health by further restricting the availability of family planning and other reproductive health services around the world.

Not exact matches

On the basis of this thin reed Stevens was willing to impose on protestors acting out of profound religious convictions the same draconian punishments that are ordinarily imposed on gangsters.
The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has criticised new legislation on employing foreign workers that will impose unrealistic expectations and draconian fines on employers.
I think imposing a guideline sentence would be draconian... given this defendant's age.»
Draconian austerity will be imposed if the deadline is missed.
[23] Many such laws have gained notoriety for the draconian consequences they impose.
His previous job had been with a sports team that probably imposed similarly draconian non-disclosure terms on all its employees to cover - up player missdeeds (think rapes).
Because of the draconian trade restrictions imposed on its colonies by Spain, Tenerife remained one of the only ports open to Cuba for trade, and it would appear these little dogs, who soon found their way into the homes of the resident Spanish aristocracy, developed without much outside influence.
American Airlines can not scrap its existing contract with the pilots» union and impose far more draconian terms, following a ruling...
Sony are notorious for the draconian quality control hurdles imposed on games.
(Aggressive policies aimed at coercing an even faster decrease in energy intensiveness may be imposed, in which case the standard of living will be less than it otherwise would be, but unless these policies are truly draconian the contours and structure of the economy will not be greatly changed.)
From MIT, a possible solution to allow coal fired power plants to meet the new draconian CO2 emission requirements imposed by the EPA.
The omnibus crime bill imposed arbitrary and draconian sentences....
Over time, with the passage of the Family Support Act of 1988 requiring all states to develop and implement formulas to compute the amount of money that should be sent by the «absent» parent (yes indeed, the statutory language assumes one parent is absent), the court - based child support system for divorcing or never married parents turned into a bureaucratic system with draconian powers to garnish wages, take tax refunds, licenses and impose other punishments for people who fail to properly support their children.
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