Sentences with phrase «improved rates»

Identifying these barriers allows researchers to develop and implement new solutions, with the goal of improving the rate of use of the genomic results, the authors said.
To safeguard their selves, the insurance policy insurance plan organizations will improve rates once they choose a lapse in coverage.
You can cycle through cards for a small price, and you can improve the rate at which you receive resources by claiming one of the many resources nodes that drop during the round.
Our goal is to summarize the current breastfeeding rates as well as suggested actions for improving these rates.
«An electronic device including two or more display elements can provide enhanced functionality with improved rates of power consumption,» the filing said.
There are some studies which suggest that adding a component to help people manage their mood states can be effective and can help improve rates of people being able to quit.
It has been found that testosterone increases muscle mass by improving the rate of protein synthesis in the body, which leads to increased fat - free muscle mass and muscle size.
This is because we are knowledgeable to improve our rate from younger generation.
The new and improved rating system was developed in response to feedback from our Attorneys and we are confident it will improve the user experience.
This could improve your ratings if you were experiencing financial hardship and fell behind on payments.
In addition to the long - term convenience described above, it also usually lowers the average overall cost of the shares that are purchased and thereby improves the rate of return for investors.
They may be able to offer you valuable tips on how to improve your rates over time.
These help site fast selling lines in retail hot spots to further improve rate of sale.
By practicing these skills, expect to dramatically improve your rate of finishing strong.
With ten easy tips, these can greatly improve your ratings and success in your practice.
Furthermore, you can also improve your rating by looking into a driver's education course to prove your dedication on the road.
In order improve this rating, companies will often partially dissolve the protein using acid and other techniques.
In 2014 - 15, most states improved their rate of return.
You must steadily reduce obligations over time using the fixed monthly payments in order to improve your rating long - term.
In addition, refinancing an auto loan improves ratings in certain ways, and hurts in others.
Paying your obligations off early accelerates the decline in your utilization ratio, which then improves your rating.
A history of on - time payment improves ratings, which can lead to lower rates.
The best way to improve your rating ahead of a bad credit home loan application is to take out a personal loan to consolidate existing debts.
As long as you make your payments and keep your balances low, you can improve your rating rather quickly.
If you're in debt, or if you have poor credit, do everything in your power to improve your rating first, if possible.
Recent development of sea ice in the region can only improve that rating.
These short classes improve ratings by showing an insurer that the driver is making an effort to mitigate the effect of the DUI.
A professional resume writer will be able to highlight your strengths thus improve your rating and bargaining power should you get the opportunity to work for the organization.
To safeguard on their own, the insurance plan insurance policy firms will improve rates once they find a lapse in insurance coverage.
By looking at the data by practice area or responsible attorney, you can determine where to focus your efforts for improving the rate.
Many of the models with improved ratings have «active» designs that automatically move a head restraint up and toward the back of the head in a crash.
One study found that the program, now in its fifth year, appears to have helped improve ratings for teachers who were close to either being fired or receiving bonuses.
To guard by themselves, the insurance insurance plan providers will improve rates whenever they find a lapse in insurance policy coverage.
To safeguard them selves, the insurance coverage plan corporations will improve rates when they find a lapse in coverage.
This report builds on the report 1st created in 2009 by including a live release rate and improve rate from the previous year.
It can improve survival teams by improving the rate of response to therapy.
On one hand, getting another card may help improve your rate of credit utilization.
That department focuses on improving the rate at which city homicides are solved.
Even if the Oilers didn't shave a single goal off of their goals against totals, just having a healthy McDavid for a full season scoring at the rate he scored at last season (and there is reason to believe he could actually improve that rate) could cut their goal differential from the minus - 42 it was this past season to nearly single digits.
You can switch back and forth between the original rate which has fewer restrictions and this new improved rate with Amazon's enforced guidelines.
24 hours a day, loan applicants visit Lead Planet properties online and we are in a position to help the consumers improve their rates and loan terms because of our strong relationships with banks and lending companies nationally.
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