Sentences with phrase «in jesus»

My recollection of the New Testament is that the early Christians believed in Jesus's death and Resurrection.
Whereas in earlier years God to me was the unknown God who came close only in Jesus Christ and could be approached only in him, «from below,» but could not be adequately characterized in human language, I increasingly realized that there is other than conceptual language which nevertheless is not noncognitive.
I put my faith in Jesus because he is good, and the kind of person I would like to be.
You also imply that catholics don't believe in Jesus Christ.
I do believe in eternal security, so I would say that although we are citizens of the Kingdom of God through faith in Jesus, we can still live according to some of the rules (and consequences) of the Kingdom of Darkness.
Repubs: Making waves by debating whether to nominate an old crusty white guy who believes in jesus from their normal pool of nominations of old crusty white guys who believe in jesus christ but slightly differently.
But is there a passage that actually applies to a person who has not trusted in Jesus as there saviour.
If I am wrong about how to understand the violence of God in the Old Testament in light of Jesus Christ on the cross, then I will gladly and happily resort to cherry - picking the Bible so that it presents God in a Jesus - looking way.
At any rate, for a bad joke to be the good news is the kind of absurdly hopeful reversal (as in Jesus» wittier parables) that we find often in this surprisingly funny book.
I, for one, was a person who used to think that the gospel was nothing more than «believe in Jesus for eternal life.»
I believe in Jesus Christ and that he is my savior.
All 3 of these aspects we see in Jesus teachings and sacrifice.
If you sin, your sin is covered by Grace in Jesus Christ (we all sin) if we sin under the law, our sin is condembed and there is no justification for sin.
Christianity as a whole, is very confusing, because so many different churches claim to beleive in Jesus... we have the baptists differing with the catholics, and the catholics differing with the escopalitans, and then we have the lutherans differing from the methodists, and then we have the born - agains differing from everybody else on this earth.
Put your faith in Jesus Christ and not in any man and your will be ok.
Hell is just a reality that God tells us about and can be avoided through repentance and faith in Jesus.
Heather Tomlinson travelled to Birmingham to profile the pioneering work of Betel of Britain, a Christian therapeutic community where people are finding healing from addiction through faith in Jesus
We are a weak generation of people who need to be healed, positioned in Jesus.
Sure the «we all help each other» stuff is fine, but you some how think that either: — knowing the Jesus story (and the Bible) or — believing in Jesus does something special for you that it doesn't do for non-believers.
All of you deny your heritage in Jesus Christ.
There is hardly a better example of the desperate state of the drug problem in the UK than the stories of the young recovering addicts at Betel of Britain, a Christian therapeutic community that helps people to find healing from addiction through faith in Jesus.
Why did the Good Samaritan pour grape juice on the wounds of the assaulted man in Jesus» parable?
Only faith in Jesus Christ, who paid the death penalty we all deserve for even the smallest of sins we've ever commited, can give us any hope.
Okay, you don't want to believe in Jesus as messiah, that's your deal.
the root word of christian is «Christ» if you believe in Jesus Christ as the son of god then you are Christian.
Yes, you can believe in God and in Jesus Christ outside of the Church, but that is no great merit, even the devil knows God exists.
That same God will give you a new designation very soon in Jesus name.
We believe in Jesus Christ's mercy on both men.
God bless and have faith in Jesus Christ, he died for sins like these.
(John 13:26) Thus, proxy baptisms are not vaid, for the person who is baptized has to make an informed choice as to whether or not he or she desires to do so, to accept the responsibility of following in Jesus «footsteps».
I always thought that I was open minded and not arrogant, and my wife asked, if I were so open minded, then why wouldn't I put my faith in Jesus, and if it were not true, then I would find out.
«Atheists in Jesus» does not stand alone.
Rather, in Jesus, He became one of us.
I choose to believe in Jesus and the Bible.
God bless that town for having others willing to join in because just as we are not alone in our faith in Jesus Christ, we are members of something greater, and we can support one another in so many ways.
Adam, believing in Jesus and asking Him to be your savior is called being born again.
Again, when I look at the world and its problems, I can only believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
If the money wasted on building this hideous monstrosity in the first place had been put into the local school system instead, think of the good that would have been done in Jesus's name.
Equality is a tangible outcome of the gospel of the kingdom and is highlighted in Jesus» teaching about separating the sheep from the goats.
All of these people DO NOT Trust in God and in Jesus Christ God's Only Son That is why they all go from anxiety to mass hysteria, to brawls, stampedes, riots, revolts, revolutions, violence, hatred and eventually all ends up in a total State of Panic.
I'm pretty sure the primacy of belief in Jesus and his sacrifice would indicate otherwise.
Before getting a job, leaving your parents, building a career or starting a family, your deepest need no matter your age is to turn from sin, trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and build your lifestyle around His honor.
I am saying that my experience is just what has led me to truly believe in Jesus.
White American Christians hate middle east Muslims and call them «rag heads,» these stupids believe in Jesus Christ who was a «rag head» himself!!
On exegetical and theological grounds, it is difficult for Christians to interpret the return to the land in our day as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy, i.e., to give the return a «political» interpretation, without abandoning the confession that in Jesus of Nazareth the Messianic age has commenced.
I'm talking about what happens after we've been made right with God through faith in Jesus Christ.
the claims of some of you on this post in saying Mormons are not Christian, I ask you to define or clarify what makes a person a christian, if it is a belief in Jesus Christ that he is the only way people can be saved, then Mormons are Christians.
Jesus did say, «a man shall leave his family and cleave to his wife and they shall become one,» which leaves very little room for anybody that believes in Jesus to think that he was promoting polygamy.
A group of us started to dream of what it would look like to live in the Jesus story, and we started something called the Advent Conspiracy.
He then laid his hands on her (forehead) and said «In Jesus» Name.»
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