Sentences with phrase «in wealth of nations»

Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations in 1784 stated:
As Adam Smith wrote in the Wealth of Nations; «It is the maxim of every prudent master of a family, never to attempt to make at home what it will cost him more to make than to buy».
Adam Smith in the Wealth of Nations at page 237 said «But the principle which prompts to save, is the desire of bettering our condition, a desire which, though generally calm and dispassionate, comes with us from the womb, and never leaves us till we go to the grave».
Thus, Smith gave the first formulation of principles to guide taxation in The Wealth of Nations:
This is for reasons first set out by Adam Smith in Wealth of Nations (WN) Book V. I am pleased that the Cabinet Secretary for Finance referred to this in his speech introducing Land and Buildings Transactions Tax (LBTT).
On the contrary, he set the economic in a larger order in which the state («the sovereign» in The Wealth of Nations) has a major role including in the economic sphere.
In the Wealth of Nations, Smith wrote:
In The Wealth of Nations Adam Smith observes that «Commerce... ought naturally to be, among nations, as among individuals, a bond of union and friendship.»
Waterman remarks that much has been made by some authors of the fact that there is no mention in The Wealth of Nations of «Jesus», «Christ», or «the Son».
«Nature» is almost always viewed theologically in The Wealth of Nations.
Adam Smith mentions Jesus only once in Wealth of Nations, in a footnote reference to the «compagnie de Jesus.»
Immediately after World War II, the acknowledged disparity in the wealth of nations led to the establishment of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund; it was then widely assumed that the so - called developing countries could be brought up to some sort of parity with the developed countries by lending money and promoting economic growth.
Warren Buffett has a quote saying that security analysis the intelligent investor in The Wealth of Nations were three very, very influential books shaping his life.
Second, wealth comes primarily from specialization and trade, as Adam Smith explained in The Wealth of Nations.
IT»S easy to get excited about what's happening in the fast - moving world of currency values but it's wrong to describe what's happening as a «war», because it's not; what's going on is simply economics at work, and it's telling a story of changes in the wealth of nations.
In The Wealth of Nations, Smith wrote: «People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public.»
A country that is prosperous and secure, so every person may share in the wealth of the nation and live their life free from fear.
«This unacceptable trend is set to continue, unless post the 2015 General Election we have a government which is committed to an economic policy which has at its heart a universal entitlement for all to access high quality education and which secures inclusive prosperity in which all of the people have the opportunity to share in the wealth of the nation

Not exact matches

As the holiday acquired nation - wide popularity, Alibaba became the first major company in 2009 to monetize the holiday by launching a special online sale and effectively transforming the day into the world's biggest 24 - hour online shopping event, one that reflects the growing wealth of China's middle - class.
«Saudi Arabia is a very wealthy nation, and they're going to give the United States some of that wealth, hopefully, in the form of jobs, in the form of the purchase of the finest military equipment anywhere in the world,» Trump said Tuesday.
In so doing, it mis - allocates the nation's capital away from productive investments and strangles free enterprise, the only real engine of wealth.
Apply dvision of labor principles articulated by Adam Smith in his 1776 work, The Wealth of Nations, by creating new divisions in your business with a depth of talent and skills.
[«The Wealth of Nations»] describes what builds nations» wealth and is today a fundamental work in classical economics and touches upon such broad topics as the division of labor, productivity, and free maWealth of Nations»] describes what builds nations» wealth and is today a fundamental work in classical economics and touches upon such broad topics as the division of labor, productivity, and free mNations»] describes what builds nations» wealth and is today a fundamental work in classical economics and touches upon such broad topics as the division of labor, productivity, and free mnations» wealth and is today a fundamental work in classical economics and touches upon such broad topics as the division of labor, productivity, and free mawealth and is today a fundamental work in classical economics and touches upon such broad topics as the division of labor, productivity, and free markets.
The richest Americans hold a historic amount of the nation's wealth, thanks largely to gains in the stock market and asset prices.
It's now touted as one of the few nations in the world that has gone from an aid - based economy to great wealth within a relatively short time.
The whole nation is talking about the gold win of India in 2018 Common Wealth Games.
The reason fairness would require that this ratio be equal to one is that, as argued by the Italian economist Luigi Pasinetti in his 1981 book, Structural Change and Economic Growth: A Theoretical Essay on the Dynamics of the Wealth of Nations, a fair interest rate is such that the purchasing power of one hour of labour stays constant through time even when its monetary equivalent is lent or borrowed.
In the public as well as the corporate sector, debt extraction is depleting the «wealth of nations
Now, more than ever, moving some money out of your home country makes sense; if you keep all your wealth within one nation, particularly the nation in which you reside, you're at the utter mercy of that nation's exchange controls, tax confiscation, frivolous litigation, and bureaucratic extortion.
JULY 2012: Mitchell Anderson, as part of a larger project in collaboration with Tides Canada reporting on Canada's transition to cleaner energy, travels to Norway and a files widely read stories on how that nation has gained far more wealth from its oil reserves than has Alberta.
This has quickly made technology companies the most valuable in the world, and added great amounts of private and public wealth to their home nations.
In addition, Bentley hosted a primetime broadcast with Bloomberg Radio from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. featuring two of the nation's top CEOs, Brian Halligan from HubSpot and Larry Hughes from BNY Mellon Wealth Management, who shared their views on recruiting, retaining and motivating the millennial generation.
His work was one of the few cited in Adam Smith's «Wealth of Nations» published two decades later.
Its statistics would show how much of the rise in wealth (and expenditure) in China — or any other nation — is a result of new tangible capital formation as compared to higher rents, lending and interest, or the stock market.
No nation should be obliged to impose chronic depression and unemployment or polarize the distribution of wealth and income in order to pay debts.
Having recently received a $ 250,000 federal grant and made its first investment in a female - founded Austin business, True Wealth Ventures is one venture capital fund that's ready to lift the under - funded sector of women - led companies in Austin and across the nation.
In most instances the rate for a product is determined by the relative wealth of the country, with countries placed into one of three groups: Most - Favoured - Nation (MFN), General Preferential Tariff (GPT) or Least Developed Country Tariff (LDCT), with higher - income countries being charged a higher tariff.
SEEKING MORE - INCLUSIVE GROWTH By Gordon Platt After strong economic growth in 2011, the six nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council are spreading the wealth by putting a priority on non-oil job creation and social welfare.
After March 4, 2013, an International Arrest Warrant will be issued against these Defendants.The guilty verdict followed nearly a month of deliberations by more than thirty sworn Citizen Jurors of the 150 case exhibits produced by Court Prosecutors, The Court's judgement declares the wealth and property of the churches responsible for the Canadian genocide to be forfeited and placed under public ownership, as reparations for the families of the more than 50,000 children who died in the residential schools.To enforce its sentence, the Court has empowered citizens in Canada, the United States, England, Italy and a dozen other nations to act as its legal agents armed with warrants, and peacefully occupy and seize properties of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, which are the main agents in the deaths of these children
I think it is fair to label what Bagehot refers to as English banking, Adam Smith capitalism; America's founders were contemporaries of Adam Smith, whose Wealth of Nations was published in 1776.
America before 1930 was a society in which a small number of very rich people controlled a large share of the nation's wealth.
From search for wealth and power and scorn of truth and right, from trust in bombs that shower destruction through the night, from pride of race and nation and blindness to your way, deliver every nation, eternal God, we pray!
The culture of consumerism and the chase for material symbols of wealth and security have sometimes come to be dominant; the pursuit of spiritual fulfillment in many has slowly begun to degenerate into empty and sterile ritualism; the legitimate thirst for education has often become perverted into an obsessive drive to acquire with the greatest speed the formal diplomas necessary to gain entry to jobs offering the easiest opportunities to make the quickest rupees; political statesmanship in some areas has begun to depreciate into an opportunities race for power and position; the spirit of SEVA (Service) to the nation has intermittently begun to be suffocated in many, by the abuse of discretions, sometimes mediated by a bloated bureaucracy itself enmeshed in a vast network of multiplying paper and self - proliferating regulations; menacingly many good and decent people even in public life, have come to be corroded by a culture of demanding corruption; and some potentially creative lawyers, have begun to take perverted pride in mere «cleverness», rendering themselves vulnerable to the prejudice that they are a parasitic obstruction in the pursuit of substantive justice.
Then the pope pulled out his checkbook, with the Vatican's wealth now reaching billions of dollars in excess, and wrote out a suitable amount to help this struggling nation with their monetary issues for generations to come.
When Adam Smith wrote in 1776, his goal was to increase the wealth of nations.
From Adam Smith's Inquiry into the Nature and the Causes of the Wealth of Nations in 1776 until well after the publication of John Stuart Mill's....
But that being said the catholic church has like most Christian churches been about sharing the wealth although I think in this country we do a good job of sharing the wealth already and the latest ACA will most likely bankrupt the nation.
Here, for example, Novak reformulates his arguments about the necessary relationship between democracy and capitalism (and vice versa), as well as his location of the cause of the wealth of nations in the creative, inventive, and entrepreneurial spirit of the human mind.
In our day, as John Paul II so shrewdly noted in Centesimus Annus, the main cause of the wealth of nations is ideas, knowledge, know - how [caputIn our day, as John Paul II so shrewdly noted in Centesimus Annus, the main cause of the wealth of nations is ideas, knowledge, know - how [caputin Centesimus Annus, the main cause of the wealth of nations is ideas, knowledge, know - how [caput].
Latest was explosions in India marked as «Islamic Jihadists» and another in Pakistan although I was surprised that it was not marked as «Hindu Jihadists»... That would have had both Great Countries confront each other serving the purpose of other competing nations over the Rich Indian Peninsular... Believe me no nation fall back unless people of her own are traitors to it's nations principals and beliefs for the reason of Hate, Envy, Revenge, or Greeds towards material wealth even if by selling their Dignity and integrity or their family, tribe, community, the nation and the country it wouldn't mean much to them... and those can be found among every level of the one Society...
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