Sentences with phrase «impress upon your children»

As a parent, you can use this as a chance to impress upon your children many lessons to strengthen their character.
Though you may be tempted to impress upon your child the seriousness of her actions, harsh punishment, like spanking or biting the child back, can actually make preschoolers more likely to strike out again.
There might have been a desire to impress upon the child the horror of death; or, more optimistically, to show him that death was nothing to be feared.

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And something cruel, no doubt unintentionally cruel, about impressing upon a young child that his public identity is that of victim.
But I wonder if he, as man and father, really could do anything better for wife and children than to impress upon them this trust in Providence.
Even if that same father was careful to go to another room or outside to try to hide his behavior from his child, that father is still impressing upon his son an unhealthy coping skill and his son will pick up something similar, maybe avoidance or addiction.
When something is told, shown, or impressed upon you by an outside source — that of course has no true knowledge of what they're impressing upon, ie, men throughout time telling women how to rear a child — then for some reason as a society (and sex, meaning women) we believe it.
Upon visiting the orphanages in Bulgaria, I was very impressed by the care the children received!
I would certainly hope that the option of home made meals was never taken from us, as we prefer to use local, fresh foods in our own diet, hopefully impressing the need to eat in a healthy manner upon our child.
It even trickles down to the children who live there: Owen, who desperately wants to fit in with JT's crowd, tries to impress them with his new iPod, bought from the money his family received upon his father's death.
One idea Morris is determined to impress upon families is the importance of sending their children to school on the first day.
One of the key statistics underpinning the campaign is the fact that 90 per cent of brain development occurs before the age of five years — and this is the kind of detail that the NSW Government hopes will impress upon parents the importance of ensuring their young children gain maximum benefit from early education.
On January 16, Committee for Children staff and educators from across Washington State took Olympia by storm to impress upon the legislature the importance of social - emotional learnin... Read More
On January 16, Committee for Children staff and educators from across Washington State took Olympia by storm to impress upon the legislature the importance of social - emotional learning (SEL) in our schools.
Beth's parents impressed upon all their children an enduring respect for our nation's history, as well as for its veterans, service members and military families.
On January 16, Committee for Children staff and educators from across Washington State took Olympia by storm to impress upon the legislature the importance of social - emotional learnin... Read More
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