Sentences with phrase «in a broken world»

No matter what our friends are going through, we can relate to them because we share the characteristics of a broken people in a broken world.
We live in a broken world where bad things happen and people have difficulties.
The outsider living in a broken world meets a mentor and goes into a magic world to fight a dragon and make the world better.
People should be given confidence that, even in a broken world, biblical marriage is possible.
Fresh reminders of the reality of evil and existence of pain in our broken world.
Because we live in a broken world, we know that suffering is a guarantee.
First, there are those who believe that the Tendenz of Camus» works moved steadily toward Christian conversion, or at least toward a genuine appreciation of a life of grace in a broken world.
While both may be true, the reality is that neither absolute truth, nor equality / compassion will ever reign supreme in a broken world until the day of restoration is upon us.
Sexuality and Holy Longing: Embracing Intimacy in a Broken World by Lisa Graham McMinn: There aren't a lot of good books out there that address the totality of sexuality — what it means to be a sexual person, married or single and how our sexuality affects our relationships with each other and God.
Can this be the end — a broken Israel in a broken world, with a broken God?
Craig Greenfield is the author of Subversive Jesus: an adventure in justice, mercy and faithfulness in a broken world.
Adam fell and the world right along with him... guess what... it's all still fallen,,, you can bitterly list all the broken nasty things that happened as a result of broken people in a broken world making awful choices and all you accomplish in the the process is to display how bitter your heart is and why the world needs God more than ever...
But since God involved the divine self in that broken world, our most faithful response is to seek to discern that divine involvement and to pattern our participation in the world after its witness of grace to us.
«12 As the sense of guilt and sin that became prominent in the teachings of the Protestant Reformers erodes, he suggests, the church will increasingly find its reason for existing is to serve as a symbol of wholeness in a broken world.
All you must do to engage God is be willing to leave everything behind, be willing to walk away from your identity, and embrace joyfully the trials and tribulations, the torture and perhaps martyrdom that will come upon you for being a child of God in a broken world working out its own redemption in empty pursuits.
Sabbath in a broken world is something like [this]-- knowing in the midst of action when it is time to be still... even as the whole world is falling apart, spending time with the God we love.
The Bible is no less true, Christs death on the cross is no less significant and mankinds desire for purpose in this broken world is still very much in tact.
Well, they are «evil» in that they kill people, but they are not evil in that they are simply things that happen in a broken world like ours, and there is no «evil» intent behind them.
I also read another book by this author titled, Finding Beauty In a Broken World, and the layout of the book was similar to this one.
The following blog is from Rodney Hunt, author of «Out of Control: Finding Hope in a Broken World
Nochorin, who lives with the Nochora Clan in Break World, will become the player's «partner» and travel with him on this adventure.
Ubisoft brings us part four in a five part series as we track Will Cruz progression in breaking the world record.
Play as Randall Wayne, a man who is trying to find his family in a broken world.
Living authentically in a broken world can be challenging, and at times leaves us feeling discouraged without a sense of hope.
Then there are the encounters we face everyday, whether we are struck by the beauty of creation, the need for grace in a broken world or the whisper of God in amongst our daily routines.
In a broken world where the sense of the reality of the whole often discloses itself as a sense of the eclipse of the reality of God, one can still find a fundamental trust in the very meaningfulness of existence itself.
This last point is particularly important because in the Psalms, God gives us permission to feel all that we experience as human beings living in a broken world, and he invites us to vocalize those feeling to him.
Yet, the reality of living in a broken world, where His Kingdom has not yet returned, is that we will experience pain.
In the broken world we live in, our country is being hit hard with a drug epidemic.
They need the company of others who aim for a distinctively Christian way of life in a broken world.
We live in a broken world — things are not as they should be.
They are not one - dimensional archetypes but people, which means that Lance Armstrong, despite his celebrity, is really one of us — a human being, made in the image of God, marred by sin and living in a broken world.
But we live in a broken world, fraught with pain and sin.
Although we all need to take an entertainment break occasionally from the harsh realities of living in this broken world, we also should read things that draw us into deeper engagement with the realities and struggles that our communities face.
Recently we have been reminded too much that we live in a broken world.
So rather than try to guess at the motives of these individuals, let me say this: We live in a broken world, and there is a lot of hurt around identity, culture and history.
Whether it's through a hurricane or through a death in the family, we live in a broken world,» Falwell told CT (full interview here).
«I think it's just a great reminder of how truly urgent that it is that we get the gospel out to let people see that yes, we live in a broken world, but yes, there is an answer and that answer is Jesus.»
Whether it's through a hurricane or through a death in the family, we live in a broken world.
We live in a broken world that's full of pain and sorrow and suffering.
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