Sentences with phrase «in new perspectives on»

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Viacom Inc. is creating new show formats including «BET Breaks» that focuses on the African American perspective on pop culture and another named «Comedy Central's Creator's Room,» a satirical take on trending news in pop culture.
Her words resonate with me in new ways with each reading and always offer an important perspective on life and work, or simply make me laugh out loud.
Gates, who is promoting his new book, «A Passion for Leadership,» sat down with Business Insider last week and gave his perspective on today's conflicts in the Middle East.
In the heat of a startup, it's easy to become isolated and lose perspective on exit alternatives and new opportunities.
To put things into perspective, the U.S. is on pace to build 1.2 million new dwellings this year, which is way up from a low of 550,000 in 2009.
Aspect's Jennifer Fonstad and The Muse's Kathryn Minshew provide perspective on the «future of work» in this piece in The New Yorker on the Gig...
Four Dogwood staffers give you their perspective on next steps in the fight for B.C.'s coast, air and democracy under a new government Lisa, on Dogwood's Ban Big Money campaign... What a week!
If a new hire like me feels unsure, I'll save my reply in Help Scout, ping a team member to review it, and get their perspective on how to reply better.
Rafael Costas and Sheila Amoroso, Co-Directors, Municipal Bond Department, Franklin Templeton Fixed Income Group ® offer some fresh perspective on ongoing developments in Puerto Rico, including a new Act that was signed into law there.
Gavin decided to pursue environmental law while working on a small family farm, an experience which changed his perspective on the world and began connecting him to the land in new ways.
From the perspective of someone interested in making investments with 20 + year holding periods in mind, you need to be careful of owning banks because of the debt to equity levels involved in the investment, you need to be wary of technology companies because they must constantly be innovating to remain profitable and relevant (unlike, say, Hershey, which could stick with its business model of selling chocolate bars for the next century), and retail stocks which are always subject to the risk of a new low - cost carrier arriving on the block.
In my article, Social Buyerology: Understanding Buyers in the Social Age, I offered perspectives on the need for a new discipline in B2B Sales and Marketing related to understanding new buyer behaviors and interactions in the social agIn my article, Social Buyerology: Understanding Buyers in the Social Age, I offered perspectives on the need for a new discipline in B2B Sales and Marketing related to understanding new buyer behaviors and interactions in the social agin the Social Age, I offered perspectives on the need for a new discipline in B2B Sales and Marketing related to understanding new buyer behaviors and interactions in the social agin B2B Sales and Marketing related to understanding new buyer behaviors and interactions in the social agin the social age.
My old friend Alistair Milne recently published a very interesting paper on Cryptocurrencies from an Austrian Perspective (SSRN, 12th April 2017) in which he explores the use of new technology to reimplement money by taking away money creation from commercial banks and proposes:
In a fascinating historical treatment, Holy Scripture and the Quest for Authority at the End of the Middle Ages, Ian Christopher Levy offers a new perspective on this question.
In a reflection of the influence that the «new perspective» on Paul and Judaism has exerted in recent decades, no longer does a rigid Protestant orthodoxy centered on a forensic conception of justification push Paul in theologically tendentious directionIn a reflection of the influence that the «new perspective» on Paul and Judaism has exerted in recent decades, no longer does a rigid Protestant orthodoxy centered on a forensic conception of justification push Paul in theologically tendentious directionin recent decades, no longer does a rigid Protestant orthodoxy centered on a forensic conception of justification push Paul in theologically tendentious directionin theologically tendentious directions.
Understanding this new perspective on church is as difficult today as it was in the days of Jesus for Jews to understand a different perspective on Sabbath, but the basic principles seem to be the same: Church, just like Sabbath, is not supposed to be a bunch of human traditions which have become legalistic laws by which to judge one another's spiritual maturity.
On one end is the noncompromising «sin perspective» summarized in these words from an article in a conservative periodical: «The New Testament blasts homosexual activity as the lowest, most degraded kind of immorality» (Alliance Witness, July i6, 1975).
The result is a new lease on music, and a better perspective on the industry in general.
What Whitehead thus provides for us in the search for the meaning of love is a perspective on the world which opens new possibilities for conceiving the divine love and human loves.
In Perspectives Old and New on Paul.»
«Response to Dr. Koyama's Paper» in The Human and the Holy, Asian Perspective on Christian Theology, eds.: Nacpil and Elwood, Orbis, New York, 1978.
From another perspective, Christine E. Gudorf, in a chapter on «Regrounding Spirituality in Embodiment», (35) observes that contemporary Christians are creating new forms of spirituality based in reflection on embodied human experience.
The New Testament tells us to focus on eyes on Jesus (Heb 12:2); and to have that eternal perspective where we know that this world is not our home and that all we do should be done in the light of eternity.
The Christian community now possesses for the first time some excellent scholarly works on the treatment of homosexuality in Scripture, such as Robin Scroggs's The New Testament and Homosexuality (Fortress, 1984) and George Edwards's Gay / Lesbian Liberation: A Biblical Perspective (Pilgrim, 1984).
A process perspective on the language through which Matthew brings his christological witness to expression thus in my estimation lends support to Ogden's contention that the message of the New Testament is one that «can be formulated in complete abstraction from the event Jesus of Nazareth and all that it specifically imports.»
It is a call to each reader to new perspectives on the curriculum, to the end that the high calling of education in democracy may be better served.
A process perspective on the language through which Matthew brings his christological witness to expression lends support to Ogden's contention that the message of the New Testament is one that «can be formulated in complete abstraction from the event Jesus of Nazareth and all that it specifically imports.»
But focus on what Jesus Christ has done, who He is, the forgiveness of our sins against God, the new life He gives us, the victory over Satan we have, and the plethora of benefits of being a child of God... and then your perspective will shift from depressiveness to optimistic hope in God no matter your circumstances or conditions.
Whether students come from a religious or secular background, they gather at non-religious institutions to challenge their own ideas and the ideas of others, to encounter new and unique perspectives on the world, and to revel in the diversity this sort of atmosphere can offer.
A personal meeting that touched my heart and gave a direction and a new meaning to my existence»), theology («Jesus rose from the dead: not to be triumphant over those who refused him, but to certify that the love of God is stronger than death, the forgiveness of God is stronger than any sin») and his perspective on grace («God's mercy has no limits if he who asks for mercy does so in contrition and with a sincere heart»).
Stephen B. Clark, Man and Woman in Christ (Ann Arbor: Servant, 1980); James B. Hurley, Man and Woman in Biblical Perspective (Leicester) InterVarsity Press; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981); George W Knight III, The New Testament Teaching on the Role Relationship of Men and Women (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1977); Fritz Zerbst, The Office of Woman in the Church (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1955); Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark), III 1, pp. 288 - 329, section 41 (1958); III 2, pp. 285 - 316, section 45 (1960); III 4, pp. 116 - 240, section 54 (1961).
Meland, Bernard E., «New Perspectives on Nature and Grace,» The Scope of Grace: Essays in Honor of Joseph Sittler, ed.
«I became convinced after my study of the subject in Abolitionists Abroad,» says Sanneh, «that 18th - century evangelical Christianity represented a social revolution of enormous import for the New World and for Africa by offering outcasts, slaves and captives a moral perspective on their oppression and exclusion....
But understood in the context of our joyful «play,» this advice to work takes on a new perspective.0 ur toil is not meant to master life; it is not for the purpose of wresting the key to salvation from life itself.
He seemed to view faith as a romantic adventure and the universe as a wild fairy tale — I had a similar perspective on the world, as a twenty - one - year old in D.C. Chesterton died long before YouTube, but if he were alive today, I think he would advocate new, creative methods to revolutionize the practice of journalism.
It is our hope that this new perspective will throw light on persistent human problems, and open the way to some new assessment of the forms which the spirit of love may be taking in contemporary life.
Set parallel in time, place and theme to Gilead, her prizewinning novel of 2004, Marilynne Robinson's new novel, Home, takes the reader inside the home of retired Presbyterian pastor Robert Boughton for another perspective on Jack Boughton, the black sheep of the family, who left Gilead as a young man after fathering a child.
There has been some work by notable heavyweights in the field of NT scholarship on what is called «The New Perspective on Paul» prompted by evidence that revealed first century Judaism was not the legalistic system that traditional interpreters believed.
Which aspect of the New Perspective on Paul is wrong in your opinion?
But the discussion so far suggests the possibility that a new Christian perspective on history may be emerging which will hold together the truth in the liberal doctrine of progress and the truth in the neo-orthodox affirmation of the judgment of God upon all existing things.
Although the emphasis on biblical languages declined, and the new sciences, including the social sciences, were given large place, these colleges resisted practical training in favor of liberal arts, understood in a humanistic, Christian perspective.
The secondary freedom in the study of economics consists in the deployment of a variety of models of man and society, in order to gain a wider range of perspectives on the complex events of economic life and to experiment in imagination with new and possibly better ways of directing economic planning.
To this growing debate on «fulfillment theology» I would add a contribution from a Reformed theological perspective: the thesis that New Testament messianic claims can be abandoned only at the cost of sacrificing crucial aspects of the church's witness to the gospel of the Kingdom, but that Christians do need to abandon a good deal of «fulfillment theology» that finds its source in ecclesiastical triumphalism.
Placed in the perspective of the great trial, the declaration «The works testify of me that the Father has sent me» takes on a new perspective.
See also Barbour, Ian G., Issues in Science and Religion (New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1971); by the same author, Myths, Models and Paradigms (New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1974); also, Barbour, Ian G., ed., Science and Religion: New Perspectives on the Dialogue (New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1968); see also by the same author, Science and Secularity: The Ethics of Technology (New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1970); also, Technology.
Nevertheless, it is possible to get a perspective on family life by asking what informs reflection about the family in the New Testament.
(See, for example, George Schlesinger's provocative book New Perspectives on Old - Time Religion [Oxford University Press, 1988], William Charlton's Philosophy and Christian Belief [Sheed & Ward, 1988], and Diogenes Allen's Christian Belief in a Postmodern World: The Full Wealth of Conviction [Westminster / John Knox, 1989].)
Robert Dannin has opened a new and fascinating perspective on the subject in his recently published book Black Pilgrimage to Islam.
Through collecting and reworking many of his previously published articles, Ford will attempt in this new book to formulate the requisite complementary natural theology for Whitehead's cosmology in historical conversation with, and in dialectical opposition to, a number of contrasting perspectives on creativity, temporality, immutability, theodicy, and technical (internal) problems in process metaphysics put forth by Robert Neville, Norris Clarke, Donald Sherburne, and other colleagues over the years.
I propose now to ask whether some light on the meaning of atonement may came from the new perspectives in pastoral care.
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