Sentences with phrase «in a closed environment»

Haven't tried, but my guess is that our stuff has too much moisture to work in that closed environment.
It's not really fun to watch someone experience virtual reality... After all, they're in a closed environment of a headset.
Adaptive Play encourages children to interact with their family and siblings in a closed environment.
Because it's difficult and time - consuming to grow food in space, astronauts have to rely on items in their closed environment.
For the last 20 years, there has been a growing concern regarding pollutants in closed environments and the difficulty in identifying these pollutants and their critical levels, without heavy, expensive equipment.
Collaboration skills are far more essential in a global world than being able to work independently in a closed environment.
The condition can be transmitted from dog to dog, usually through nose to nose contact with an infected dog, or the secretions from an infected dog in a closed environment such as a kennel, training class, vet's office or groomer.
Biosphere 2, a massive science facility tucked away in the desert foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains, was built originally for controversial space exploration experiments (such as whether astronauts could survive in a closed environment for two years).
Inhousing occurs when dogs are kept in a close environment for a long period of time and then exposed to an open environment.
But when placed in a closed environment, Komodo dragons interact with their surroundings much in the same way humans do — at least on the microbial level — and researchers are using this knowledge to help them understand the health of animals in captivity.
The idea of separating CO2 from air is not new, and has been done on submarines and in space applications for decades (it would be impossible to breathe in these closed environments without CO2 capture from air).
With RSS and Atom feeds, Friendfeed lets members share things like news articles, song preferences, and photo updates from across the Web, fostering what Taylor calls «water cooler» discussions in a closed environment.
You can use fresh fruit or fruit juice and we recommend making it 5 % — 10 % of the total liquid content, although some flavours, like ginger or turmeric, require less — The fructose (a type of natural sugar) from the fruit will convert into C02 in a closed environment, leading to natural fizz — To add it, you'll need some reusable glass bottles with caps capable of withstanding pressure (our large empty Jarr Kombucha bottles are perfect).
@Jim — Heating in a closed environment, like an oven, is bad for your block because it makes it harder for any moister on the block to escape.
Downloadable games have found more success on PC than on console, despite the experience being nice, smooth and largely preferable for many games in the closed environment.
Finding clues and solving puzzles in a closed environment isn't what I could classify action, but it comes off as a breath of fresh air and a nod to the point n» click adventure genre.
His solitary female figures twist and turn, carrying tension and weight in a close environment deceivingly subdued by a soft, simple palette.
Apple too had to give a deep thought about the 3.5 - inch screen they used back then, and later the iPhone was made larger but the company never went above the 4 - inch size of screen in the closed environment and small portfolio of Apple iPhones.
Furthermore, it can be argued that investing in startups is remarkably inaccessible to the public and mostly happens in a closed environment, making it harder for investors to invest and for companies to acquire funding when needed.
Group classes and boarding - and - train classes are risky from a health standpoint because your pup, who hasn't received all its vaccinations, will be around lots of unknown dogs in a closed environment.
«This is only a fire risk if the methane builds up in a closed environment with poor ventilation (bad housing),» Woodacre told us.
This is Biosphere 2, a facility built to prove that it was possible for humans to survive in a closed environment — with the help of some sunlight.
I don't know if 8 gigs for a console will take place in a closed environment but what the hell the more the better to a certain degree.
«We need to know what we're breathing in a closed environment,» says JPL microbiologist Kasthuri Venkateswaran, who led a collaboration that included investigators from two NASA space centers, three universities, and a biotech company.
To tell you the truth, i'm not THAT sensitive to comedy which deals with race myself, and in a closed environment I wouldn't have even thought to bring a negative connotation to Sir Les» performance.
Ringworm can quickly spread in kennels, shelters and other places where there are many dogs in a close environment.
An aquarist is someone who studies marine life, but in a closed environment.
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