Sentences with phrase «in a common enterprise»

The parties accepted that the joint venture interest was an investment of money in a common enterprise.
It requires awareness by each party of the developing pattern of the conversation as a whole and progressive evaluations of the place of each person in the common enterprise.
As long as the poor remain objects of volunteer trips rather than joint subjects in a common enterprise of faith, it's never going to be mission.
This creation of a shared experience can act as a catalyst which releases a class to unite in their common enterprise.
Securities: Generally, an instrument evidencing debt of or equity in a common enterprise in which a person invests on the expectation of financial gain.
We believe an issuer's raise should not be aggregated with amounts raised by an affiliate of the issuer or an issuer engaged in a common enterprise with the issuer or with an affiliate of the issuer.
The so - called Howey Test established that an investment contract is defined as any scheme in which a person invests in a common enterprise with a reasonable expctation of profit via the managerial efforts of others.
In the court's ruling, it tangible a confidence as «an investment of income in a common enterprise, in which the financier expects increase essentially from other's efforts.»
According to McNamara, it was in the twelfth century that the ideal of syneisactism came under serious attack: «By mid-century, clerical observers had already begun to attack the syneisactism that joined religious men and women in a common enterprise and that defied the carefully nurtured fear of women at the base of clerical reform.
At the other end, there are costs to the consciences of workers who come to see themselves as passive consumers of paychecks and workplace orders given by others, rather than as active participants in the common enterprise of productive effort.
Consistent with the vision of a teacher being a «co-partner and guide in a common enterprise,» reflective assessment strategies serve students as well as teachers (Dewey, 1964, p. 10).
Unfortunately named to sound like IPOs, initial coin offerings are sales of digital tokens that represent either a stake in a common enterprise (similar to equity) or a right to use the company's service (similar to Canadian Tire money or redeemable points).
Where a judge finds were «equal participants in a joint in common enterprise» it would not be unfair to order a restitution order that makes both accused fullly liable for the entire amount.
By now everyone in the crypto community can recite the legal test designed to identify a security, as announced in 1946 by the U.S. Supreme Court in SEC v. Howey: whether a scheme (the court's word) «involves an investment of money in a common enterprise with profits to come solely from the efforts of others.»
In addition to his litigation and investigations work, Graeme advises lawyers and business professionals on structuring business arrangements that satisfy ethical requirements for lawyers and non-lawyers to work together in a common enterprise.
As noted by the SEC, an investment contract is «an investment of money in a common enterprise with a reasonable expectation of profits to be derived from the entrepreneurial or managerial efforts of others.»
The ruling says a security involves the investment of money in a common enterprise, in which the investor expects profits primarily from others» efforts.
The test checks whether there is (1) an investment of money (2) in a common enterprise (3) with an expectation of profits (4) which are derived solely from the efforts of the promoters or third parties.
Applying the test, Canadian regulators will consider whether an ICO / ITO involves: (i) an investment of money, (ii) in a common enterprise, (iii) with the expectation of profit, (iv) to come significantly from the efforts of others.
The staff notice summarizes the well - established four - prong test used to determine what is a «security»: (i) an investment of money, (ii) in a common enterprise, (iii) with the expectation of profit that (iv) comes significantly from the efforts of others.
The holding that bitcoins were money was needed in that particular case because the definition of «investment contract» in the US federal securities law required an investment of money (in a common enterprise with an expectation of profit — the common enterprise does not need to involve money as its object).
Applying the Howey test (named for the Supreme Court case that announced it), which says that something is an investment contract if it involves (1) an investment of money (2) in a common enterprise (3) with a reasonable expectation of profits derived from the managerial efforts of others, the SEC found that DAO Tokens were securities because:
test (named for the Supreme Court case that announced it), which says that something is an investment contract if it involves (1) an investment of money (2) in a common enterprise (3) with a reasonable expectation of profits derived from the managerial efforts of others, the SEC found that DAO Tokens were securities because:
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