Sentences with phrase «in synchrony»

This is especially true for variable rates that move in synchrony with the current market interest rate.
If the rules of the tiny quantum world applied to ordinary objects, all sorts of strange things could happen: An object like a car or a person might be in two places at once, or two clocks could «entangle,» moving in synchrony as if they were physically conjoined even when miles apart.
The strength of the magnetosphere is regulated by the sun (whose activity changes in synchrony with the planets), but perhaps the strength of the Earth's magnetosphere is also regulated directly by the gravitational / magnetic forces of Jupiter and Saturn and the other planets whose gravitational / magnetic tides may stretch or compress the Earth's magnetosphere in some way making it easier or more difficult for the Earth's magnetosphere to deviate the cosmic ray.
These molecules showed clear oscillatory patterns, rhythms that usually beat in synchrony with the cell cycle.
«Importantly, the sound stimulation is effective only when the sounds occur in synchrony with the ongoing slow oscillation rhythm during deep sleep.
Triovest (pronounced tree - o - vest) says the new company name and logo signify that all of its components are connected and working together in synchrony.
«We knew that metabolism often oscillated in synchrony with the cell cycle.
Recent strategic and separation transactions include: GE's split - off of its stake in Synchrony Financial (the largest split - off ever completed), Emerson's proposed spin - out, and subsequent sale of, its Network Power business, and the separation of Sallie Mae and Navient
Recently, Berkshire Hathaway revealed in a regulatory filing that it amassed a nearly 17.5 million - share position now worth $ 533 million in Synchrony Financial (NYSE: SYF).
Just two of the seven known species of sea turtles nest in synchrony — the olive ridley and the Kemp's ridley — and they do so on only a handful of beaches around the world (see map).
(A) The Rubber Hand Illusion: Light - skinned Caucasian participants observe a dark - skinned rubber hand being stimulated in synchrony with their own unseen hand.
This revealed differences that occur within a specific group of highly - connected brain regions that mature in synchrony during typical development, but follow altered trajectories of growth in schizophrenia.
An increase in the synchrony of the climate could expose marine and terrestrial organisms to higher risks of extinction, said study co-author Ivan Arismendi, an aquatic ecologist and assistant professor at Oregon State University.
Start lifting your knees away from the floor with your hands spread in fan on the ground, keeping in synchrony with an exhalation.
Resonant Kuiper Belt Objects orbit in synchrony with Neptune.
Another way to look at this is, from puberty until menopause, a healthy woman's body is making its own natural hormones in synchrony and balance, without giving her cancer, heart disease or strokes.
Connectivity between the lower Macquarie and Barwon rivers can be successfully achieved using environmental water, particularly in synchrony with flow events occurring in the Barwon River.
Generally, the buds along the cordon or canes have opened in synchrony just how we like it.
And it would decorate its bridges and tunnels with dancing LED lights that change color in synchrony with those on the Empire State Building and One World Trade.
That will cause some of the light to warble out through an exit called a dark port in synchrony with undulations of the wave.
«Our findings give importance to synchrony between the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in top - down attention and open up the possibility that attention deficit disorders, like ADHD, might involve impairments in the synchrony between these two regions.»
From Nature magazine Clocks around the world are routinely adjusted to keep them ticking in synchrony with the rising and setting of the Sun — but is that effort just a waste of time?
Under normal circumstances, groups of two or three whales tend to dive in synchrony across tens of square kilometers to hunt for food.
Normal SCN cells in the lab keep cycling in synchrony without regard to temperature pulses, but research from another group showed that they could be «reset» by temperature changes if they could no longer signal to each other.
He then folds these fins over the female's body, in a type of embrace, before starting to swim in synchrony with her.
But in a series of Hubble campaigns between 2005 and 2009, Nichols and his colleagues compiled enough images to show that the auroral activity at the planet's poles tends to peak in synchrony with the intensity of the SKR.
So the light oscillates in synchrony along the length of the waveguide.
A mathematical model showed statistically significant seasonality and showed type A dissection and flu activity moving cyclically and generally in synchrony throughout the period.
The result: small patches of heart muscle cells neatly lined up that beat in synchrony within the grooves formed on these elastic substrates.
«We know that neurons in different brain regions need to oscillate in synchrony for these regions to speak effectively to each other.
And we need more research about how we can help evening types cope with the higher effort of keeping their body clock in synchrony with sun time.»
Birds in a flock, darting and swooping in synchrony, display skillful precision in their collective motion.
The report highlights the need for cheaper, faster technologies that can trace connections between individual brain cells and record large networks of cells acting in synchrony.
The resulting swaying motion of the bridge forces others on the bridge to walk in synchrony.
In response, a receptive female will bob her head in synchrony with the male.
Experiments have shown that you can not swap places with a geometric shape, even if it is stroked in synchrony with your body.
Seizures occur when many nerve cells in the brain fire in synchrony.
The new finding suggests that extreme tides, which occur fortnightly in synchrony with lunar phases, generate water conditions that could make swimmers sick.
At the same time, a source of x-rays rotates within the circular opening, and a set of x-ray detectors rotates in synchrony on the far side of the patient.
Remote Control by Body Movement in Synchrony with Orbiting Widgets: an Evaluation of TraceMatch
The researchers expected to see the telltale boost in synchrony during a delay period immediately after an object disappeared from the screen, when the monkey had to hold information briefly in mind.
Your body is made up of trillions of cells that operate in synchrony to keep your body breathing, healing, and living every single day.
Dr. Taccone noted that this recommendation would put U.S. nutrition policy in synchrony with other developed nations and the global health movement.
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