Sentences with phrase «in a certain order»

There are dozens of activities that need to be done in a certain order for you to get the most out of your crops and livestock.
All that should be put in a certain order, to present it in a logical manner.
I'm referring to the expectation that the player is supposed to complete dungeons in a certain order, or that you're supposed to play by yourself.
Once he gets into the routine of doing things in a certain order, he won't have to waste time thinking about what to do next.
See, the hiring manager is used to seeing resume sections appear in a certain order.
This also opens the door to new puzzles, as some areas will require that objects be built in a certain order in order to unlock the path forward.
After all, it is kind of funny when people try to say two or three words in a certain order but then reverse them instead.
The passages that are blocked only unlock in a certain order, which leads to a more guided narrative that unfolds as you continue to explore the house room - by - room.
Babies first teeth, also called milk teeth, appear mostly in a certain order.
You had to meet a predetermined series of objectives in a certain order: run up the ramp to find the key that unlocks the door which opens a window, and so forth.
I now have certain tasks to be done in a certain order by a certain time.
That said, many brokers will automatically sell your shares in a certain order unless you tell them otherwise (and some won't let you tell them otherwise).
As determined by law, the debts will be paid in a certain order.
Where you have to do moves in a certain order to complete the combo.
Insiders may already know who's going to buy what for how much, and lots are presented in a certain order just to build excitement.
Which is to say that, if you were to see this artwork in a certain order, it'd almost be like «watching the song».
You write because the words need to be put in a certain order.
Most of the levels have a very open feeling to them and while you will have to do some things in a certain order, you can explore these moderately sized environments freely.
Though there are some perks that you must unlock in a certain order, most are available from the start.
Babies who do best with a routine or get thrown off when things aren't done in a certain order or at a certain time of day.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)- a double - stranded molecule made up of four building blocks called nucleotide bases (different chemicals that are abbreviated A, T, C, and G) that are arranged in a certain order throughout a genome.
APR affects your bill by accumulating interest over time and by being applied in a certain order to different portions of your balance when you're making payments.
Some stages later on have multiple paths that you have to go through in a certain order, which can be anxiety producing when you have no idea which path is the first one the game needs you to go through.
The possibility of creation must be understood as a complex, located in certain orders, and as obtaining along with, and in relation of some kind to, God.
You need to preheat the oven, mix the ingredients in a certain order, chill and slice the dough sometimes — it's usually more work than I want to do for a quick sweet fix.
Through experimenting with facial steams, I have found that completing this process in a certain order will get you the best skincare results possible.
Most children's baby teeth — also known as primary teeth, deciduous teeth, or milk teeth — emerge in a certain order.
There's a lot to keep in mind as you introduce solids, such as which foods to offer, whether to introduce foods in a certain order, and whether to spoon - feed or let your baby lead the way.
By measuring the electron spins in a certain order, computations could be performed.
«You put things together in a certain order, but some things that look like they'll fit together on paper don't in reality.
Minerals crystallize from basaltic magma in a certain order, explained Alian Wang, PhD, research professor in earth and planetary sciences in Arts & Sciences at Washington University.
As an example, a robot will recite numbers in a certain order in one exercise, and the individual must click on the numbers on the computer screen in the opposite order that the robot recited them.
Six progressive levels made up of specific physical poses and mental practices in a certain order, synchronized with breath to purify and cleanse muscles, internal organs, and the mind
So without further ado, here's what I hope to get crossed off my bucket list this month in no certain order.
My top ten anime in no certain order are Code geass, D.grey man, Full metal...
E.g. arranging shapes to fit in a square in a certain order.
Some people with big TBR piles read books in a certain order.
He had friends and followers tweet seemingly random snippets that, when then retweeted in a certain order, formed a cohesive story titled «Hafiz.»
Since the «pages» must be placed in a certain order to match the way the paper is folded, and some of those need to be rotated 180 degrees, I do recommend using true graphics and layout software.
The IRS says that money comes out of a Roth IRA in a certain order: contributions first, followed by money converted from another account, like a traditional IRA or 401 (k), and finally earnings.
You need to claim the nonrefundable credits in a certain order to get the most benefit.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z