Sentences with phrase «in public spheres»

His work often functions as a means to discover an unidentified end, and he makes use of simplistic human actions in public spheres to encourage interaction with the pedestrian world.
She studied her BA in Fine art at Chelsea School of Art and Design, London and graduated in 2010 with an MA in Art in Public Spheres at Hochschule für Kunst und Gestaltung (University of the Arts Lucerne) Lucerne, Switzerland.
Since 2012 she has directed the competence centre Art in Public Spheres, at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art.
Manal holds a Master's Degree in Systems Analysis and Design and currently lives in London while completing her MA in Contemporary Art Practice in Public Spheres at the Royal College of Art.
Manal holds a Master's Degree in Systems Analysis and Design and currently lives in London while completing her MA in Contemporary Art Practice in Public Spheres at the Royal College fo Art.
The survey, which polled 1,002 U.S. adults, also highlighted the fact that the DOJ and Apple legal battle has become a hot topic in the public sphere, with 75 % of respondents saying they have heard a lot about it since the news came out last week.
The use of sexist language in the public sphere is poised to become a very big — and long overdue — issue in coming months.
Decisions he made two years ago are suddenly up for debate in the public sphere.
We devised an ambitious and well - ordered plan, a rare occurrence in the public sphere, which set targets and plans for the coming years.»
The records have been in the public sphere for some time, and much of this information was suggested in the January Esquire profile of Ailes:
The way that the Orthodox Church handles modernity is of profound relevance for the resonance of its teaching in the public sphere.
To help in building a world in which people can live and work together across religious and cultural divides, we strive to be a primary resource in religious and theological studies for the academy, for religious communities, and in the public sphere.
If you're going to write someone in the public sphere, the least you can do is make sure that you're using the right words.
Peter Williams, a Catholic writer and speaker for Catholic Voices, told Premier's News Hour: «An encyclical is one of the levels of authority that says to Catholics this is what you must be aware of and take account of when acting in the public sphere.
The notable exception, in the alliances of modern conservatisms against statism, corporatism, and centralizations are some libertarians (neo-liberals) who wish to conserve an economic liberalism (meaning an elevated «liberty» and «right» in the public sphere).
If you think about it carefully, we only want things to be neutral in the public sphere.
As the Right broadly defined argues about its direction, let's hope for an increasingly large place in that public sphere for Postmodern Conservatism.
The last year's worth of controversy are simultaneously a commendation and condemnation of the state of «Christian» journalism and associated punditry, but the alternative is not necessarily blogging or «just» blogging, but a reappraisal of our ethics and interests in the public sphere
Third, in the public sphere, the most visible aspects of the evangelical witness today are typically moralistic, and the moralism is often related to sexuality.
Even the most xenophobic among us will usually give pause for thought before spewing out a racial slur, but it is entirely acceptable in many places to mock / deride an atheist in the public sphere.
(14) Of particular interests here is the effect on perceptions of the church in the public sphere of recent news of clergy sexual misconduct.
get this) DO NOT allow religious voices to have dominance in the public sphere (politicians want their vote) DO ensure that the voices of religious minorities and those who have no faith are protected (again protected..
DO allow religious voices to have dominance in the public sphere if they can not achieve majority support through democratic means.
Mr. Blair's point is that such arguments should be allowed and encouraged in the public sphere as valid means of making moral arguments.
This can be observed in the struggle to defend public school salaries, in forms of nonmonetary trading of goods and services, in incipient micro-banks oriented especially toward financing projects designed and carried out by women, or in protests against corruption in the public sphere.
As the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa illustrated, religious people can raise such questions in the public sphere in a particular way.
Can we reconceive theological education in such a way that (1) it clearly pertains to the totality of human life, in the public sphere as well as the private, because it bears on all of our powers; (2) it is adequate to genuine pluralism, both of the «Christian thing» and of the worlds in which the «Christian thing» is lived, by avoiding naiveté about historical and cultural conditioning without lapsing into relativism; (3) it can be the unifying overarching goal of theological education without requiring the tacit assumption that there is a universal structure or essence to education in general, or theological inquiry in particular, which inescapably denies genuine pluralism by claiming to be the universal common denominator to which everything may be reduced as variations on a theme; and (4) it can retrieve the strengths of both the «Athens» and the «Berlin» types of excellent schooling, without unintentionally subordinating one to the other?
Last year saw a wave of transgenderism in the public sphere.
The conference was spearheaded by Michael Davidson, a man of God who came out of the homosexual life many years ago and heads up a group called Core Issues Trust («a non-profit Christian ministry supporting men and women with homosexual issues who voluntarily seek change in sexual preference and expression») and by Andrea Williams, dynamic barrister and CEO of Christian Concern (an organization that seeks to be «a strong Christian voice in the public sphere») and the Christian Legal Centre (a legal defense team for British Christians persecuted for their faith).
The marginalization of Christianity in the public sphere is a moralistic project.
Even in the public sphere there is an ambiguity in the use of the term political.
I've also seen a subtle but pervasive suggestion that Christians should be quiet on matters of Christian leaders in the public sphere because we don't want to «tear down our own.»
Though Madison's account of religion in the public sphere prevailed for at least a century, Jefferson's radical tolerance remained latent.
Lots of Christians think that if they gain some sort of prominence in the public sphere, this means that they are responsible for using their position or their prominence as a platform to witness to other people.
Guess who else gained prominence in the public sphere: Paul.
The intrusion of religion in the public sphere is akin to second hand smoke.
DO NOT allow religious voices to have dominance in the public sphere if they can not achieve majority support through democratic means.
Or are we just taking aim at Tebow because he's obviously THE most ignorant athlete alive when it comes to displaying faith in the public sphere?
women cover their private parts and there is segregation of sexes in the public sphere.
What should that fresh thinking by, and about, religious institutions in the public sphere be like?
That the issue at stake is a spiritual one is evident in the religious imagery that pervades Callahan's account of technological medicine: that the war on death is a search for «immortality»; that the dying patient might be «saved»; that medicine is seen as «omnipotent, holding life and death wholly in its hands»; that a lobbyist equates heart attacks, cancer, and strokes with sin (interesting rhetoric in the public sphere, but I'll save that discussion for another day).
Except, of course, imagine the outcry at the school if a Catholic priest, appointed director, had proudly said that the job made him a proponent of Catholicism in the public sphere.
You have argued that Christians (along with other believers) have every right to make religious arguments in the public sphere — that they don't need to turn to some neutral, universally rational language before they engage in political debate.
Religion has no place in public sphere, keep it to yourself and don't impose on others!!
Americans believe there's too much religion talk in the public sphere, and these days, it's especially easy to be cynical.
As an «organization» the church, however, needs to see where it is limited in the public sphere.
Religion, for an older generation, was about evangelism and saving souls, not moralizing in the public sphere.
His is an impressive effort driven by a sincere desire to keep RGT controversies from joining other social issues tearing at our already frayed comity, threatening «a total communication breakdown in the public sphere
The document specifies certain values on which decisions have to be made in the public sphere, including respect for human life, and for the family built on marriage between a man and a woman.
We need to understand discourse itself, he argues, in order to participate effectively in the public sphere.
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