Sentences with phrase «in fram»

This June 2017 photo provided by the Norwegian Polar Institute shows a bowhead whale in the Fram Strait between Greenland and Svalbard.
Title: Variability of sea - surface temperature and sea - ice cover in the Fram Strait over the last two millennia Author (s): Bonnet, S; de Vernal, A; Hillaire - Marcel, C, et al..
But looking at the May 2016 melt pond fraction in our sea ice simulation, the pond fraction is higher in the Kara Sea, north of Svalbard and in the Fram Strait compared to May 2015 and with a lesser extent to May 2012, but lower in the East Siberian Sea and the Arctic Basin.
Gerland et al. provided a detailed description of ice conditions in June 2013, including field observations near Svalbard and in Fram Strait.
The most recent data from ice mass balance buoys in Storfjroden, Svalbard and on iceberg - fast ice in Fram Strait show that the melt season has started.
The recent papers looking at ocean ingress into the basin is also a worry when we look at the SST's of those waters in Fram and Bering.
Müller, J. & Stein, R. High - resolution record of late glacial and deglacial sea ice changes in Fram Strait corroborates ice - ocean interactions during abrupt climate shifts.
In Fram Strait, Rigor et al. predicts reduced export of sea ice from the Arctic Ocean.
It lies just upstream of the freshwater exit points in Fram and Nares Straits, i.e., where freshwater from various sources is finally delivered to some of the main channels that lead to the North Atlantic Ocean.
Data include liquid freshwater transport relative to a reference salinity of 34.9 in the East Greenland Current derived from six moorings in Fram Strait at 78 ° 50 «N.
Make a large - scale launch (size determined by previous year's learnings and continued climate modeling) of reflective materials in the Fram Strait or Beaufort Gyre.
Recent articles suggest that the heat content of the currents in the Fram strait have increased in recent years.
Kate Stafford of the University of Washington in Seattle and her colleagues planted hydrophones in the Fram Strait between Greenland and Svalbard, halfway between Norway and the North Pole.
Further, in the framers» understanding, the religion clauses of the First Amendment were primarily jurisdictional, not substantive: They made clear that matters of religion remained within the domain of the states.

Not exact matches

In Brown's very readable law review article, she explains why — and cites another scholar, Puneet K. Sandhu, who sums up a few reasons why it would be challenging to affirm even if the framers had hoped to do so.
While the framers did not draft this part of the Constitution with the Internet in mind, they sure as Hell didn't anticipate the advent of genealogical data companies that share DNA information with law enforcement.
The first home being rebuilt in Fountaingrove reached a milestone recently when framers began roughing in the walls of Ed and Kathy Hamilton's Shillingford Place home.
Richard Maybury talks about what the framers of the U.S. Constitution had in mind compared to the political power that we see in the government today.
The Ninth Amendment, Goldberg emphasized, reflects the Framers» original understanding that «other fundamental personal rights should not be denied protection simply because they are not specifically listed» in the Consti - tution.
In Home Building and Loan Association v. Blaisdell, the majority explicitly endorsed the idea that the interpretation of the Constitution should reflect «the vision of our time» rather than the intent of the framers.
In that study, a group of European and North American scholars sought to probe the developmental social psychology of totalitarian oppressiveness and to delineate the personality characteristics of those who would be its framers and implementers.
Have you forgotten what the framers of this country believed in?
The framers» idea was that all parts of that core have to be kept in play.
The notorious Dred Scott decision (1837) asserted that because slaves were their masters» property Congress could not ban slavery anywhere in the United States — a holding that ignored the Framers» compromise of tolerating slavery temporarily but allowing eventual measures against it.
The breadth of many constitutional phrases implies a potential for growth beyond the precise principles that the framers had in mind.
In this way of thinking, the Framers had not resolved but had only postponed the question of slavery, and Lincoln's sense that the time had come to move, however cautiously, toward a resolution had about it a force of obligation that he did not hesitate to call sacred.
The framers recognized, in other words, that humans» unalienable liberties entail transcendent obligations.
On a somewhat deeper but still visible plane the framers saw that the originality of the novus ordo — what made it, in fact, a new order — lay in the unprecedented degree of liberty each citizen possessed to define the course of his or her own «pursuit of happiness.»
But I also don't think that precludes us fram rationalizing in a way that tries to disguise true motives, even to ourselves, or to allow our deep desires to override a sen of unease we might otherwise have.
The framers saw little point in designing a «new order» for saints.
The problem that faced the framers of the Constitution 11 years after the Declaration was how to incarnate that vision in everyday politics.
If the framers of the Constitution had been more morally courageous in identifying slavery as an evil, or if the later compensatory amendment had rooted liberty in a common human nature rather than on weaker procedural grounds of equality under the law, then perhaps the expansion of protected classes and arbitrary rights would not have advanced so stridently.
As it happened, the texts reflect a relatively brief period of the dominance of a variation of Enlightenment thought — although, to be sure, those texts must be understood, as the framers certainly did understand them, against the background assumptions of what in fact was a Christian society and culture.
In a way he wouldn't have expected, the progress of science, as Stephens claimed, is on his and not our Framers» side.
They are more psychological than theological although those of us who are spiritual erotics will tend to fram our beliefs in theological terms.
Bruce A. Ackerman, in Social Justice in the Liberal State (Yale University Press, 1980), arguing for an astringently secular, rational model, is faithful to the framers at least in the proposition that «nobody has the right to vindicate political authority by asserting a privileged insight into the moral universe which is denied to the rest of us.»
Whatever the Framers had in mind, it was not a method of constitutional interpretation grounded in moral skepticism.
But to claim that such a viewpoint is what the Framers had in mind when they wrote the Constitution in 1787 is, as Justice Byron White noted in another context, «at best facetious.»
It is unlikely that the framers imagined a world in which I might feel (morally) free to say the first thing that came into my head.
Arthur is wrong because of the radically anti-majoritarian bias of his argument — a bias not shared by the Framers because the Framers in general, and Madison in particular, defined «factions» differently from the way in which Arthur defines the term.
Who can deny that the Court is right that what we have here is a new birth of freedom, and arguably one consistent with individualistic principles that we can arguably find among our Framers and in the Constitution itself?
The primary framer for the 1st Amendment was Madison, who also was the key framer in much of the first ten Amendments.
Our archonocracy has arisen... not from the intent of the Framers but from the claim of the Court, first enunciated and implemented in Dred Scott, that it has the duty (hence power) to void Federal law it deems unconstitutional.
As a Supreme Court Justice might go behind years of accepted legal precedents to appeal to the intentions of the framers of the U.S. Constitution, so Jesus went behind the teaching of Deuteronomy to the intent of God as recorded in Genesis.
Amar's thesis, in a nutshell, is this: 1) The Bill of Rights was not conceived by the framers as a charter of individual liberties in the manner now routinely employed by the Court.
Nevertheless, for all his artful linguistic deconstruction, Amar has no effective answer for the most obvious question of all: If in fact the framers of the Amendment intended to apply the Bill of Rights against the states, why didn't any of them say so?
The framers specifically inserted this ban on such endorsements because of what they witnessed in Europe that people forget about here.
His letter to the Danbury Baptist Association was a short note of courtesy, written 14 years after the amendments were passed by Congress... There is simply no historical foundation for the proposition that the framers intended to build the «wall of separation» that was constitutionalized in Everson.
Despite calling the idea that we can know what the Founders really thought on religious issues «an illusion,» Kramnick and Moore criticize those who view the U.S. as a Christian state: «The principal framers of the American political system wanted no religious parties in national politics.
In his maiden speech — which, following a tradition now rarely observed, he waited a year after his election to deliver — Sasse argued that the upper house of the U.S. Congress was intended specifically by the framers to preserve minority opinion by enshrining a process of long - form debate to preclude a legislative fast track.
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