Sentences with phrase «improvement in performance»

This means an overall improvement in the performance of students who do enter high school but may well mean less education for those who drop out.
Identify areas of significant improvements in performance and training functions to increase productivity and efficiency.
This results in a four - percent improvement in performance, a 15 percent reduction in cost and 30 percent reduction in weight, when compared with aluminum.
This much needed improvement in battery power has resulted in a significant improvement in performance over previous iterations.
You also get lots of other improvements in performance as well as fixes to bugs and errors from the previous software version.
There will no doubt be improvements in performance from the processor and the software, even if the capacity stays the same.
I noticed a sharp improvement in his performance when he was pushed further up the pitch.
As customers became less willing to pay for further improvements in performance and reliability, the companies that offered more affordable and customizable modular solutions gained the advantage.
There will be an overall improvement in performance of the smartphone / Tablet combo, including a longer battery life.
While the app brought substantial improvements in performance and a decrease in crashing it did introduce a few other bugs, which are now being addressed.
They were snappy and really fast at the time of launch, offering a great experience, but the S8 and S8 Plus will no doubt deliver a big and noticeable improvement in performance.
We want people to be apply their knowledge and skills to their jobs, and thereby showing measurable improvements in performance.
But as the Moto X has proven, marginal improvements in performance don't necessarily translate into a great smartphone experience.
It brings a slight improvement in performance, some nice polish to the interface that we appreciate, but best of all, it has a battery that lasts longer.
As usual, you can also expect to find improvements in performance as well as bug fixes, among others.
When a team had been performing particularly poorly, replacing the coach resulted in a small, but short - lived, improvement in performance after a change.
By using our recommended settings for each of the quality options, you're going to see a big improvement in performance without seeing a significant hit to your visuals.
The percentage of eighth graders achieving at the advanced level in mathematics rose three points, to 11 percent, which also represents a statistically significant improvement in performance since 2009.
Because compliant employees make up the largest portion of any team, even small improvements in their performance can produce enormous results for a store.
He has helped lawyers in firms and corporate legal departments develop the emotional intelligence and soft skills needed for tangible and sustainable improvements in their performance, profitability and satisfaction.
This was a definite improvement in performance, clearly, in part, as a result of the change in shape.
Pair these with a killer training regimen, and you will be seeing a marked improvement in your performance.
This means a void is created when it comes to demonstrating real improvements in performance as learning intervention results.
And there are incremental improvements in performance and user experience, from running apps to interacting with the handset.
Why do you think investors are continuing to withdraw money from commodity index investments despite recent improvements in the performance of the asset class?
He held that his administration's efforts and intervention in education has been massive and that there has been qualitative and quantitative improvement in the performance of pupils and general education of youths.
The largest gains would come from a coordinated improvement in performance, since states are all linked by flows of people over time.
These changes can actively bolster learners on their path to these critical improvements in performance.
The update brings improved features, such as an integrated task manager and download manager, as well as an overall improvement in performance speed.
He prefers investing in those low - expectation firms, provided they are financially sound, because even modest improvement in their performance can push shares higher.
As a result, there's no groundbreaking improvement in performance, but neither was that really necessary.
But if you are a professional who wants substantial improvements in your performance, then this supplement might not be the best choice for you.
I've tried other brands (including «performance» brands) and have never seen any measurable improvement in performance.
The so - called acceleration gap is eliminated, obtaining, apart from a real improvement in performance, a new and thrilling driving sensation.
The update also brings bug fixes and improvements in the performance of these two devices.
To help combat these, we looked into the drawing processes, which lead to an overall improvement in performance.
Some of the credit for the general improvement in performance with Samsung devices this year has to do with the toning down and optimization of the software, but while the experience has been smooth and snappy for the most part, Samsung still hasn't figured out a fix for the scrolling stutters that occur when moving in between the Flipboard secondary screen and the main home screen.
«Although the global IPO market has yet to fully recover, the healthy level of deal volume and dramatic improvement in performance seen in the third quarter of 2010 indicate that IPO investors are more than willing to participate, given an attractive fundamental story pitched at a reasonable price,» Renaissance Capital says.
It begins by describing how a «technological and analytical arms race is producing the best athletes in history,» but it goes on to describe similarly dramatic improvements in performance in other fields — in chess, in classical music.
Kenya received a high score for energy access in RISE and showed one of the most notable improvements in performance on Doing Business indicators in 2015/16.
The 2019 Cayenne sees improvement in performance, technology, and design.
He says thee has been a huge improvement in his performance - including speedier recoveries when he has fatigued legs or injuries.
Specifically, a noticeable improvement in performance during fasted training and noticeably faster stubborn fat loss (especially in the abdominal region).
Paddles or no, there is indeed a similarly slight improvement in performance for the 2014 Honda Civic.
I'm pretty sure that even an unknown manager with some modern ideas for today's game, could step in and easily get a massive improvement in performance with the players available to him right now.
After having come up with five goals in 24 games last season, the 2017 - 18 campaign has witnessed an even greater improvement in performances from the Paraguayan.

Phrases with «improvement in performance»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z