Sentences with phrase «in pillar of fire»

Here too there is a curious oblique Biblical resonance: the story of the escape of Israel from Egypt describes how the Israelites were guided in the wilderness: «And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light...» (Exodus 13:21) The natural «fire from heaven» reverses this supernatural pattern: by day the ground and sea receive fiery direct sunlight, while (as we shall see) a significant fraction of the nocturnal «fire» is provided by cloud.
Larry Dinkins, a bishop in Pillar of Fire and a former pastor of the Cincinnati church, said Eden Grove Academy is a «ministry» for the church as well as for the staff who work there.
«At the morning watch the LORD in the pillar of fire and cloud looked down upon the Egyptian army, and threw the Egyptian army into panic» (v. 24).

Not exact matches

And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
For example, every element of the Exodus — the manna in the wilderness, the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night, the rock which released streams of fresh water — all were commonly interpreted to mean «Christ.»
We are not usually seeing direct, blatant displays of God's power in the manner of pillars of fire.
No one in the intervening years has parted the (any) sea, created a pillar of fire, turn to salt; flooded the planet (maybe a basement or two) come back from the dead, or killed an entire generation of first born and walk on water BAR NONE.
God's presence dwells in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
Funny that I haven't seen him flying around in his cloud and pillar of fire lately, doing miracles all over the place.
Through the use of the pillar of cloud and fire and by causing confusion among the army ranks when the chariot wheels fell off, God continued to try to keep the army out of the danger of drowning in the Red Sea.
However inapplicable to immediate conditions in this present age some precepts in the New Testament may seem to be, the ethical ideals of the New Testament as a whole have gone ahead of the race like a pillar of fire by night and of cloud by day.
In part on the strength of the proposition that the description of God's appearance on the sacred mountain in Exodus 19 presupposes volcanic phenomena (a view supported by the guiding cloud and pillar of fireIn part on the strength of the proposition that the description of God's appearance on the sacred mountain in Exodus 19 presupposes volcanic phenomena (a view supported by the guiding cloud and pillar of firein Exodus 19 presupposes volcanic phenomena (a view supported by the guiding cloud and pillar of fire?)
And yet this same God appears now in the burning bush, then in a still small voice, and again as a pillar of fire.
It rests on three pillars: simple job security and longevity, really a form of guaranteed continuing employment (often viewed as a fringe benefit that substitutes for higher pay); protection against diverse forms of discrimination, favoritism and capriciousness on the part of employers; and academic freedom, meaning in essence that instructors can almost never be fired on account of what they say or write.
Founded in 1901 by Alma White, Pillar of Fire believers were followers of the Methodist Church who thought it had lost its way.
Though for a while Pillar of Fire's central office sent the school $ 6,000 a month, that subsidy ceased in September 2011 when headquarters ran into its own financial problems.
Nestled on the north side of Cincinnati, the financially strapped Eden Grove is owned by Pillar of Fire International, a six - congregation evangelical church organization based in Zarephath, New Jersey.
Myers, who is not a member of Pillar of Fire, said Eden Grove, which once had a mainly white student body, draws children almost exclusively from the nearby neighborhood — in part, because the transportation schedule that Cincinnati Public Schools offers isn't convenient for students living farther away.
As I continued to write and edit over the following year, the title changed again to Pentecost — based on the pillar of fire that (in my story) empowered the stones of the Apostles.
You will discover a varied assortment of corals in this region as well, including brain coral, black coral, white coral, fire coral, flower coral, star coral, leaf coral, pillar coral, sea fans, gorgonians, elk horn coral, sea rods, stag horn coral, sea whips and club finger coral.
I'm mowing down hordes of cute, walking bullets with a gun that fires junk mail, while a turtle in a space helmet provides covering fire as I frantically roll from upturned table to stone pillar.
I mean really, if you can create the universe in the blink of an eye, surely you can fire lightning bolts at infidels, unbelievers, and naysayers; cause a localized flood to wash into a satirist's basement; turn heathens into pillars of salt (or locusts!)
They have been moving by faith and following the leading of God, just like the Israelites did with the pillars of cloud and fire in the desert.
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