Sentences with phrase «impressive accomplishments»

«I am pleased to congratulate our ERA colleagues on their most impressive accomplishments,» said Charlie Young, president and CEO of ERA Real Estate.
It doesn't matter how impressive your accomplishments are — potential customers will avoid you if you don't seem like an appealing person to work with.
This approach, which expands and deepens the pioneering work of Murray Bowen, is considered by many as among her most impressive accomplishments Betty is retired and living in Amherst, Massachusetts.
Instead, detail your specific areas of focus and impressive accomplishments.
No matter your specialty, you can create a website that houses your previous work and most impressive accomplishments.
Bronze Package For every position there are hundreds of applicants offering excellent qualifications and impressive accomplishments.
While it obviously reflects you and your most impressive accomplishments, it also reflects your judgment skills and decision - making abilities.
The best approach is to write your resume as a marketing piece for a decision maker first by displaying impressive accomplishments, powerful attributes, and relevant job experiences.
In Darrin's case, it was a situation where he had great experience and impressive accomplishments, but he wasn't presenting himself well on paper.
Although the general principles for creating a great System Administrator resume will apply to all Systems Administrators, regardless of experience, this guide will teach how to distill many years of experience and technical knowledge into a concise document that highlights your most impressive accomplishments and most important skills.
Use of bullet points or arrows should be limited to things that deserve highlighting, such as impressive accomplishments or computer language skills.
Now that you have gotten a prospective employer's attention with your compelling branding statement, take full advantage of this opportunity by summarizing some of your most impressive accomplishments.
And the bullet points following each job title contain impressive accomplishments, not just basic responsibilities.
The Select Career Achievements section listed several impressive accomplishments.
The job seeker had a number of very impressive accomplishments buried on the second page of their resume.
I have received rave reviews, time and again, for how my documents display impressive accomplishments.
The most impressive accomplishments usually go with specific numbers (i.e. «increased sales by 34 % within 1 year», «reduced staff turnover rates by 19 % through initiating appropriate programs», etc..)
'' Alternatively, I said you could promote one of your most impressive accomplishments in a P.S., like this: P.S. Would you like to learn more about how I tripled sales to $ 25 million in my first year at XYZ Company, while reducing inventory by 44 % and accounts receivable by 47 %?
Some examples of impressive accomplishments might encompass the percentage of students who improved under your instruction, the number of students who made progress in a skill during the academic year, or details about positive performance evaluations.
Your work experience should do more than prove you were previously employed; list your most impressive accomplishments and underscore the ways in which you helped those employers succeed.
That gives you just enough space to outline your most desirable qualities as well as your most impressive accomplishments and experiences.
These lists can distract hiring professionals from impressive accomplishments.
A hybrid résumé will allow you to bring your most impressive accomplishments to the forefront and will take the focus away from your dates of employment.
Your curriculum vitae is your chance to sell yourself by going over your most impressive accomplishments and skills.
Today, most jobseekers use this section to draw attention to their most impressive accomplishments and qualifications.
Not only do you have to point out your most impressive accomplishments, but your document has to be easy to read.
Work with your most impressive accomplishments, skills, education credentials and work experience to develop descriptions that work for a professional document.
You should mention your professional title as well as two or three top skills and your most impressive accomplishments.
We also categorized her very impressive accomplishments and emphasized her trilingual capabilities and multiculturalism, which were hidden on her original resume and clearly important for programs in Asia.
Though filled with impressive accomplishments (he founded T - Cube, a software company that grew to $ 25 million within eight years; then in 2011 he sold T - Cube and founded a consulting company, which grew to $ 8 million and 10 employees) his professionally written, «standard» black - and - white resume didn't fully capture his potential.
Each of those items are potentially impressive accomplishments.
Even if you've written an outstanding resume that showcases your most impressive accomplishments, writer's block can set in at the cover letter stage.
Finally, we designed a chart that spoke to Brad's three most impressive accomplishments, each of which was in a different unit of measurement.
He had impressive accomplishments but no hiring manager would have the patience to wade through his text.
This is where you can highlight your most recent and impressive accomplishments to set the tone for the rest of your resume.
What you consider impressive accomplishments for past employers will not impress prospective decision makers unless they accentuate proven solutions to problem they are looking to solve.
Put the most impressive accomplishments at the top, so they're easy to find.
Put your most impressive accomplishments first.
STEP 4 — State relevant, impressive accomplishments and match keywords from your federal career.
She can use a brief career highlights section to point out some of her most impressive accomplishments.
Following are some achievements of a Kindergarten teacher for resume along with some necessary steps to take to come up with impressive accomplishments.
Also mention impressive accomplishments or any relevant experience or education.
Introduction Your curriculum vitae is your chance to sell yourself by going over your most impressive accomplishments and skills.
However, if you choose wrong font or inappropriate design, but have impressive accomplishments, great work experience, and strong educational credentials there is high probability that your mistakes will be forgiven.
Instead, create a paragraph that briefly highlights the scope of your responsibility and then provide a list of your most impressive accomplishments.
Cramming it in some corner or at the bottom of your resume means you are making the recruiter search for contact details when there is a high possibility of getting selected looking at those impressive accomplishments in the very first few seconds.
Include quantifiable, impressive accomplishments.
Some of the more relevant and impressive accomplishments were bolded for emphasis.
This is an acceptable format and recommended for professionals that have impressive accomplishments from multiple job positions.
The concern with having so many bullet points and previous positions is that the reader will begin to skim and may miss impressive accomplishments.
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