Sentences with phrase «impotent before»

Because of that, the Baa index of Moody's may lag longer than ordinary versus Fed funds... but Fed policy has been called impotent before, and usually just before it shows its bite, as in the tech bubble of 2000, or the liquidity rally of spring 2003.
It is impotent before the past, the brute given, the stubbornly there (TSZ 161).

Not exact matches

He's either going to do nothing, which makes him impotent or sick and twisted and praying to him would be a waste of my final seconds of life OR he'll stop the crash which will only prove he had the ability to prevent it before it started and didn't, making him sick and twisted.
We are not to bend or yield before evil, nor to act like cowards or impotent weaklings: we are to overcome, to surmount evil, to go beyond it, to stand on a terrain that evil can not reach, use weapons that evil can not turn back on us, seek a victory that evil can never attain!
Two years ago, the Czechs were in the streets of Prague facing Russian tanks, not because of compassion for human want and misery, but because they were not free; the Vietnamese continue to resist America, as they did Japan and France before us, not because of hunger for food but hunger to determine their own destinies; black militants are in the streets of our cities today, not because they are famished — though poverty and want still stalk our land, particularly black communities — but because black citizens, more than any others, have been politically isolated and impotent, unable to act in their own governance.
What we object to is, first, the judicial manufacture of constitutional law to displace without constitutional warrant the duly enacted judgments of the people and their elected representatives, and, second, the idea of judicial supremacy that treats the executive and legislative branches of the federal government as impotent to do anything but bow down before unconstitutional exercises of judicial power, however blatant and destructive of the constitutional order.
Victoria, however, inevitably remains a passive figure in this entire process (one can't decide to be Queen, after all), while her elders are powerless to oppose her before and after the fact, which renders Strong's sneering villainy particularly impotent.
That was before government officials and various education groups got into the act and diluted nearly every reform, rendering the changes impotent.
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