Sentences with phrase «imputation for»

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For economists, imputation simply means calculating data they don't have.
Other more sweeping reform options would address double taxation by allowing shareholders credits against personal taxes for tax levied at the corporate level (an «imputation system») or by passing corporate profits through to shareholders, similar to the tax treatment of partnerships and S - corporations («corporate tax integration»).
Imputation as an experienced principle is poignantly needful for a striving world.
Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord for taking on double imputation that we may receive everlasting life and not death.
For Wesley an emphasis on imputation is uncongenial.
The imputation of Christ's righteousness as the basis for reconciliation with God.
The word imputation (not used in the body of the document) refers to God's crediting of righteousness to us because of what Christ has done for us: which means, God's accounting of Christ's righteousness to all those who are united with him through faith.
As «the technical term for «putting to one's account,»» imputation means ««setting to one's credit» or «laying to one's charge.
Thus the Christian who reads in, the Gospel of John, for example, that «the Jews» are opposing Jesus winces at this imputation of guilt to a whole people.
It would never do for us to place ourselves offhand at the position of a particular theology, the Christian theology, for example, and proceed immediately to define the «more» as Jehovah, and the «union» as his imputation to us of the righteousness of Christ.
Effect estimates across the five imputations were averaged and standard errors were calculated accounting for both within - imputation and between - imputation variability.19, 20
Title: Combining efficacy and completion rates with no data imputation: a composite approach with greater sensitivity for the statistical evaluation of active comparisons in antipsychotic Trials Author: J. Rabinowitz et al..
A new GWAS and meta - analysis with 1000Genomes imputation identifies novel risk variants for colorectal cancer.
The sequencing work for this project has been done at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, and the next phase of work is to develop a detailed catalogue of variants and a reference panel of quality - controlled genotyping data that can be used for accurate imputation in genome - wide association studies of malaria and other diseases.
350/12: 15 Leveraging whole genome sequencing in an internal study - specific imputation reference panel for family - based designs.
To discover additional novel blood pressure loci, we used 1000 Genomes Project - based imputation in 150 134 European ancestry individuals and sought significant evidence for independent replication in a further 228 245 individuals.
Let's imagine that these control variables were measured perfectly, even though most required high levels of imputation, e.g., family income and high school GPA were available for only about half of the sample.
Multiple imputation has the benefit of imputing missing values, however, because it creates multiple values for a given imputation, it reintroduces randomness, avoiding over precision that is caused by standard imputation.
For all variables with missing values, the project uses STATA implementation of the Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) multiple imputation algorithm that generates five plausible values for each variable based on non-missing values for every other variabFor all variables with missing values, the project uses STATA implementation of the Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) multiple imputation algorithm that generates five plausible values for each variable based on non-missing values for every other variabfor each variable based on non-missing values for every other variabfor every other variable.
The taxable income report lists the net dividend, imputation credits and withholding tax figures for each holding and provides total figures.
The income effect may be even more prominent for domestic market participants who could benefit from the imputation system.
The introduction of dividend imputation in 1987 removed the double taxation of dividends, with tax - resident Australian companies receiving a «franking credit» for tax paid at prevailing corporate tax rates.
The imputation rebate is for earnings that have been taxed at the company level to those that are then libel for personal income tax.
If the income is from «franked» dividends - that is, dividends paid by an Australian company out of profits on which it has already paid tax - it will come with a credit for the tax already paid, called an «imputation credit».
The primary question for a judge who is considering the imputation of income will be whether the paying parent's loss of income is involuntary or voluntary.
The Virginia Court of Appeals upheld the trial court's imputation of income to husband for purposes of calculating spousal support and child support, as he was at fault for losing his job, but reversed the trial court's award of nonmodifiable spousal support, as being in contravention of Virginia Code § 20 - 109 (A), which provides that court ordered support may always be modified.
The husband based his appeal on the court's refusal to reopen the case, its granting the motion to reopen to wife, its awarding GI Bill benefits to the wife, its imputation of income to him, its award of the $ 65,000 to wife, and its refusal to allow him extra time to review the final decree for errors.
As a result, and except for specific issues such as the imputation of income or the payment of arrears, the resolution of family law disputes rarely involves «winning» and «losing» and such should not be the goal of counsel.
Husband appealed imputation of income for the purpose of setting child support.
In Bak, the Ontario Court of Appeal reasoned that although the Legislature excluded gifts from section 19, that provision allows for income imputation so as to correct underemployment or anomalous income tax treatment.
OCGA 19-6-15 (f)(4), a subsection of Georgia's child support statute, provides for the imputation of income where a parent fails to produce reliable evidence of wages.
Rather, paragraph (b) sets forth a special imputation rule for former government lawyers that provides for screening and notice.
Keep in mind that the burden rests with the party arguing for imputation of income to provide some evidentiary basis to show that the other party is intentionally under or unemployed, including for example the other side's education, work experience, skills, health and a failure to produce documentation of sincere job - seeking efforts.
Besides the statement or writing being demonstrably true, it also requires to be proved that the imputation was made for public good.
EM imputation methods used provided a value for missing data points for each individual participant based on both the estimated sample parameters and the actual responses at completed data points, preserving sample size and making use of all available data, while maintaining the variance within the sample.
To test whether results were still significant under the assumption that data were missing at random, we conducted multiple imputation and ran our primary analyses across 10 imputed data sets, 37 adjusting for additional variance across imputations.
Second, data were imputed for each participant who had completed some but not all of the data points using expectation maximisation (EM) imputation.
Coefficients and SEs for the variability between imputations were combined using the method of Rubin.26
To account for missing poverty data, we used UVIS (univariate imputation sampling) in Stata version 10,15 which imputes a variable using logit regression with sociodemographic variables having significant statistical association with nonmissing poverty data (child age, maternal obesity, maternal education, and race / ethnicity).
We used multiple imputation with the method of chained equations to account for missing maternal data for children with a mother in the household.24 In addition to the mother's BMI status (missing for 1085 [22 %] of the children), imputation was conducted for 4 maternal covariates with few (< 1 %) missing cases (education [n = 13], warmth [n = 47], control [n = 49], and irritability [n = 48]-RRB-.
In general, multiple imputation imputes missing scale values with regression - based maximal likelihood procedures but also incorporates random error into the estimates.26 To improve estimates, key demographic factors and the important covariates were used in the imputation strategy, and the procedures described by Allison27 for intervention studies were used.
For sensitivity analysis, we performed multiple imputation using predictive mean matching70 and results are reported for the primary outcomes and SF - For sensitivity analysis, we performed multiple imputation using predictive mean matching70 and results are reported for the primary outcomes and SF - for the primary outcomes and SF - 12.
We performed a multiple imputation of missing data in order to obtain complete datasets for the 7497 adolescents, including information on both parents.
The multiple imputation procedure, which is one of the most recommended procedures to deal with missing values with the pattern of Missing at Random (see Schlomer et al., 2010, for a simulation study), was used to handle missing values.
Fit indices used to evaluate the model included a χ2 goodness - of - fit test (nonsignificant values indicate good fits), the comparative fit index (scores of > 0.95 indicate better fits), the root mean square error of approximation (values of < 0.05 indicate good fits), and the standardized root mean square residual (values of < 0.08 indicate good fits).43, 44 Missing values were imputed through multiple imputation by using functions in the missing data library in S - Plus (Insightful Corp, Seattle, WA).45, 46 The combined data for the cross - lagged / survival model converged more quickly with 15 imputed data sets than did the model that used a likelihood - based approach to missing data.
Baseline drinking status (ever vs never tried alcohol) did not predict attrition, but to account for attrition bias related to other variables, estimation was carried out after multiple imputation using the standard missing at random assumption (ie, missing data are assumed missing at random conditional on observed predictors included in the model).27 The imputation model included all the predictors in the alcohol models plus a number of auxiliary variables that were not of direct theoretical interest but were nonetheless predictive of missingness so as to improve the quality of the imputations and make the missing at random assumption more plausible.28
The threshold for when data must remain missing will depend on the stability of the multiple imputation models and will be explored if appropriate.
High risk of bias: there is differential attrition across groups, reasons for dropout are different across groups, there was inappropriate application of simple imputation (e.g. assuming certain outcomes, last observation carried forward (LOCF), etc.).
Where appropriate, develop a strategy for data imputation (if we assume that data is not missing at random).
Lack of information on reasons for missing data, insufficient evidence of effect of missing data on outcome, lack of information on imputation methods or insufficient detail on intention - to - treat and participant departure from allocation to make a judgement of low or high risk of bias
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