Sentences with phrase «impress upon each of»

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But the truth of it is — and this is a point I work hard to impress upon my students — that leadership isn't a function reserved for the top of the food - chain.
Instead of dryly asking local businesses if they wanted to buy ad space, he impressed upon businesses how important the literary magazine was to the creative contingent of the school.
It's always well to impress upon older women the importance of friendliness and courtesy.
Like a branch concept being used by Citi in New York, the centrepiece of RBC's so - called retail store is a futuristic financial - planning table designed to impress upon consumers just how far banking has come from the days of long lines and not - so - great service.
Since its inception, America's Road Team has impressed upon millions of drivers the trucking industry's safety record, essentiality, and professionalism.
Mid-month, the USTR is holding a hearing for the public airing of views about the Section 301 remedies, where it will be impressed upon the administration how costly a trade war would be.
First, Trump has rotten legal help that has not explained to him or has not impressed upon him the nature of the charges he might face.
To avoid rotating managers at the point where active skill might matter most, institutional investors need more support to impress upon their boards the importance of a full market cycle.
In our pluralistic and morally confused society, this fact impresses upon us the importance of clearly identifying our loyalties.
The aim of work is to impress some temporary human purpose upon some component of the world; the aim of explanation is to reveal the world as it is and not merely in respect of its potential to satisfy human wants.
To my mind, it accords better with what we know about the laws impressed upon matter by the Creator that the production and extinction of the past and present inhabitants of the world should have been due to secondary causes, like those determining the birth and death of the individual... There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been breathed into a few forms or into one...»
The image impressed upon the Shroud is that of a dead man, but the blood speaks of his life.
One of the chief ways they «impressed» these principles upon the «impressionable» ones in their homes was through the songs they sang with them.
And something cruel, no doubt unintentionally cruel, about impressing upon a young child that his public identity is that of victim.
Its heightened, often ironic attention to the past has served to impress upon society the importance of having a retrospective view of things.
What impressed itself upon me the most is the injustice of this world.
The metaphor is Adam Smith's, who went on to observe in The Theory of Moral Sentiments that «the pieces upon the chess - board have no other principle of motion besides that which the hand impresses upon them,» whereas «in the great chess - board of human society, every single piece has a principle of motion of its own, altogether different from that with the legislature might choose to impress upon it.»
To imagine that God looks upon physical death as many men do, or to think of him as impressed by numbers, violence or size, is simply to think of God as a magnified man — a monstrously inadequate conception.
From my Whiteheadian perspective I can usually understand why they adopt the view they hold, what factors in the whole of reality have so impressed themselves upon them that they allow their vision to be dominated by those factors.
I really think that the Spirit is at work to impress a similar idea upon lots of people all at the same time.
For in this, instead of impressing upon him a holy fear and shame before the Good, he is polluting the pure one by teaching him the fear of loss of money, loss of reputation, misjudgment by others, neglect, the world's judgment, the ridicule of fools, the laughter of the frivolous, the cowardly whining of consideration, the inflated triviality of the moment, the fluttering mist - forms of vapor.
What did Paul and the other writers of the New Testament try to impress upon the readers of their letters?
In each age of the world distinguished by high activity there will be found at its culmination, and among the agencies leading to that culmination, some profound cosmological outlook, implicitly accepted, impressing its own type upon the current springs of action (AI 12; cf. AI 83).
But I try to impress upon them that God's vocation for them is broader than just «student,» along the lines of «Christian person serving God in various ways and maturing thereby.»
The constant presence of the Sabaean, Nabataean, and Axumite intermediaries along the route impressed upon Augustus that for the sake of his empire's welfare and for the sake of his own interest in Egypt, the necessity to take steps to make Roman trade with India easier and more profitable for state and people.
Initially impressed by the current consensus as to the kerygmatic nature of the Gospels (7), Stauffer bases the possibility of a positivistic quest upon the existence of new sources (8).
Upon these Gentile Christian churches Paul impressed the mark of his own strong personality.
By Saturday the main thrust of what the text wants to say starts to impress itself upon me.
We have seen that what was decisive in the appearance of the Buddha as against the teaching of the Upanisads was the reintroduction of personal power into the worldview of the Indians; the thought of help, of merciful help, was thoroughly impressed upon them.
The persistence and growth of the influence of Jesus seem also to be assured by the proven ability of Christianity to survive the death of cultures with which it has been intimately associated and, after a period of crisis provoked by the collapse of such a culture, not only to win a foothold in the new, succeeding culture but also to make a deeper impress upon it than upon its predecessor.
In a real sense they, at least the older of them, are not really Indian in origin at all, but were produced either before the Aryans had set foot on Indian soil, or were composed by Aryans, i.e., the foreign invaders, before India had had time to put her own impress upon them.
Therefore, it is critical for Luke to impress upon his reader the importance of studying, researching, investigating, examining, and considering the historical accuracy and theological truths which Luke presents in his book.
News reports of the last several months freshly impress upon the mind the bright prospects for the human future now that science, greed, and justice have joined forces against the wickedness of the cigarette industry.
The trauma of those who lost family and friends at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania impressed itself upon us all.
In his case there was no body of accepted knowledge of the seen world to confine and actually hamper the processes of his imagination by impressing upon him what was really possible.
Of course, the pastor is busy, or should be, and the fact that he is no longer in the seminary library early impresses itself upon him.
The situation impresses upon us, yet again, that the roots of our crisis are more of the intellect than of the will.
Even a cursory check of the news will impress upon a reasonable person that some areas of the world are just too dangerous to be as a normal, unarmed civilian.
These are the things we should be impressing upon women, not the world's definition of beauty.
My own time as a scientist impressed upon me the privilege of being able to investigate a universe that is both rationally transparent and rationally beautiful, capable of being represented in elegant mathematical forms.
For that is exactly what has happened over the last four hundred years, as all the aspects of the new world have been slowly impressing themselves upon man.
Thus the transformation of a person from first - year medical student to licensed physician is impressed upon him or her.
The fragility of the earth has not yet impressed itself upon us.
LAW I: Every body continues in a state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.
If I didn't have an adequate perceptual apparatus, the sun could go on shining forever without impressing any ideas upon me; if gold were not capable of being melted, fire could not be said to have the power of melting gold.
Such an intuitive or ecstatic insight often possesses a compelling urgency that lends it the character of logical necessity; i.e., at times the vision seems to impress itself upon cognitive awareness with forceful cogency.
He submitted to baptism in order to set a good example for others and to impress upon them that they should accept baptism and repentance for the remission of their sins.
There is the image of the seal impressed upon wax as Christ's image is impressed upon human nature.
By interpreting the symbolic process cosmologically we may envisage reality (the aesthetic whole) rather than our subjectivity as taking the initiative, first by linking us to itself in our primary perception and second by flowing through the channels of our perception until it comes closer to the pole of secondary perception (without ever quite arriving) where it can impress its importance upon us in a more vivid manner.
Christianity, therefore, and with it the influence of Jesus, had made an impress upon a strategic area from which it might most readily spread to the rest of mankind.
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